First United Methodist of Redondo Beach |
Weekly News
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Sunday, March 1
Second Sunday of Lent
Pastor Molly, preaching
8:30am in the Epworth Lounge
9:30am Lent Small Group in May Day Parlor
10:30am in the Sanctuary
Sunday's Story Theme & Scripture:
"Dinner Guests"
Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-7
Lectionary Scripture Text:
Genesis 18:1 Adonai appeared to Avraham by the oaks of Mamre as he sat at the entrance to the tent during the heat of the day. 2 He raised his eyes and looked, and there in front of him stood three men. On seeing them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, prostrated himself on the ground, 3 and said, “My lord, if I have found favor in your sight, please don’t leave your servant. 4 Please let me send for some water, so that you can wash your feet; then rest under the tree, 5 and I will bring a piece of bread. Now that you have come to your servant, refresh yourselves before going on.” “Very well,” they replied, “do what you have said.”
6 Avraham hurried into the tent to Sarah and said, “Quickly, three measures of the best flour! Knead it and make cakes.” 7 Avraham ran to the herd, took a good, tender calf and gave it to the servant, who hurried to prepare it. 8 Then he took curds, milk and the calf which he had prepared, and set it all before the men; and he stood by them under the tree as they ate. 9 They said to him, “Where is Sarah your wife?” He said, “There, in the tent.” 10 He said, “I will certainly return to you around this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son.” Sarah heard him from the entrance of the tent, behind him. 11 Avraham and Sarah were old, advanced in years; Sarah was past the age of childbearing. 12 So Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, “I am old, and so is my lord; am I to have pleasure again?” 13 Adonai said to Avraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and ask, ‘Am I really going to bear a child when I am so old?’ 14 Is anything too hard for Adonai? At the time set for it, at this season next year, I will return to you; and Sarah will have a son.” (ii) 15 Sarah denied it, saying, “I didn’t either laugh,” because she was afraid. He said, “Not so — you did laugh.”
21:1 Adonai remembered Sarah as he had said, and Adonai did for Sarah what he had promised. 2 Sarah conceived and bore Avraham a son in his old age, at the very time God had said to him. 3 Avraham called his son, born to him, whom Sarah bore to him, Yitz’chak. 4 Avraham circumcised his son Yitz’chak when he was eight days old, as God had ordered him to do.
(v) 5 Avraham was one hundred years old when his son Yitz’chak [laughter] was born to him. 6 Sarah said, “God has given me good reason to laugh; now everyone who hears about it will laugh with me.” 7 And she said, “Who would have said to Avraham that Sarah would nurse children? Nevertheless, I have borne him a son in his old age!”
John Wesley's Notes-Commentary for Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-7
Verse 1
[1] And the LORD appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;
This appearance of God to Abraham seems to have had in it more of freedom and familiarity, and less of grandeur and majesty, than those we have hitherto read of, and therefore more resembles that great visit which in the fulness of time the Son of God was to make to the world. He sat in the tent-door in the heat of the day - Not so much to repose himself, as to seek an opportunity of doing good, by giving entertainment to strangers.
Verse 2
[2] And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground,
And lo three men — These three men were three spiritual heavenly beings, now assuming human shapes, that they might be visible to Abraham, and conversable with him. Some think they were all three created angels; others, that one of them was the Son of God.
He bowed himself towards the ground — Religion doth not destroy but improve good manners, and teaches us to honour all men.
Verse 9
[9] And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent.
Where is Sarah thy wife? — By naming her, they gave intimation to Abraham, that tho' they seemed strangers, yet they well knew him and his family: by enquiring after her, they shewed a kind concern for the family of one, whom they found respectful to them. And by speaking of her, she over-hearing it, they drew her to listen to what was farther to be said.
Verse 10
[10] And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.
I will certainly return unto thee — And visit thee. God will return to those that bid him welcome.
Verse 12
[12] Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?
Sarah laughed within herself — It was not a laughter of faith, like Abraham's, Genesis 17:17, but a laughter of doubting and distrust. The great objection which Sarah could not get over was her age. I am waxed old, and past child-bearing in a course of nature, especially having been hitherto barren, and which magnifies the difficulty, My lord is old also. Observe here, That Sarah calls Abraham her lord, and the Holy Ghost takes notice of it to her honour, and recommends it to the imitation of all Christian wives, 1 Peter 3:6. Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him lord, in token of respect and subjection.
