Friday, September 11, 2015

And enote from Pastor Adam Hamilton from The Resurrection United Methodist Church in Leawood, Kansas, United States for 21 August 2015

And enote from Pastor Adam Hamilton from The Resurrection United Methodist Church in Leawood, Kansas, United States for 21 August 2015

Friday, August 21, 2015
Dear Resurrection Family,
This morning as I sat down to write my e-note I had a FaceTime call with my granddaughter, Stella, as she was on her way to day care. She looked into the phone, saw my face, got a big grin and, with her daddy’s urging, said to me, “Hi Pa Pa!” She then blew me a kiss. It would be hard to express just how much joy I felt from this! I wondered if God doesn’t feel this kind of joy when we speak to him in prayer, asking for nothing, but merely saying, “I love you,” and “thank you, Father!”
This weekend we’ll continue in our series of sermons on Searching for Truth: What Christians Believe and Why. We’re using the Apostle’s Creed as the outline for these sermons. Last weekend we considered the question, Is There a God? The Creed affirms what the Bible teaches, “I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.” This weekend we’ll consider Jesus Christ. Some question whether he ever lived. Others don’t deny that he lived, but suggest that he was only a rabbi, a great teacher and reformer of first century Judaism. My message this weekend is entitled, More Than a Rabbi? We’ll look at what Christians believe about Jesus, why they believe it, and why it matters. Bring a friend and join us for worship this weekend!
I wish you could have seen the crowd last night at our Thursday Care Night. We had nearly 700 people who gathered for supper, fellowship and a talk about humor and healing from Kelly Sisney before breaking into small groups and classes offering encouragement, healing, fellowship and support. Everything from singles to grief support to classes on parenting and strengthening your marriage and a lot more. I want you to know that you are providing an important ministry on Thursday nights not only to our members but to the entire community. You’ll also find most of our pastors there connecting with people at Care Night. To find out more about Care Night and the groups and classes being offered, click on this link. We have people from all Resurrection campuses who join us for Care Night on Thursdays.
While we have great things happening on Thursdays, Tuesday nights are about to heat up at Resurrection as well. On September 8 we launch Grow Night, an opportunity to gather at Resurrection Leawood for classes that will take you deeper in your faith. We’re offering 22 different classes, groups and gatherings where you can learn more about the Bible, Christian faith, spirituality, and a variety of classes on living and growing in the Christian faith. We’ll have food from local vendors available for purchase. We’re offering childcare so you can bring your children; and you’ll find opportunities to make new friends while growing in your faith. Click here to take a look at this 50 second video promo for Grown Night. Click here to see the classes being offered and to register for child care. You’ll get more information in the bulletin this weekend.
As you may know we’ve been putting together a library of four to five minute video clips – short messages on a variety of topics that are meant to be easily shared with friends. These usually are tied to the weekend sermon, though not always. Here’s a five minute clip on Is There a God? It may be something you’d want to share with a friend.Click here.
Finally, a reminder that Roe is now closed at 143rd Street as Leawood widens 143rd at that location. Come into our parking lots off Nall this weekend – we have plenty of parking on the southwest side of our property and shuttles running back and forth. On Sunday morning you’ll see my Mustang parked out there.
Looking forward to an awesome weekend in worship at all of our campuses!
Adam Hamilton
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, Kansas 66224 United States

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