Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Trinity United Methodist Church - Tuesday, 25 February 2014 - Tuesday Word

Trinity United Methodist Church - Tuesday, 25 February 2014 - Tuesday Word
Dear Friends,
On the way out of Church on Sunday, a couple shared this with me:  "We had friends in this week from out of town, and we brought them by to show them our Church Campus, and it occurred to us that whenever we have friends in from out of town we bring them by to show them Trinity; we're so thrilled about this place."  
I imagine lots of us are like that couple, eager to share with others the beauty and spirit of what God is doing here.  This is a beautiful place, and clearly the hand of God has been directing every stage of our life here.  And now, to imagine being able to burn our mortgage on June 1 - what a cause for celebration!  
Remember that Ash Wednesday is coming soon - not this Wednesday, but next:  March 5.  Sonlight will be serving dinner that night: 5:30 - 6:30; it will be a big fund raiser for their tour to New York City, so I hope you will come out and support them.  And then stay for the special Ash Wednesday service with the imposition of ashes.  That service will start at 6:30.  For the following six weeks of Lent we will focus on "Being Disciples; Following Jesus," both in our Wednesday night services (6:35 in the chapel) and on Sunday mornings, as we look at the Songs of Ascent in Psalm 120 - 134.
And there is a lot going THIS Wednesday night - with Rev. Esther's class on the book:  Just Walk Across the Room (moved to a new time: (6:00 - 7:00),  Law School Professor, Tracy Reid's Lecture:  The Death Penalty: Fact, Fiction and Fallacies - in the Choir Room, on the third floor above the Atrium at 7:00, and my friend, Dr. Sergei Nickolaev, President of the Moscow Methodist Seminary, speaking at First UMC, downtown Gainesville - at 6:30.
Two more things:  (1) Please begin inviting friends and acquaintances to our Spring Alpha course; it begins March 12.  And (2)  The Walk to Emmaus will be the first two weekends in April (Men's Walk, April 3 - 6; Women's Walk, April 10 - 13).  I hope you're either planning to attend or inviting someone to attend!  It's a really good thing.  Let me know if I can help.  
Love and prayers, Dan
Sermons may be accessed by clicking here.  Sunday Sermons are usually available to view by Monday afternoons.
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Week-end Worship
 Sunday Service
Worship Center 8:15, 9:40 & 11:00 Rev. Esther Rodriguez
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12 For as the body is one, and has many members, and all the members of the body, being many, are one body; so also is Christ. 13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether bond or free; and were all given to drink into one Spirit. 14 For the body is not one member, but many. 15 If the foot would say, “Because I’m not the hand, I’m not part of the body,” it is not therefore not part of the body. 16 If the ear would say, “Because I’m not the eye, I’m not part of the body,” it’s not therefore not part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole were hearing, where would the smelling be? 18 But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body, just as he desired. 19 If they were all one member, where would the body be? 20 But now they are many members, but one body. 21 The eye can’t tell the hand, “I have no need for you,” or again the head to the feet, “I have no need for you.” 22 No, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. 23 Those parts of the body which we think to be less honorable, on those we bestow more abundant honor; and our unpresentable parts have more abundant propriety; 24 whereas our presentable parts have no such need. But God composed the body together, giving more abundant honor to the inferior part, 25 that there should be no division in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. 26 When one member suffers, all the members suffer with it. Or when one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.
27 Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.
John Wesley's Notes-Commentary for 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Verse 12. So is Christ - That is, the body of Christ, the church.
13. For by that one Spirit, which we received in baptism, we are all united in one body. Whether Jews or gentiles - Who are at the greatest distance from each other by nature. Whether slaves or freemen - Who are at the greatest distance by law and custom. We have all drank of one Spirit - In that cup, received by faith, we all imbibed one Spirit, who first inspired, and still preserves, the life of God in our souls.
