Friday, September 11, 2015

Pastor Penny Ellwood's eNote: Friday, 21 August 2015 from The Resurrection United Methodist Church Blue Springs in Blue Springs, Missouri, United States

Pastor Penny Ellwood's eNote: Friday, 21 August 2015 from The Resurrection United Methodist Church Blue Springs in Blue Springs, Missouri, United States

Friday, August 21, 2015
Take a quick look at what's coming up:
Greetings Resurrection Blue Springs,
There were 140 plus that gathered last weekend for our All Church Picnic. Thanks to Big Dawg, Gary Bernhardt for the awesome BBQ, Janet Scott for organizing our meal and set up, Dave Brumagin and Hap Graff for the boat rides and Mike Ash and family for the live music. It was a great time of fellowship and fun to celebrate our fifth anniversary as a campus of Resurrection.
Sunday we also announced the beginning plans for the 25th Anniversary celebration of Church of the Resurrection. In honor of our 25 years, we'll be giving back to our community 25,000 hours of service over a 25 day period, culminating on a celebration on October 11th at our Leawood campus. We're hoping every person will order a special GiveBack25 t-shirt to wear as they serve over these 25 days. You'll see below (amidst all the new discipleship classes listed) several serving opportunities coming up. You can always take part in our monthly Faithwork project to log your hours. Tomorrow we'll be gathering at the church at 9 am to travel to My Father's House - our furnishings ministry warehouse on Manchester Trafficway. We will be sorting, loading and restocking the shelves with donations.
This Sunday we'll be exploring one of our most beloved scripture passages John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Pastor Adam will explore what it means to believe in Jesus as we continue our series, "Searching for Truth." We'll also have sign ups available at Guest Services for the many classes that will be starting in September, which are listed below. And don't forget that this Sunday after our 10:45 am worship we're hosting a Pizza with the Pastor. This is the method for joining the membership of Church of the Resurrection. So if you have questions about what it means to be a Methodist, would like to know more about our history and your pastor or have been wondering about taking that next step of commitment join us in the Fellowship Hall at 12:30 pm. We'll have pizza for all and childcare is available. Registration detail are below.
In the meantime, take a look at all that's coming up below:
Resurrection 25th Anniversary T-shirts - The Church of the Resurrection turns 25 years old this October! You can order a special t-shirt commemorating the anniversary. Shirts are $5 each and come in men’s and women’s cuts and children’s sizes in a variety of colors! Stop by the table in the sanctuary to place your order, or go to for online orders.
Are You interested in joining a Small Group? After regularly attending worship, volunteering and being a part of classes or events, many folks want to go deeper in their faith. They tend to want to accomplish this alongside a group of like-minded people who they “do life” with and are able to grow spiritually together. If you are ready for this more in-depth, devoted small group experience, click here to complete the form. Mike Ash will be working on finding you the perfect spot; though it can sometimes take a while, it’s important to get a group that works best for you! For any questions, contact
FaithWork-My Father’s House, August 22 Be a part of God’s love in action. Rez Blue Springs will be working at My Father’s House, the Resurrection Furnishings Ministry, on Saturday, Aug 22nd for FaithWork. This ministry furnishes hope to those in need by distributing donated furnishings and home essentials. Work includes furniture loading or sorting and stocking linens and housewares. This work is suitable for adults and children ages 8 and up accompanied by an adult. We’ll meet at the church at 9am and carpool to the warehouse off Manchester Trafficway in KC. And, good news, this ministry concludes with lunch there! Register online here or just show up on Saturday morning if you’re ready to serve!
Pizza With the Pastor – Sunday, August 23, 12:30-4:30 pm. Are you considering joining Resurrection? Attend Pizza with the Pastor to learn more about the church, get to know our pastor and review membership expectations. Childcare available. Register online here.
rezlife Youth Group Pool Party & Parent Meeting rezlife Fall Kick-Off for youth group begins with a pool party and dinner for all 6th-12th graders on Sunday, Aug. 30, 4-7 pm at the Scott’s pool, 1308 Hilltop Drive. Parents are invited to stay for a short parent meeting at 4 pm. Youth group will begin regular sessions Sunday, Sept. 13, 6-7:30 pm. Contact Bill Ellwood. Rezlife Sunday School takes place at 9 am in the Pastor's office. For more information about it, contact Dave Taylor.
Boy Scouts – Cub Scout Pack 306 and Scout Troop 306 meet Mondays at 7 pm at Resurrection Blue Springs. Boys in 1st grade – age 18 are invited to join. We are welcoming new members on Mondays, Aug. 31 and Sept. 14 and 21. School Recruiting Night is Tuesday, Sept. 15, at William Bryant Elementary School, 1101 SE Sunny Side School Road (across Adams Dairy Parkway from Blue Springs South High School). For questions, contact Charles Cannon, Cubmaster, at 816-359-7800.