Verse 2
[2] For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.
Sarah conceived — Sarah by faith, received strength to conceive, Hebrews 11:11. God therefore, by promise, gave that strength. Abraham was old, and Sarah old, and both as good as dead, and then the word of God took place.
Verse 4
[4] And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him.
He circumcised his son — The covenant being established with him, the seal of the covenant was administered to him.
Verse 6
[6] And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me.
And Sarah said, God has made me to laugh — He hath given me both cause to rejoice, and a heart to rejoice. And it adds to the comfort of any mercy to have our friends rejoice with us in it, See Luke 1:58.
They that hear will laugh with me — Others will rejoice in this instance of God's power and goodness, and be encouraged to trust in him.
Sermon Story "The Promise Son Given" by Gary Lee Parker for Second Sunday of Lent, 1 March 2015 with Scripture Text: Genesis 18:1 Adonai appeared to Avraham by the oaks of Mamre as he sat at the entrance to the tent during the heat of the day. 2 He raised his eyes and looked, and there in front of him stood three men. On seeing them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, prostrated himself on the ground, 3 and said, “My lord, if I have found favor in your sight, please don’t leave your servant. 4 Please let me send for some water, so that you can wash your feet; then rest under the tree, 5 and I will bring a piece of bread. Now that you have come to your servant, refresh yourselves before going on.” “Very well,” they replied, “do what you have said.”
6 Avraham hurried into the tent to Sarah and said, “Quickly, three measures of the best flour! Knead it and make cakes.” 7 Avraham ran to the herd, took a good, tender calf and gave it to the servant, who hurried to prepare it. 8 Then he took curds, milk and the calf which he had prepared, and set it all before the men; and he stood by them under the tree as they ate. 9 They said to him, “Where is Sarah your wife?” He said, “There, in the tent.” 10 He said, “I will certainly return to you around this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son.” Sarah heard him from the entrance of the tent, behind him. 11 Avraham and Sarah were old, advanced in years; Sarah was past the age of childbearing. 12 So Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, “I am old, and so is my lord; am I to have pleasure again?” 13 Adonai said to Avraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and ask, ‘Am I really going to bear a child when I am so old?’ 14 Is anything too hard for Adonai? At the time set for it, at this season next year, I will return to you; and Sarah will have a son.” (ii) 15 Sarah denied it, saying, “I didn’t either laugh,” because she was afraid. He said, “Not so — you did laugh.”
21:1 Adonai remembered Sarah as he had said, and Adonai did for Sarah what he had promised. 2 Sarah conceived and bore Avraham a son in his old age, at the very time God had said to him. 3 Avraham called his son, born to him, whom Sarah bore to him, Yitz’chak. 4 Avraham circumcised his son Yitz’chak when he was eight days old, as God had ordered him to do.
(v) 5 Avraham was one hundred years old when his son Yitz’chak [laughter] was born to him. 6 Sarah said, “God has given me good reason to laugh; now everyone who hears about it will laugh with me.” 7 And she said, “Who would have said to Avraham that Sarah would nurse children? Nevertheless, I have borne him a son in his old age!”