Verse 15. The foot is elegantly introduced as speaking of the hand; the ear, of the eye; each, of a part that has some resemblance to it. So among men each is apt to compare himself with those whose gifts some way resemble his own, rather than with those who are at a distance, either above or beneath him. Is it therefore not of the body - Is the inference good? Perhaps the foot may represent private Christians; the hand, officers in the church; the eye, teachers; the ear, hearers.
Verse 16. The ear - A less noble part. The eye - The most noble.
Verse 18. As it hath pleased him - With the most exquisite wisdom and goodness.
Verse 20. But one body - And it is a necessary consequence of this unity, that the several members need one another.
Verse 21. Nor the head - The highest part of all. To the foot - The very lowest.
Verse 22. The members which appear to be weaker - Being of a more delicate and tender structure; perhaps the brains and bowels, or the veins, arteries, and other minute channels in the body.
Verse 23. We surround with more abundant honour - By so carefully covering them. More abundant comeliness - By the help of dress.
Verse 24. Giving more abundant honour to that which lacked - As being cared for and served by the noblest parts.
Verse 27. Now ye - Corinthians. Are the body and members of Christ - part of them, I mean, not the whole body.
Title: A Covenant of Care
Disability Awareness Sunday     
Youth Building
Modern Worship Service 11:00 Rev. Aaron Rousseau   
2/26 - Cheers - 2 :00, Rejoice - 4:00 
2/26 - Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30
2/26 - 6:35 Worship Service, Chapel, with Ted Nelson
2/26 - Legacy Journey, 6:30, rm 232
2/26 - Book Study with Rev. Esther, "Just Walk Across the Room" 6:00 203/204
2/26 - Trinity Center Faith & Knowledge Lecture, 7pm Choir Room 
2/23 - 3/2 - Host IHN Families
2/28-2/29 - Trinity Family Camp Out
3/5 - Ash Wednesday Service 6:30, Dinner 5:30
3/7 - Father/Daughter Hoe Down, 6:30, Atrium
3/9 -Order of St. Luke Healing Service, 9:40 Chapel
3/12 - Alpha Preview, 6 pm, Atrium
3/14 - Parent's Night Out, 5:30
Church Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
8:30 am - 12 pm
Please join us for The 6:35 Worship Service tomorrow, Wednesday, February 26 at 6:35 in the Chapel with Ted Nelson.
Wednesday Night Supper
Join us on Wednesday Nights for Food, Fun & Fellowship
Wednesday, February 26 Menu:
Turkey Tetrazzini Pasta with Peas and Mushrooms
Green Beans 
Caesar Salad, Soup and Dessert
Meal Costs: 
Adult - $7; Child - $3 (ages 0-5 eat free); $25 family cap
Dinner is served from 5:30 - 6:30; dining open until 7:00.
  Please pay by cash, check or charge at the door.  
Wednesday Opportunities for February 26:
- 6:35 Contemporary Service (Chapel)
- Rev. Esther's Bible Study at 6:00 pm; rm E203/204 (February 5 - February 26).  
  Please note the time change from last week.
- As a part of the "Trinity Lecture Series," Dr. Tracy Reid, Professor at the UF College 
  of  Law, will present a talk on:"The Death Penalty, Faith, Facts and Fallacies."  This 
  is  sponsored by our Center on Faith and Knowledge, and all are welcome to attend   (7pm, rm E232).
- 6:35 Contemporary Service: at 6:35 pm; in the Chapel
Join us on Wednesday, March 5 for our Ash Wednesday service at 6:30 pm in the Worship Center led by Rev. Dan Johnson.  (Please note: there will be no 6:35 service in the Chapel for this night only).  There will also be an Ash Wednesday Service for the children at 6:30.
Ash Wednesday fellowship dinner will be hosted by our Sonlight Choir.  They will be providing a Mexican dinner.  Dinner begins at 5:30 pm.  Cost: Adults $7, Child $3 (ages 0-5 free), family cap $25.  Come and support Sonlight!
