Tuesday, January 28, 2014

PAZNAZ Update – an email communication from Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene – Tuesday, 28 January 2014

PAZNAZ Update – an email communication from Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene – Tuesday, 28 January 2014
In This Issue
Attention Early Childhood Parents
Nazarene Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise
Membership Class
Student Ministries Winter Retreat
PazNaz Quilters
Kid's Night Out
New Friends Lunch
Kid's Praise & Youth Choir
Alabaster Offering
Point Loma Nazarene University Concert Choir
Early Childhood Needs You
Attention Early Childhood Parents
For the safety of the children, PazNaz asks that all staff, volunteers, and parents refrain from entering Arms Hall through the playground. You are welcome to use the East and Upper West Entrances. Thank you for your help as the staff ensures the best care for your little ones.
Nazarene Alaska Hubbard
Glacier Cruise
Coming June 20-27
Join Darrell and Leah Rotz for a seven night Alaska cruise aboard Royal Carribbean's Radiance of the Seas, June 20-27. The Guest speaker is Dr. James Diehl and music will be provided by Dr. Jerry Nelson. The entire cruise package begins at only $648 per person based on a double occupancy room (taxes and fees apply). For more information, contact Darrell Rotz at 951.694.6256.
Membership Class
Saturday, February 1, at 8:30 am
If you'd like to become a church member at PazNaz, the next Membership Class Breakfast will be Saturday, February 1, at 8:30 am in Gilmore Hall. This free breakfast will be a great opportunity for you to learn about the history of the Church of the Nazarene and PazNaz. You are not required to join the church by taking the class. Contact Melody Bundy to make a reservation at 626.351.2425. Childcare is also available with a reservation.
Student Ministries Winter Retreat
February 14-16
Jr. and Sr. High students are invited to a weekend of fellowship, fun games, worship, and learning about God! This year's winter retreat will take place at Angeles Crest Christian Camp where there are plenty of recreational activities and a good chance of snow. The retreat costs $90 (scholarshipsare available) and will take place February 14-16. Registration forms and money are due by Sunday, February 2. You won't want to miss out on this exciting weekend away! Contact Pastor Heather Rickert for more information at hrickert@paznaz.org or 626.351.2477.
PazNaz Quilters
Saturday, February 8, at 9:00 am
Come and work on quilts for Child S.H.A.R.E. on Saturday, February 8, at 9:00 am in Room 246, Reed Hall. Contact Barbara Fedors at 626.797.5387 for more information.
Kid's Night Out
Saturday, February 8, at 5:00 pm
Drop off your kids for a night of fun and enjoy some time to yourself. The next KNO will be Saturday, February 8, from 5:00 - 10:00 pm. The cost is $17 per child/$34 max per family. Register now at www.paznaz.mycustomevent.com. Registration will close the Sunday prior on February 2. Contact Pastor Amber Baker with questions at 626.351.2487.
New Friends Lunch
Sunday, February 9, at 12:15 pm
Are you relatively new to PazNaz?
On Sunday, February 9, at 12:15 pm in Gilmore Hall enjoy a delicious lunch, meet the Pastoral staff and new friends, and receive your gift bag as a way of saying "thanks for being here!" Please RSVP to Sharon Boulghourjian at sharonb@paznaz.org by Saturday, February 1, if you plan on attending.  
Kid's Praise & Youth Choir
Youth Choir (grades 7-12) rehearsals will begin Sunday, February 2, from 12:10 - 12:40 pm in Room 101, Lower Sanctuary. The choir will work on special songs to share in the 10:30 am worship service and other special services. Kid's Praise (grades 1-6) rehearsals will resume Sunday, February 9, from 11:50 am - 12:35 pm in Room 112, Lower Sanctuary.  For more information, please contact Leslie Cheng at lcheng@paznaz.org or 626.351.2433.
Alabaster Offering
Sunday, February 16
Please prayerfully consider a special offering to help missions on February 16. This offering goes toward building churches, medical facilities, and schools in the mission field. Alabaster Offering boxes are a good way to collect change for this special offering and are available at the Missions' kiosk in the Sanctuary foyer.
Point Loma Nazarene University
Concert Choir
Sunday, February 16, at 6:00 pm
Plan to be here for this special performance in the PazNaz Sanctuary on Sunday, February 16, at 6:00 pm as Point Loma Nazarene University's Concert Choir travels to Pasadena. It will be a night you won't want to miss.
Early Childhood Needs You
Do you enjoy soothing a baby? Doing laundry? Teaching, singing, or assisting in the classroom? Please contact Rosa Ramirez at rramirez@paznaz.org or 626.351.2424 to find out how your gifts can be used to share Christ's light with children from birth through kindergarten.
First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena
3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard
Pasadena, CA 91107 United States


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