I love to tell and retell this story of three visitors coming to Abraham to tell him and Sarah that in the same time in a year they have be holding their son that was promised when God asked them to move from their homeland to the land of the Canaanites. Abraham first bowed with respect to the three men coming because they appeared as though they were angels come as men or as some people believe that this is the appearance of the One God as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In whatever case, Abraham felt honored and respect and even ask them to wait and have some bread or supper or dinner with them because it was and is in the custom of the Nomadic Community to feed people who arrived in your camp with a meal. Abraham went to Sarah and asked her to take some flour and make it into bread, then going to his heard he took a calf and gave to the his servant and asked him to fix and cook it for food, and then he waited. We know that he waited because there was no quick way to cook the food until it was cooked and ready to feed as a meal because they probably cooked over an open fire. We know that it takes time to cook over an open fire when we do this, but after it was all cooked and prepared Abraham took the meal and gave to the three guests and they ate. Either during or after they ate, they asked where Sarah was and they said thar she was in the tent. when Sarah heard that she was going to get pregnant as an old woman and Abraham as an old man, she laughed. They asked Sarah why she laughed, but she told them that she did not laugh because she laughed in doubt of this prophesy fulfilled. Fast forward agian to a year later when Sarah gave birth and Abraham circumcised his son on the eight day as a covenant as God asked him to do, Sarah said that now all will laugh with me when they realize that Sarah in her old age conceived and bore a son to Abraham. What characters to you realte to? How do you understand who the three visitors are? How do you beleive that this story actually happened this way? We come and give thanks for God fulfilling His promises especially the one where Abraham and Sarah had a son in their old age together. We come to receive God's Grace and Mercy in fulfilling more of His promises for us personally and communally as we take drink and eat the Eucharist meal. We come singing the Hymn "God's Man, Faithful Abraham" by David E. Pratte
1. You must leave your country, go where I will show you;
This was God's commandment, told to Abraham.
Though it wasn't easy, Abraham was faithful.
God's man, faithful Abraham
2. You'll have many offspring, this will be their country;
This was God's own covenant, made with Abraham.
Christ was his descendant, a blessing to all nations.
God's man, faithful Abraham
3. You shall have your own son, when you are a hundred;
This was God's own promise, made to Abraham.
Abraham believed God, and named the child Isaac.
God's man, faithful Abraham
4. Make your son an offering, slay him on an altar;
This was how God tested, faithful Abraham.
Abraham was willing, so God delivered Isaac.
God's man, faithful Abraham
Gary Lee Parker
4147 Idaho Street, Apt. 1
San Diego, California 92104-1844
In This IssueeScrip
Work Day
Rummage Sale
From the Lay Leader
Men's Group
Like us on Facebook
This Week at Church...
20/30 Group
The Church office is regularly open from 9am - 4pm,
Monday to Thursday.
Adult Bible Study
The Pastor's Bible Study meets Thursdays at 11:00amin Heath Chapel--during Lent we will meet as a part of the "A Story to Tell" small groups.
A Church That Responds to the Needs of the Community
Every Wednesday, with help from neighbor congregations and many volunteers, we host Shared Bread, a free meal for the community.
(Click the logo for more information.)
Groceries = $$ for Church
Looking for an easy way to support our church? Now you can do your grocery shopping and the store will give a percentage back to FUMCRB! Click the image on the left to learn how you can sign up for this easy giving program. Our Stewardship Team can answer any questions!
You may also visit the new website for the entire denomination of United Methodist Church here.
Want to see photos of past church
activities and events?
Check out our
Flickr page and ourFacebook page
Do you have concerns, ideas or input about our church that you want to be heard?
You are welcome to reach out to our leaders!
You can contact our Pastor, Molly Vetter.
Our Staff-Parish Relations Committee, which is responsible for staff and pastoral oversight, is led byDarrell Uran.
Nina Dooley is the Chair of our Church Council.
Johnna Kosnoff is our Lay Leader.
I love sharing meals with others. As a kid growing up, my family almost always sat down together for a family meal in the evening. Then, when I started college, friends from my floor of my freshman dorm occupied one long table every night, almost as long as the cafeteria was open. People would come and go--but it was consistently a place to check with others during the day. This week, as I'm traveling, it has been a joy to share meals around the table at my grandpa's house, and to share a meal with a cousin's family here in Washington.
At it's best, eating is about so much more than our basic need for food: it's a chance to savor how delicious food can be, and a chance to enjoy a time together with others. At the table, we take time to tell stories, and to hear the stories of others.
This week's scripture passage is about a whole lot more than the shared meal in it, but that meal opens the space for God to work--allowing Abraham and Sarah to welcome strangers and offer them hospitality, and for God to bless them with an amazing promise.
I invite you to reflect on your own life, thinking of times when you've "set the table," inviting others into your life. In welcoming dinner guests, or in creating spaces for others in our lives, we create space for God to be present among us.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Molly
I am out of the office this week, and part of the following week; I will be here on Sunday. I shared a beautiful visit with my Grandfather in Nebraska, and am now attending a meeting of the General Board of Church and Society in Washington, DC. Next, I will be helping lead a meeting of our Clergy Orders for the California-Pacific Annual Conference. I will be back in the office on Wednesday, March 4.
