Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tuesday Word for Tuesday, 4 August 2015 from Trinity United Methodist Church in Gainesville, Florida, United States

Tuesday Word for Tuesday, 4 August 2015 from Trinity United Methodist Church in Gainesville, Florida, United States
Tuesday Word, 4 August 2015

Worship: Sundays @ 8:15 am, 9:40 am, 11:00 am | Wednesdays @ 6:35 pm

Dear Friends,
It was so good to be back among you this past Sunday. What a welcoming place Trinity is, and will be even more so in the weeks to come. And so exciting to see the progress on the new Welcome Center. If the Chapel is the Prayer Center of Trinity, and the sports fields the Health/Wellness Center, the Stained Glass windows and altar the Worship Center, now the Welcome Center is the Hospitality Center of Trinity: Prayer, Health, Worship, Community - the four pillars of the Christian Church, and one more: Service - in our community and world.
We still have need a few more volunteers for our welcoming, golf cart and coffee maker teams. ContactCarmen if you can help, and then plan to stay this Sunday (August 9th) at noon, right after the third service, for lunch and orientation. Thanks for all you do!
Blessings, Dan
Quick Links
Upcoming Events (August 4 - 16)
Submit a Prayer Request
Trinity's Website
Worship This Week
Wednesday: Richard Quackenbush
Sunday: Dr. Dan Johnson 4 | Faith Mission, National Night Out
9 | St. Luke Healing Service, 9:40, Worship Center
9 | Youth week begins
14 | Parent's Night Out, 5:30 - 8:30 (RSVP by 8/12)
16 | Baptism Orientation, CMT Office
A Message from Rev. Aaron
Email | Blog | Twitter
I am on a mission trip to Malawi, Africa, but wanted to share three things with you:
  • Rich Quackenbush will be preaching at the 6:35 this week. Thanks, Rich!
  • This week's "Summer of Shorts" video is a unique and artistic worship experience from spoken word poet, Amena Brown. I was first introduced to her work on a live recording by a great worship band, Gungor, and found it powerfully moving. Her inspiring video illustration reminds us that no matter where we are, God is with us. Watch the video here.
  • I will be leading a Christian Believer class beginning in September, look for more details to come soon.
Please continue to pray for our team! Grace and peace be with you,
Ted Grueser
  • This week's Mission Box is for Habitat for Humanity. At Habitat for Humanity, they believe that everyone, everywhere, should have a healthy, affordable place to call home. More than building homes, they build communities, they build hope and they build the opportunity for families to help themselves. Your donations this week will go towards the Interfaith House. This is a house in our Gainesville community that is being sponsored by a large group of churches in the area.
Find more opportunities to serve on the Missions page.
Faith Mission
Ward Simonton
Faith Mission, located at 3701 NE 15th Street, is a church and neighborhood collaboration. As the outreach of Faith Mission grows, so will the opportunities for volunteers to serve. Next month we'll provide a list of a wide variety of ways for volunteers to plug in! In the meantime, you can check out the following opportunities to serve with Faith Mission in August:
  • Supporting the neighborhood's National Night Out Event, TONIGHT, Tuesday, August 4: National Night Out is an annual event promoting nonviolence and healthy, drug-free communities. Faith Mission has been invited to table at this event at Village Green & Forest Apartments and it will be another chance to introduce ourselves to residents and listen to their thoughts about the neighborhood. We'd like to have drinks on hand for children and adults (it will be a late afternoon event - so typically HOT) and it would be great for a volunteer to purchase drinks, Trinity will reimburse you and bring them chilled to Faith Mission between 4 and 5pm on August 4. We need 3 gallons of sweet tea, 2 gallons of unsweetened tea, 50 Capri Suns or similar pouch drinks, and 2 cases of small bottled water. Trinity will reimburse you.
  • Supporting Rawlings Elementary teachers and staff Luncheon on Monday, August 17: Most 1st - 5th grade students who formerly would have gone to Duval Elementary will be going to Rawlings this year, so big changes are happening at the school including many new teachers. August 17 is the first day back for teachers, and we want to welcome the staff to the new school year with a great meal. Steve Swanson has graciously offered to cook for the ENTIRE staff of 70! Steve is a wonderful cook and the meal will be fantastic. But we need volunteers to purchase drinks (8 gallons of tea and lemonade - Trinity will reimburse) and bring them to Rawlings by 11am on August 17 and 3 volunteers to help setup, serve, and cleanup - from 11 - 1.
