Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Image No Malaria - Faith in Action Update – Tuesday, 28 January 2014 - Conference Wide Bake Sale

Image No Malaria - Faith in Action Update – Tuesday, 28 January 2014 - Conference Wide Bake Sale
Presented by Cal Pac Young People and Imagine No Malaria
Celebrate Valentine's Day by sending a sweet treat to the people you love and saving a life! It's not too late to request a free resource pack for your church. Resource packs include flyers and mini posters, bulletin inserts for the week before and the day of the bake sale, promotional materials and information about Imagine No Malaria and how funds raised will save lives in Africa.
Email kkevorkian@cal-pac.org. The Conference-Wide Bake Sale is on February 9, 2014.
Sign the Bishop's Birthday Card!
Last chance to sign the birthday card! Visit www.BuzzKills.net to sign the card. Will you consider donating $60.00 to save 6 lives for our Bishop's 60th birthday?
Upcoming Events
February 9, 2014: Cal Pac Young People's Conference-Wide Bake Sale!
February 15 - 17: Youth Alive and Spirit Quest! The group to raise the most funds for Imagine No Malaria wins an awesome prize.
March: Lent Lenten materials created by ReThink Church for Imagine No Malaria will be available for download soon!
April 25, 2014: World Malaria Day! Stay tuned for news and events for Imagine No Malaria!
April 26 - 27: Conference-Wide Pancake Breakfast for World Malaria Day! Spread the good news of Imagine No Malaria with your community
Like Imagine No Malaria on Facebook!
News, stories, pictures and announcements daily! See and share photos from Imagine No Malaria events around our conference and across the nation.
Imagine No Malaria Cal-Pac
Katie Kevorkian, Field Coordinator
110 S Euclid Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91101 United States

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