The Upper Room Daily Devotional in Nashville, Tennessee, United States for May 4, 2018 "When We Weep" by Pam Lewis (Essex, England) - Jeremiah 31:15-17
Jeremiah 31:
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When I weep, God offers me comfort and hope.
PRAYER FOCUS: Victims of war
More From Pam Lewis
Jeremiah 31:
14 (15) This is what Adonai says:
“A voice is heard in Ramah,
lamenting and bitter weeping.
It is Rachel weeping for her children,
refusing to be comforted for her children,
because they are no longer alive.”
15 (16) This is what Adonai says:
“Stop your weeping, and dry your eyes,
for your work will be rewarded,” says Adonai.
“They will return from the enemy’s land;
16 (17) so there is hope for your future,” says Adonai.
“Your children will return
to their own territory.
17 (18) “I hear Efrayim bemoaning himself:
‘You disciplined me, and I took your discipline
like a young ox not used to a yoke.
Let me return, and I will return,
for you are Adonai, my God.
(Complete Jewish Bible).***
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When I weep, God offers me comfort and hope.
PRAYER FOCUS: Victims of war
More From Pam Lewis
It's 25 years or more since my son first talked of the 'mommies crying', yet nothing changes.
I have been listening to the news this week and again, we have stories of bombs being dropped.
The images on our TV screens show the agony of families ripped apart by war and violence.
Mothers desperate to hear news of their sons fighting far from home.
Mothers whose children have died.
Mothers now widowed and anxiously wondering how they will cope alone.
I feel helpless in the midst of all this pain.
I feel guilty — and yet thankful — that I do not know this pain. What can I do but pray?
And pray and pray again. Surely God's way is that of peace and care and love? God's heart must hurt as He sees how we treat one another and break as those mommies weep.
We must all keep on praying for peace... for all God's children and their mommies.

The Lord says: “A voice is heard in Ramah,
mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping
for her children and refusing to be comforted,
because they are no more.” (Jeremiah 31:15 (NIV))
My son was just seven years old when he watched the news report on TV that announced our country was going to war. His brother asked a couple of questions about war, and then they went off to play. That evening, when the seven-year-old went to bed, I heard him crying. When I asked what was wrong, he told me he was worried about the war. I explained that it was far, far away and that he would be safe. But he just sobbed more. As I held him, he calmed down and said, “I am not worried for me, Mommy; I am worried about all the mommies crying!” It touched my heart to hear his words, and I was amazed at how far his thinking had gone. Of course, he was quite right — many mommies would be crying. So we prayed for the mommies and for all who might be hurt by the war.
In today’s passage from Jeremiah, we read that God hears our weeping and understands our sadness. God promises that those weeping for the lost will be comforted and promises us hope for the future. God is not distant or uncaring but comforts and strengthens us in our grief.
God of comfort, be with all those who are weeping today. Hasten the day when war will be no more. Amen.

The Upper Room Daily Devotional in Nashville, Tennessee, United States for Thursday, 3 May 2018 "Your Way Over Ours" by Kevin Thomas (Alabama) - Matthew 6:16-18
Matthew 6:16 “Now when you fast, don’t go around looking miserable, like the hypocrites. They make sour faces so that people will know they are fasting. Yes! I tell you, they have their reward already! 17 But you, when you fast, wash your face and groom yourself, 18 so that no one will know you are fasting — except your Father, who is with you in secret. Your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.(Complete Jewish Bible).
I can act on my faith regardless of how I feel.
Those starting a new spiritual practice
Matthew 6:16 “Now when you fast, don’t go around looking miserable, like the hypocrites. They make sour faces so that people will know they are fasting. Yes! I tell you, they have their reward already! 17 But you, when you fast, wash your face and groom yourself, 18 so that no one will know you are fasting — except your Father, who is with you in secret. Your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.(Complete Jewish Bible).
I can act on my faith regardless of how I feel.
Those starting a new spiritual practice
When you fast, put oil on your
head and wash your face. (Matthew 6:17 (NIV))
Three weeks into my church class on Christian disciplines, I introduced the group to fasting as an important component of prayer life. Then, I gave practical instructions so that they could try fasting during the week and return with stories of their experiences.
When we gathered again, I could hardly...
Dear Lord, throughout this day, help us to choose your way over ours. Amen.
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