Trinity will welcome singer-songwriter Tom Conlon on Sunday, March 9.  He will be giving a free concert of songs and stories from a road less traveled at 6.30 pm in the Youth Building.  Tom Conlon and his music can be found online .
Ted Grueser
This week's mission box supports the new Trinity UMC inclusive playground.  We invite you to help impact children's lives for good for many years to come.  This is a truly unique opportunity to create an inclusive playground that welcomes children of various ages and abilities.
We want to remember in our prayers a mission team from Trinity that is leaving this Saturday for Johnson City, TN to serve with Appalachia Service Project.  The team of 20 will be working on a house that Trinity is to building and funding.  If you are interested in helping with this fund please contact myself or Bill Buhi and make checks payable to "ASP House Build".
 Are you interested in serving internationally?  There are EIGHT trips coming up this year!  Check out our website for a list of all the trips or contact Ted Grueser for more information. Three trips with open registration are a construction mission trip to Port au Prince, Haiti April 5-12, a medical and construction trip to Panajachel Guatemala with Porch de Solomon and a family mission trip to St. Simons Island Georgia July 31 - August 3 with Mtn2Sea ministries.   
Join us Saturday, March 15 for the Children's Home Day on Campus in Enterprise, FL.  We'll tour the campus, meet some of the children and share lunch.  You'll be able to see the dream of what is to come for the Madison Youth Ranch.  Contact Susan Horne for more information.   
We're so excited to announce the dedication on Thursday April 3, of the Director's Home at the FUMCH Madison Youth Ranch.  By a leap of faith and a generous congregation, TUMC sponsored the house build.  We'll leave Trinity at 8:30am, share lunch on site and then be back at TUMC by 3:30pm.  Contact Tammy Karafa to reserve your spot on the bus to Madison.
Carmen Nelson
 Are you interested in joining Trinity UMC?  
If you are looking for a church home and want to learn more about the vision, mission and ministries of Trinity United Methodist Church, we invite you to attend one of our upcoming Coffee with the Pastors. It is a casual gathering in which you'll learn more about the United Methodist Church, who we are at Trinity and what is expected of members. The class is designed for visitors and gives you the opportunity to meet our ministers and learn about the many ways to become involved in our church family.   
The next Coffee with the Pastors is Sunday, April 6, from 12:15 to 1:45 pm in the Room 222. To register for Coffee with the Pastors click on this link or e-mail Carmen Nelson to receive the form via e-mail. We would love to meet you and to welcome you into the membership of our church!
Adult Ministries
David Leonard
  Adult Sunday School
Trinity Couples mark your calendars!  A new Sunday School class begins THIS SUNDAY March 2, 9:40 am, rm 222.   Joint Ventures is a class for Couples who are engaged or contemplating marriage, recently married, or married for years who desire to have Christ as the chief cornerstone in their lives.  Come and join them as they kick off the class with a DVD series - Laugh your way to a Better Marriage by Mark Gungor. For more information contact Kim at 416-3074.
Trinity Singles Sunday School Class (11am, rm E227) has a weekly discussion on how the sermon along with the teachings of the Bible impact their daily lives.  No class preparation needed.  New participants are always welcome!
For a listing of all our Adult Sunday School classes click HERE.  For more information contact Kim or call 416-3074.  
Youth Ministry
Julie Mishoe 
 This Sunday, March 2, is our Hoe Down!  Meet at the Youth Building at 5:30 for a ride out to the farm.  Pickup is at 9pm (note that this is later than usual) at the Youth Building.  Cost is $8.  Parents, we need drivers!  If you are able to help drive to the farm, email the youth office or sign up here. 
Spring Break is just a few weeks away!  We will be offering day trips to the beach, as well as the option to stay overnight.  Download forms with more info here.  
Summer Mission Trip forms are online!  The first mission trip meeting for anyone interested in either high school ASP or middle school SIFAT is Sunday, April 13 at 7:30in the youth building.