  • Supporting Rawlings Elementary Staff Road Trip on Wednesday, August 19: Rawlings has been designated a Fine Arts Magnet School for the new school year. Teachers will be traveling to Tallahassee to visit a similar Fine Arts Magnet elementary school on Wednesday of pre-planning week. Rawlings leadership has asked if Faith Mission could assist them in preparing 40 swag bags for their road trip that day. Rawlings will supply a t-shirt and academic year calendar, and Faith Mission would like to include a water bottle, 4 - 8GB USB flash drive and 3" x 3" sticky note pad to each bag. So if you're a great shopper, online or otherwise, or a great negotiator with a local business, this is the PERFECT shopping volunteer opportunity for you! You can identify the specific items and sources, and we can make the purchases directly or you can purchase them and be reimbursed.
  • Love books? Love to organize? Help clean and organize the small library at the Village Green & Forest Apartment complex anytime in August. There are books and games in this room that need to be organized by age and interest area, particularly for children. 2 people are needed for this in addition to 2 residents who will help as well. This is perhaps a 6-8 hour job that can be divided up according to the schedules of the volunteers.If you can help on any of these volunteer opportunities please email Ward.
Want to get involved? Visit the Faith Mission webpage!
Youth Ministry
Julie Mishoe
  • August 5th, 8 am to 5 pm: day of Service and the Beach in Saint Augustine.
  • August 9th to 15th: Youth Week, sign up!
Want more? Visit the Yoots website!
Children's Ministry
Elizabeth Jones
  • Are you interested in making a difference in the life of a child? Come and be a part of our Children's Programs! We are looking for Sunday School teachers and youth helpers for all age groups who can commit to at least 1 Sunday a month. We are also looking for CHEERS leaders, our Wednesday program from 4-5:30 for ages 3 through 5th grade. (Fall Sunday School begins on August 23rd and CHEERS begins on September 9th) Please contact Brian Wittstruck (416-3008) to tell us how you'd like to help!
  • "Jump Into Space" at the next Parent's Night Out on Friday, August 14th from 5:30-8:30! Our Parent's Night Out will include a fabulous night of dinner and "out of this world" activities for ages 12 months and walking through 5th grade! Cost is $12 per child with a $30 cap per family. Please register and pay on-line by Wednesday, August 12th.
  • Our next Baptism Orientation will be Sunday, August 16th. For more information, please call Elizabeth Jones (416-3045).
  • Promotion Sunday is August 24th and children will move up to their new grade levels/rooms on this date. We are excited to have everyone back from summer vacation!! If you are retaining or double promoting your child, please letMachelle know so that we can update our records.
  • CHEERS begins September 9th! Children in grades Kindergarten through 5th are invited to be a part of this fun, mid-week program on Wednesdays from 4:00-5:30. Join us for fun science experiments, cooking, crafty creations, games, dancing, recreation and singing! Online registration is open
  • 3rd Grade Parents: 3rd Grade Bible Presentation is Sunday, September 13th at 9:40. Please register your 3rd grader by September 6th. If you are in 4th grade or 5th grade and did not receive a bible, please email Machelle. We want everyone to have the opportunity to receive a bible from Trinity.
There are more great things for your kids on the CMT page!
Sonlight Youth Choir & Band
Erin Cushing
Our summer events have ended and we had incredible turn-outs for all our events! Just because we're headed into fall doesn't mean we're done recruiting - check out our website for more upcoming events! Sonlight always welcomes any 7th-12th grader interesting in leading worship through music!
  • August 10: Sonlight officers meeting 5-8pm in the choir room (dinner will be provided)
  • August 11: Parent meeting at 5pm; Back-to-School Bootcamp from 5-8:30pm - meet in the worship center; RSVPhere for dinner
  • August 12: Back-to-School Bootcamp 5-8:30pm; meet in the worship center; RSVP here for dinner
  • August 13: Sonlight Service day (times TBD)
  • Sonlight High School Opportunities: Starting next month, Sonlight will be expanding it's reach with an A Capella Ensemble and the Sonlight Tech Crew - email Erin if you're interested in joining either of these groups!
Access previous performances, tour info and more on the Sonlight page!
Ben Haines
  • Soccer practices begin the first week of school. We look forward to seeing everyone!
Find out about all our sports activities on the Sports page!
Adult Ministry
David Leonard
  • September is only a month away! Fall studies and ministries will begin and we offer ministry tables in the back of the worship center for advertising your ministry and participant enrollment. They begin August 16th and run on into September. If you will be leading a class or ministry and would like one of these tables for one Sunday or more, please contact David Leonard (416-3001) to reserve your space. Also, if you need an online registration form, please contact Kelly Ping with the information you need on the form (416-3048).