Contact Info
Pastor Molly Vetter
310-372-8445 x 102
2015 Lenten Series and Study:
A Story to Tell
It's not yet too late to join our small groups for Lent this year--sign up online to be sure you're ready to participate, and jump in during this second week. This year's Lenten study series is all about stories. It's about your life story, and about God's big story in scripture.
Our scriptures tell the big story of the good news of God's love for us.
Our life stories continue that story of love.
Throughout the season, you will be invited to be listening for and sharing stories of God, of faith, of transformation and of hope.
There are several ways to participate:
We are forming small groups: Sundays in the morning or afternoon, Tuesdayevenings, Thursday mornings, and Thursday evenings. (We also have a Mondaynight group for young adults.) These groups will have a chance to tell each other stories, building community, and read key scripture stories together. It will be a meaningful time to learn the stories of our church, and to be more aware of how God is at work with us. Sign up through this online form--as we form the groups, we will match you to a time that can work. We encourage you to invite other friends, too! Watch for a special email--with specifics about the times and places of the small group options.
We invite you to journal through the season; we will give you a prompt for reflection each day, inviting you to recall stories from your own life and family. You can find them on Twitter or Facebook, or pick up a sheet of labels to stick into your own journal each day. Labels will be available this Sunday, or download them here.
Families and all people will be invited to share in a Round Robin Story-Sharing Journal, passing notebooks from home-to-home, and adding stories at each stop. Sign up (you or your family) here!
We will also find extra ways to tell stories in worship, at fellowship time, and anywhere else!
Lent begins Ash Wednesday (February 18) and continues through Easter onApril 5.
Trustees to Host Work Day
Saturday, Feb 28 --- 8:30 - noon Please join us for a morning of good work and fellowship. Help us check off our task list. We have a couple big projects we'd like to get done (bulb replacement) and a lot of smaller tasks. Bring some work gloves if you have 'em and other tools are are always helpful. Contact Don Burrows for more info.
Parking Reminder: If you are able, we encourage you to park at the Wells Fargo bank on Sunday mornings, and walk across the street, reserving the parking lot for those with mobility challenges or for new visitors. We also have a bike rack on the patio, for those who choose to bike to church! Thanks for your consideration.
RSVP's Needed for our Next Parent Night Out and CRU "Fun Friday"
Please RSVP by Wednesday March 4th.
Friday, March 6
9am - 4pm
Saturday, March 7
9am -noon
Come on down and find some new treasures to take home!
Fellowship Hall will be filled with thousands of items to purchase;
May Day Parlor will have our very popular Boutique filled with extra special merchandise (crystal, silver, handmade crafts, holiday decor and other unique gifts)
Visit Naomi's Cafe and enjoy a sit-down lunch of soup and sandwiches and some tasty homemade treats!
And don't forget the "Saturday Special:"
Each bag you fill in fellowship hall is only $5!!
You Can Help the Rummage Sale by...
Baking for Naomi's Cafe(baked goods may be delivered to church Thursday, 9am-4pm or Friday by 9am)
Moving boutique items from basement to May Day Parlor (this Sunday after 8:30 worship)
There's still time to clean out your closets, garages and storage units and bring those treasures to church. All items go directly on the stage now!
Items we need: Jewelry and boutique items; tables to use in the boutique (please drop off at church before noon on Sat, Feb 28 )
Items we cannot accept: box televisions, old CRT computer monitors, strollers, car seats, certain cribs, used mattresses and bed pillows and stuffed animals. If you are uncertain about an item, please contact the office for advice.
BeachFaith Kids!
Registration is opening for two of our popular Summer programs: June 22-26th
Click here for more info & registration link
BeachFaith Theatre Arts Camp
July 27th-August 7th
Production on Aug. 9th
Registration opens on March 2nd.
Upcoming Potluck Lunches
Please join us for mid-month potluck lunches this Spring! These Potlucks will be on Sunday, following the 10:30 worship services--everyone's welcome, just bring something to share.