Children's Ministries
Elizabeth Jones 
The Trinity Church Wide Family Camp Out has been RESCHEDULED to THIS Friday! Join your Trinity family and friends on Friday, February 28 at 3:30 pm to March 1 at 10:00 am for games, dinner, campfire and s'mores! Bring your tent and sleeping bags to the Trinity grounds, next to basketball courts. Optional Meal Cost: $10 - Adults, $5 Kids (12 and under). Sign up by tomorrow to reserve your food and spot! For more information, contact Ben Haines (416.3072) or McCall Griggs (416.3014)
Summer Time Fun - We are looking forward to this sizzlin' summer program! Children ages 12 months (and walking) by April 1, 2013, through those who have completed 2nd grade are invited to join us for a fun morning of activities, crafts, singing, and free play related to special Bible themes. Our 6-week session is June 23-July 31 meeting from 9 am-1 pm, Monday-Thursday. Tuition is only $375 per child. You also may choose a 3 week session; Cost: $200. Online registration begins March 2 for Trinity members and regular attenders, Stepping Stones, and MOPS families. Registration is open to the community on April 7.  For more details, visit  
Easter Eggs Easter is around the corner and the eggs are ready for stuffing!  Please come by the Children's Ministries office (room 108) to pick up a bag of 50 eggs.  In addition, we will need many helpers on Easter morning.  If you can greet, hide eggs or even be an additional helper in one of our Sunday School classes, please contact Elizabeth.  We want to ensure that all of our visitors feel "at home" at Trinity.
Has your child ever wondered about the meaning of Ash Wednesday? We invite your elementary child to begin the season of Lent, March 5, by attending this special evening from 6:30-7:30. Drop off and pick up will be in the Worship Center. Childcare will be provided for children ages birth through Pre-K.   
 DADS: Saddle up and bring your favorite cowgirl to our Daddy-Daughter Hoedown on March 7 at 6:30 in the Atrium.  We will have crafts, a photo booth, a sweet treat, and a dance floor.  Please sign up here by March 5.  Cost: $10 per dad, daughters are FREE.  Contact McCall Griggs for questions.    
Send your "Lucky Charms" to our next Parent's Night Out on Friday, March 14, from 5:30-8:30!  Our "themed" Parent's Night Out will be a fabulous night of dinner and St. Patty's activities for all ages, 12 months through 5th grade!  Cost is $12 per child with a $30 cap per family.  Please click here to register by Wednesday, March 12.
 NEEDED Items:  Large Mason Jars and Plain M&M's.  (Publix has BOGO M&M's this week!) Please drop off in the Children's Ministries office (rm. 108) by Wednesday, March 5.   
 Mark your calendar for our upcoming events:
March 2:  Pick up Easter Eggs in CMT Office to fill with goodies/Register for Summer Time Fun 
March 5:  6:30: Ash Wednesday Service for Children
March 7:  6:30: Daddy/Daughter Hoedown
March 9: 11:00:  Baptism Orientation
March 14: 5:30-8:30: Parent's Night Out
March 23: 9:40 & 11:00:  Sit Together Sunday 
Sports Ministry 
Ben Haines
Trinity Campout has been rescheduled to this weekend (Feb. 28-Mar. 1).  Register online.   Optional meal plan (Dinner & Breakfast), $10 for adults and $5 for kids.  
 Senior Slow Pitch Softball happens every Tuesday and Thursday, 9 am on the Trinity Softball fields.  Anyone 55 and over is welcome to come out and play ball!
Trinity Co-Ed softball is back!  Anybody 18 and over, games will be played on Friday evenings beginning at 5:30.  First game is April 11, final game is May 16.  Deadline to register is March 21. Cost is $40.   For sign up and more information click here.  
General Announcements
 As a part of the "Trinity Lecture Series,"  this evening, Wednesday, February 26, at 7 pm, Dr. Tracy Reid, Professor at the UF College of Law, will present a talk on:  "The Death Penalty, Faith, Facts and Fallacies."  This is sponsored by our Center on Faith and Knowledge, and all are welcomed to attend.  This talk will be held in the Choir Room.
