The Upper Room Daily Devotional Nashville, Tennessee, United States “God Empowers" for Thursday, 26 February 2015 - Scripture: Jeremiah 1:4 Here is the word of Adonai that came to me:
5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you;
before you were born, I separated you for myself.
I have appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.”
6 I said, “Oh, Adonai Elohim, I don’t even know how to speak! I’m just a child!” 7 But Adonai said to me, “Don’t say, ‘I’m just a child.’
“For you will go to whomever I send you,
and you will speak whatever I order you.
8 Do not be afraid of them,
for I am with you, says Adonai,
to rescue you.”
9 Then Adonai put out his hand and touched my mouth, and Adonai said to me,
“There! I have put my words in your mouth.
10 Today I have placed you over nations and kingdoms
to uproot and to tear down,
to destroy and to demolish,
to build and to plant.”
Surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.[Jeremiah 29:11 (NRSV)]
After 10 years out of the job market, I was invited to participate in a work group to develop fund-raising projects to benefit the community. The group was composed of a social worker, a psychologist, an educational psychologist, and me, a psychology student. Among these colleagues I often felt small and unprepared for the challenges.
In moments of weakness, we are tempted to let our insecurities and limitations grow. Suffering generates anxiety, and we end up hiding our potential and withdrawing from the opportunities God has in store for us.
What a relief to know that God has plans for us, plans for our welfare and not for evil and distress! Knowing that God trusts us gives us the strength and courage to face our challenges and to realize our potential and our gifts. “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Rom. 8:37).
The Author: Esmar Ferreira (Ceará, Brazil)
Thought for the Day: We are all capable because God empowers us.
Prayer: Thank you, God. Even when we doubt our abilities, you hold us in your loving arms and show us how capable we are. Amen.
Prayer focus: Someone with a new job
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