  • Dan and Jan will be leading a trip along the coast of Chile, around Cape Horn, up the coast of Argentina and Uruguay from January 16 - 30, 2016, with special guest lecturer, our own Dr. Bob Westin. It would be grand to have many of you from Trinity join us. You can access the itinerary here. If you are interested in the trip email Carmen.
Looking for a course, Bible study or Sunday school class? Look no further than the Adult Ministry page!
Caring & Support
Jim Cook
  • There will be an Order of St. Luke Healing Service as part of the 9:40 service on Sunday, August 9th. You will not want to miss Steve Bingham's powerful testimony of healing, parts of the liturgy will be directly from The Isle of Iona, Scotland. Please let the Order of St. Luke join with you in healing prayers for those you know and care for, including those you work with, and those whom you hold in your heart and your mind.
  • Loving and caring for one another is something Jesus calls us all to do. Stephen Ministry is a ministry in which people with special gifts for listening and caring can put those gifts to use, bringing Jesus' love and care to those who most need it. Ask God whether Stephen Ministry is the right ministry for you. Training classes will begin on September 30. Call 372-1027 for more information.
  • Caregiver Support Group: Meets every Monday from 7 pm-8:30pm (E225). Contact: Frank Wallace.
If you're in need of love and a helping hand, the Caring & Support page offers a search feature so you can find the support you need.
General Announcements
Fall is quickly approaching; is your group on the calendar? Please make sure your class/group is on the calendar for Fall 2015 and Spring 2016. Please fill out the online request form and if you have any questions please contactSusan Kovi.
Last 3 weeks! Don't miss the annual Trinity Talents Art Show on display now on the 2nd floor of the Education Building. Dozens of beautiful paintings, photos, fabrics art and more created by Trinity members, friends and associates. It all ends August 24th.
  • Are you interested in joining Trinity UMC? If you want to learn more about the vision, mission and ministries of Trinity, we invite you to attend one of our upcoming Coffee with the Pastors, a casual gathering in which you'll learn more about the United Methodist Church, who we are at Trinity and what is expected of members. The class is designed for visitors and gives you the opportunity to meet our ministers and learn about the many ways to become involved in our church family. The next Coffee with the Pastors' date is August 30 at 9:40 am in room 222. To register for Coffee with the Pastors click here or email Carmen Nelson to receive the form via email. We would love to meet you and to welcome you into the membership of our church! Let us know if you need childcare.
  • Trinity member, Carter Nute, will teach the AARP Smart Driver Course in a one day session convenient for Trinity United Methodist Church members in the Education Building Room 222 on Monday, August 3rd. This classroom refresher for motorists age 50 and older is offered for a modest fee and you do not have to be an AARP member to register for the class. For course registration call Mrs. Lynda LeGrow at (352) 333-3036.
Bible Studies
  • Women Growing in Faith, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30, E232
  • Tuesday Morning Moms, Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30, E203 (will not meet over the summer, resumes September 8)
  • Men's Prayer and Bible Study, Wednesdays, 7 am, E232
  • Wednesday Morning Pastor's Bible Study, Wednesdays, 9:15, Chapel
  • Exploring Jesus' Teachings, Thursdays, 10:30, E226 (will not meet over the summer, resumes September 10)
  • Life Changing Gathering with Rev. Marvin Celso, Wednesdays, 6:00pm, E225
  • Weekly Prayer Group, Thursdays, 7pm, Chapel 
  • Dan Johnson's Daily Scripture Email (DSE) is available upon request
If you would like more information or would like to visit one of these groups, please contact Kim.
Family Matters
  • Ben Barger's Celebration of Life Service will be Friday, August 7th at 3:00.
  • We have a lot of Birthdays this week! Happy Birthdays go to Edward Wells, who turns 90 on August 4th; Eva Kuitert will be 96 on August 5th; Nanette Carnes turns 80 and Louise Warren will be 98 on August 7th; and Marilyn Clugston will be 80 on August 9th.
If you are celebrating your 80th, 90th or 90+ birthday and would like it announced in the Tuesday Word and/or the bulletin, contact Kelly Ping.
Altar Flowers
  • Altar Flowers are To the Glory of God.
If you would like to place flowers on the Altar in honor or in memory of a loved one please contact June.
Trinity United Methodist Church
4000 NW 53rd Avenue
Gainesville, Florida 32653 United States
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm | Friday, 8:30 am - 1:30 pm

Trinity United Methodist Church
4000 NW 53rd Avenue
Gainesville, Florida 32653 United States

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