Healthy Foundations Backpack Fill – It’s almost time to jump back into things with our backpack ministry. Our first fill date is Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1 pm in Resurrection Blue Springs Fellowship Hall.
Learn, Grow & Serve with Building Better Moms - Enjoy fellowship, food and fun with other moms. Groups
 meet once or twice per month during the school
year on Tuesday evenings. 
Childcare is available. Speakers and discussion topics
 are all relevant to the role of mom. The first meeting of the 2015-2016 year is on September 8th, at 6:30 pm. Register online here.
New Sunday School Class for Adults – Chris Condra will be teaching a study of the Bible’s book of Ruth from 9-10 am in the church office for 4-6 weeks beginning Sept. 13. The title is “Ruth, the Moabite, a Model Disciple of God.” Because of the room size, class is limited to 12. We will also start a waiting list for a second session of this study that will begin Oct. 25. Sign up at Guest Services or email
miniMusic offers early learning and creativity through the joy of music and movement. Class meets Mondays, Sept. 14 – Oct. 26, 6:30-7 pm, for toddler/pre-K. Children will learn rhythm, pitch, movement, dance and games. At least one parent or guardian needs to stay in the class. Cost is $10. Register online here.
ZONE-Midweek Program for K–5th Graders Wednesday nights, 6-7:30, Sept. 16 – Oct. 21 Registration fee is $10 (scholarships available). Share a meal, play games, sing, dance and build a meaningful relationships. Register online here. Contact Diane Enlow for more information.
Revival-Faith as Wesley Lived It Discover why lessons from the life and works of John Wesley, founder of the Methodist denomination, are important to us and our church today. This 6-week study of Pastor Adam Hamilton’s book on the faith of John Wesley begins in September. You may purchase a book for $8 at Guest Services. Register online here. If you’d like to lead your own small group, training is being held for small group leaders on August 25 in Leawood. Contact for details. Here are the current dates and times being offered:
•Gorman’s in-home small group – Mondays, 6:30-8 pm starting Sept. 14
•Thursday evening study at church starting Sept. 17, 6:30-8 pm
•Monday mornings from 10-11:30 am in the coffee area starting Sept. 21
Explore Life's Big Questions in Alpha! Are you enjoying this sermon series on Searching for Truth but still have questions? Then Alpha is the class for you. Alpha is open to anyone who has questions and wants to explore the Christian faith. Alpha sessions include a meal, a short talk and discussion. Bring your questions and curiosity. Class offered Wednesday nights, 6:30 - 8:15 pm, starting Sept. 16. Childcare is available on request. To learn more and sign up, visit
Game Night for Baby Boomers & Up – Adults age 50+ are invited to bring cards and board games and a snack to share, and join us Friday, Sept. 18, at 7 pm for some fun and fellowship. For more information, contact Betty Witt, 816-582-7809
Boy Scouts – Cub Scout Pack 306 and Scout Troop 306 meet Mondays at 7 pm at Resurrection Blue Springs. Boys in 1st grade – age 18 are invited to join. We are welcoming new members on Mondays, Aug. 31 and Sept. 14 and 21. School Recruiting Night is Tuesday, Sept. 15, at William Bryant Elementary School, 1101 SE Sunny Side School Road (across Adams Dairy Parkway from Blue Springs South High School). For questions, contact Charles Cannon, Cubmaster, at 816-359-7800.
Christmas in October The Church of the Resurrection mobilizes hundreds of volunteers for Christmas in October each year to help improve the living conditions of elderly, disabled and veteran homeowners in Kansas City. Lend your hands and hearts to this worthwhile community effort Saturday, October 10, and make a tangible difference for someone in need. If you can use a paint brush, rake, caulk gun, putty knife, hammer, wrench, broom, etc. – we’ve got a job for you! No special skills needed; volunteers must be age 14 or older. House Captains and Co-Captains are also needed to help oversee a team of volunteers. To learn more and to sign up, visit
I look forward to seeing you in worship this weekend! Invite your friends to join us in worship. You can send them this video as an invitation.
Penny Ellwood
For our Resurrection Blue Springs Campus Calendar: click here
Contact Our Staff:
Church Office Phone: (816)389-8900
Rev. Penny Ellwood, Campus Pastor
Mike Ash, Worship Leader/Director of Community
Diane Enlow, Director of Children's Ministry
Heather Sooley, Operations Coordinating Assistant
Stephanie Weigel, Guest Services Coordinating Assistant
Caitlin Willis, Nursery Staff
Lori Wolverton, Nursery Staff
Visit us on the web:
For upcoming and ongoing programs and events at our Leawood Campus, visit
Campus enotes: Leawood, Downtown, West
Resurrection Blue Springs
Resurrecton Blue Springs
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, Kansas 66224 United States

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