We are planning Potlucks on the following Sundays:
March 15, April 19 and May 17
From the Lay Leader, Johnna Kosnoff
bi-weekly thoughts and reflections from our church LayLeader
Where is Molly and Why?
"Last week Molly told us that she will be in Washington DC attending a Spring Board Meeting of the General Board of Church and Society (GBCS). Was your reaction similar to mine? Did you wonder, "What does that Board do?" and "Why is it important to our faith?"
The GBCS website lists 22 different issues that they address, including such variety as: Abolition of Torture, Budgets and Taxes, Clean Water, Domestic Violence, Education, Health Care, Hunger and Poverty, Immigration and Sustainability. My understanding is the board meeting will be a time of prayerful discussion, talking to lawmakers in Washington DC and studying potential solutions (or at least helpful options) for these issues to adopt guidelines for consideration at the next General Conference.
Pastor Molly serves on the 2013-2016 Board of Directors Executive Committee, leading the Economic & Environmental Work Area. Tackling such difficult topics and determining..."
Read the rest of Johnna's recent "From the Lay Leader" column on our website by clicking here.
bi-weekly thoughts and reflections from our church LayLeader
Where is Molly and Why?
"Last week Molly told us that she will be in Washington DC attending a Spring Board Meeting of the General Board of Church and Society (GBCS). Was your reaction similar to mine? Did you wonder, "What does that Board do?" and "Why is it important to our faith?"
The GBCS website lists 22 different issues that they address, including such variety as: Abolition of Torture, Budgets and Taxes, Clean Water, Domestic Violence, Education, Health Care, Hunger and Poverty, Immigration and Sustainability. My understanding is the board meeting will be a time of prayerful discussion, talking to lawmakers in Washington DC and studying potential solutions (or at least helpful options) for these issues to adopt guidelines for consideration at the next General Conference.
Pastor Molly serves on the 2013-2016 Board of Directors Executive Committee, leading the Economic & Environmental Work Area. Tackling such difficult topics and determining..."
Read the rest of Johnna's recent "From the Lay Leader" column on our website by clicking here.
"Where is Molly and Why?" by Johnna Kosnoff
Last week Molly told us that she will be in Washington DC attending a Spring Board Meeting of the General Board of Church and Society (GBCS). Was your reaction similar to mine? Did you wonder, “What does that Board do?” and “Why is it important to our faith?”
The GBCS website lists 22 different issues that they address, including such variety as: Abolition of Torture, Budgets and Taxes, Clean Water, Domestic Violence, Education, Health Care, Hunger and Poverty, Immigration and Sustainability. My understanding is the board meeting will be a time of prayerful discussion, talking to lawmakers in Washington DC and studying potential solutions (or at least helpful options) for these issues to adopt guidelines for consideration at the next General Conference.
Pastor Molly serves on the 2013-2016 Board of Directors Executive Committee, leading the Economic & Environmental Work Area. Tackling such difficult topics and determining proposed Resolutions cannot be an easy assignment. We should keep Pastor Molly and the other Board Members in our prayers throughout the year.
Today (Thursday), Molly is meeting at the United Methodist Building in DC, which is the only building on Capitol Hill that’s not owned by the federal government. In the 1920’s, the church built it to be sure the church has a voice in promoting “public morals” and social issues. The GBCS also has headquarters at the Church Center for the United Nations in New York City.
The following message is on their webpage and summarizes the mission of the General Board of Church and Society beautifully:
...The message of salvation brought by Jesus Christ binds us together as a people and sends us forth to bring healing in the midst of strife, justice in the midst of brokenness, and love in the midst of hate. As United Methodists, we are called to invite people to enter into a community of faith responsive to a vision of justice ministries that is biblically and theologically grounded, and to invite United Methodist congregations to play a prophetic role in bringing God’s vision to reality. Our mission is to advocate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the church and society.
The Lay Looker, Bob Petersona view from the pew from a longtime member of our church
Read Bob's recent Lay Looker columns on our website by clicking here.
New Men's Group meeting soon!
Several men of the church met last week to discuss the formation of this new ministry. They will be meeting again very soon and invite all men of the church to join them. Stayed tuned for meeting details.
