The Upper Room Daily Devotional in Nashville Tennessee United States for Friday, 25 May 2018 "The Sudden Storm" by Bob Peterson (Texas) Psalm 46:1-7
We will not fear . . . though [the sea’s] waters roar and foam. (Psalm 46:2-3 (NIV))
My bass-fishing partner and I were enjoying a good catch on Lake Livingston in Texas. The weather had been perfect until a fierce storm blew up rather quickly. We were near the start of Kickapoo Creek, so we quickly stowed our gear, then ran the boat at full speed in the rain to find a place where we would be safe and secure. Just in time, we spotted an empty, covered boat dock in the back of a small cove just off the creek channel. The dock became our refuge while the storm raged.
The rain came so heavily and so fast that we could see a foaming stream of runoff rushing in the main channel about two feet above the water level. The power of the stream surely would have swamped our boat. We learned later that a tornado had touched down nearby.
As I reflect on that day, I remember those times when the storms of life arise, often without warning. These storms can frighten us with their challenges and interrupt our dreams.
But just like the boat dock offered shelter from the thunderstorm, we can find shelter in the arms and protection of God. What comfort to know that God hears our prayers and is working for good in all the circumstances of our lives!
TODAY'S PRAYER: Almighty and loving God, thank you for hearing our prayers and for giving us refuge, security, and peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
TODAY'S READING: Psalm 46:1 (0) For the leader. By the descendants of Korach. On ‘alamot[high-pitched musical instruments?]. A song:
2 (1) God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
3 (2) Therefore we are unafraid,
even if the earth gives way,
even if the mountains tumble
into the depths of the sea,
4 (3) even if its waters rage and foam,
and mountains shake at its turbulence. (Selah)
5 (4) There is a river whose streams
gladden the city of God,
the holy habitation of ‘Elyon —
6 (5) God is in the city.
It will not be moved —
when daybreak comes, God will help it.
7 (6) Nations were in turmoil,
kingdoms were moved;
his voice thundered forth,
and the earth melted away.
8 (7) Adonai-Tzva’ot is with us,
our fortress, the God of Ya‘akov. (Selah) (Complete Jewish Bible).
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: I can always find refuge in God’s loving arms.
PRAYER FOCUS: Someone caught in a storm
READ MORE: Link2Life - May 25

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