Notice Sign
Many of you remember our friend,
Dr. Sergei Nicolaev, President of the Moscow Methodist Seminary. He will be in Florida the week of February 23, and speaking at First UMC, Gainesville, this evening, Wednesday, February 26 at 6 pm.  You can join our friends at FUMC for dinner at 5:30 pm. 
 Art Show News for 2014!  The Art Committee at Trinity is celebrating its TENTH year of providing art shows.  The annual Gainesville Fine Arts Association Winter Show is on display now through March 25.  On April 7 we will be welcoming all types of artwork for our annual Trinity Talents display, which will debut with a reception on Sunday, April 13. And then in the fall we will round out the year by celebrating Trinity's 15 year at our present site and 55 year as a congregation with a "Trinity's Photo Journey" showcasing our beautiful grounds and remembering our rich heritage. We encourage all of you to participate in both of these shows with your art work in April and your photographs in October. To showcase our grounds we are planning two "photo ops" in June and September, with guided tours of the property. More details will follow but start thinking of artwork and photos that you can share with your Trinity family. Any questions, please call Grace TeSelle at 352-372-8673. 
 Alpha:  Searching For More?  
Try Alpha:  Good Food + Alpha Talk + Lively Discussion!  You are invited to the Alpha Preview on Wednesday, March 12--a way to try it out without a commitment.  Alpha runs 3/19 - 5/28.  Includes Dinner - suggested Adult Donation $6 (Kid's free).  Child Care available Infants - 5th Grade.  Come to Trinity's Atrium, 6 - 8:30 PM. 
Please email here or call the McDows at 371-4092.  For more information click here or view an online video here.
Trinity member, Carter Nute, will teach the AARP Smart Driver Course in a one day session convenient for Trinity United Methodist Church members in the Education Building Room 222 on Thursday, March 13th. This classroom refresher for motorists age 50 and older is offered for a modest fee and you do not have to be an AARP member to register for the class. For course registration call Mrs. Lynda LeGrow at (352) 333-3036.
 Sunday Morning Altar Flowers - If you wish to reserve the Worship Center altar flowers in honor or memory of someone or to the Glory of God, please contact Tammy.   
Volunteer Opportunities
We are in need of volunteers for the Front Reception Desk, please contact Susan Kovi for details.     
If you want to volunteer but don't see anything that interests you, contact Susan Kovi.  Susan can help you help Trinity!    
Hospitality volunteers needed one Sunday per month for the new Modern Worship service in the Youth Building.  Please contact Franny or call her at 352-416-3027 if you would like to help.     Communion Stewards are still needed for all three Sunday services - especially the 9:40 and 11:00 services.  No experience is needed.  Volunteers may help as they are available.  No short or long term commitment.  Please contact Pam Goad or Chuck Goad.     Kitchen Volunteers Needed: The food service ministry needs your help. Please contact Franny.
A call for volunteers!  We need your help!  If you have a desire to serve, we have many opportunities for you to use your gifts and graces in our Modern Worship service.  Greeters, Communion Servers, Hospitality, set up/tear down, to name a few.  Please contact Rev. Esther or check out our list at  here .  
Weekly Bible Studies  
-Tuesday Morning Moms, Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30, E203 
-Women Growing in Faith, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30, E232
- Men's Prayer and Bible Study, Wednesdays, 7:00 am, E232 
- Wednesday Morning Pastor's Bible Study, Wednesdays at
9:15 am, Chapel
- Exploring Jesus' Teachings Bible Study, Thursdays at 10:30am, E232 
- Dan Johnson's Daily Scripture Email is available upon request. Trinity Members in the News
We would love for you to share any news involving our Trinity family.  Please contact Tammy or call 416-3005.
Family Matters
If you are celebrating your 80th, 90th, 90th plus birthday and would like it announced in the Tuesday Word and/or the bulletin, contact Tammy 
Trinity United Methodist Church
4000 NW 53rd Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32653 United States

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