UPDATE: FUMCRB Corazón House Build #13, March 21
We have 13 people from our church that have agreed to help with the house build and 3 from outside our church! We can always use more. This year we are hoping to get this deserving family off to a great start in their new home. For the next three Sundays, when you come to church you will see tiny "houses" on the bulletin board outside May Day Parlor. Each house will have an item listed on it. Just take a house, purchase the item and bring it back to church by Thursday, March 19. It's that easy! See photos below to get an idea of what the items look like. If you have any questions or would like to join the build team, please contact George Mercer,
Our Endowment Enables Ministry
First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach has an Endowment Fund that accepts gifts from estates and members. The Fund is invested for growth and income with all capital gains reinvested and only dividends and income are used to support the operation and mission of the church. All gifts to the Endowment Fund will go on into the future generating unending support.
In 2014, our Endowment provided $37,500 in support for our church budget, enabling our ministries to continue and grow.
If you would like to know more about making a gift to the Endowment, or about including it in your estate planning, please contact Endowment Chair Whit Walters.
The youth group is going to Baja, Mexico this summer for our mission trip!
Pray with us as we prepare to learn from the people of the San Quintín Valley!
For more info on the migrant farmers we will serve, click here to see recent stories from the LA Times.
Check out our page on the church website for more info!
EARLY-BIRD registration discount deadline is February 28!
Join the Choir!
Rehearsals are on Wednesdayevenings, from 7:30-9pm in the Choir Room. Everyone's welcome. Come share your gifts and be a part of some amazing music-making to glorify God.
Altar Flowers 2015
Would you like to purchase altar flowers for the sanctuary for Sundayworship? It's easy! Just click this link and fill out the order form.
Cost: $45
Community Events and Other Opportunities:
click these links for more information
Visit the page and "like" us so you can see and share the latest photos, news and links from the church.
This Week at Church...
Trustees Work Day-Saturday, Feb 28 at 8:30am
UMW Board Meeting-Monday, Mar 2 at 7pm in May Day ParlorSpanish Classes for kids-Tuesday afternoon
Nursery (6 weeks-2 years):
The Nursery is open during both services: 8:30am for ages 6 weeks to 6 yrs old and 10:30am for children 6 weeks to 4 yrs old. Located right off of the parking lot across Epworth Lounge. Any questions email the Nursery Coordinator: Adriana Hwang
Children's Ministry (Preschool- 3rd Grade):
8:30am: Join us in service! Look for special activities on the children's cart that invite children to engage with the message.
10:30am: Join us for Sunday School! This week's Bible story is Abraham and Sarah's Visitors from Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; 18:1-15; and 21:1-7. Read the story with your family before class- Spark Story Bible pages 34-37 or Spark Bible page 17-18,21. What is a promise that was made to you and kept? What promise have you made and kept?
Church R Us (4th and 5th grade):
8:30am: Join us in service! Look for special activities on the children's cart that invite children to engage with the message.
10:30am: CRU class meets in its newly refurbished room (work in progress!) above the nursery. This week's Bible story is Abraham and Sarah's Visitors from Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; 18:1-15; and 21:1-7. In this text God grants a seemingly impossible promised baby to Abraham and Sarah.
Youth Group (6th-12th grade):
-Youth Group This Week: Sunday, 3-5:00pm...We are continuing to "Tell Our Story." Be here. It will be fun!
-SSP Weekend of Service in South LA (April 10-12): Registration Due Monday, February 23rd.
-Middle School Sunday School? NOPE! Remember, we meet every other week.
Men's Breakfast:
Our next breakfast is Monday, March 2, at 7AM. Coco's Restaurant, 18120 Hawthorne Blvd. (Hawthorne and 182nd) All men of the church and their friends are welcome to join us for fellowship.
20/30 group: This young adult group is a casual gathering of people in their 20's and 30's looking to connect with other young adults who attend the same church. Contact Amanda Kuczun for info on upcoming events!
First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach
310-372-8445 main
310-372-5696 fax
Reverend Molly Vetter, Lead & Teaching Pastor
Ernie Valenzuela, Administrative Assistant x101
First United Methodist Church
Reverend Molly Vetter, Lead & Teaching Pastor
Ernie Valenzuela, Administrative Assistant x101
First United Methodist Church
243 S. Broadway Street
Redondo Beach, California 90277 United States
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