Lutheran Seminary – Moved by the Promise – God Pause - Sunday, 2
February 2013 – "To Be Your Presence" ELW 546
Being called to be God's presence in the world is no easy
calling. In fact, sometimes it can feel daunting, overwhelming, even
burdensome. We look around and see mountains of pain and valleys of despair
caused by human greed and injustice, and we wonder if we can make any kind of a
difference. But look again at Delores Duffner's simple text. It is punctuated
by an "alleluia." To be God's presence is not a burden; it is a
blessing and a privilege. Blessed are those who speak up for the broken and
oppressed. Blessed are those who speak words of hope. Blessed are those who
show the love of God to neighbor and adversary alike. What greater mission can
there be? What greater privilege exists, than to be God's presence in the
world? Doesn't being part of such a mission deserve an "alleluia?" Or
even a lifetime of alleluias?
The text for today's hymn cannot be published due to copyright
limitations. We apologize for the inconvenience.
When we are weighed down by the burden of your calling, O God,
renew the joy of your mission within us. Amen. Alleluia!
Scott Tunseth
General Editor, Fortress Press, Minneapolis, Minn.
Master of Divinity , 1983
“To Be Your Presence” by Delores Duffner
To be your presence is our mission here,
to show compassion's face and listening ear,
to be your heart of mercy ever near,
We are your heart, O Christ, your hands and voice,
to serve your people is our call and choice,
and in this mission we, the church, rejoice,
Luther Seminary
2481 Como Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55108 United States
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