Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Jeff Kirby for Resurrection United Methodist Church Men's Ministry for Tuesday, September 1, 2015 - September 2015 Men's Ministry Newsletter

Jeff Kirby for Resurrection United Methodist Church Men's Ministry for Tuesday, September 1, 2015 - September 2015 Men's Ministry Newsletter

The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection September 2015
Meet Two Men Who Are
Changing the World!
I love God’s ways in the lives of people! I want to introduce you to two men I have had the chance to get to know a bit in recent days. In both of their lives I have witnessed a true work of God.
The first is Mr. Chris Sadler. Chris was born in New Zealand and from a very early age showed a greataptitude in business. By his mid to late twenties he was a very successful mortgage banker and business leader. He was flying from London to New York on the Concorde and putting together deals worth mega-millions of dollars.

Before long the gnawing emptiness of having it all but missing God led Chris to embrace the gospel while attending The Alpha Course in London when Alpha was just a course running in one church.While Chris still serves in some business endeavors, his main passion has been leading the global spread of the message of Christ in Asia, India and Australia. He now serves as the National Director Of Alpha for North America. We have been honored to host Chris this week at the Church of the Resurrection.
The second is also a Brit named Robert Glover. Robert, a father of 6, was called by God to care for the orphans of China. With little natural connection or influence, Robert obediently followed the voice of God step-by-step in an amazing adventure, often placing himself in great risk. All to say that through Robert’s organization Care for Children over 300,000 orphan children have been placed in the loving homes of Christian families! They are moving forward to their goal of seeing one million children taken out of institutions and placed in loving families. Chris and Robert, two regular guys just like you and me, following the leading and guiding of God who are humbly going about transforming the world. I am humbled and challenged to live my life more fully for God and His Kingdom.
Every Blessing,

Sports & Recreation
Adult Dodgeball—Fall Men's and Coed leagues
Begin Sunday, November 1. Runs 5 weeks. Game times between 4—10 pm. Games played at local gyms. Cost is $25 per player.Sign up deadline 9/18/15. If interested, contact Pete Sawyer at 913-681-8729 or by email.
Adult Men's Pick-Up Basketball—
Monday and Thursday nights. Contact Brooke Nienstedt or Brad Chalker for additional details or click HERE for a fact sheet. ClickHERE for the fall schedule.
Ways to SERVE...
Mission Trips
JAMAICA: January 2-9 HONDURAS: January 17-24
HAITI: March 11-18 JAMAICA: March 12-19
Each trip has it's own unique purpose, but the common theme is to experience the love of God through serving others! cor.org/trips
Christmas in October
The Church of the Resurrection comes alongside Christmas In October (CIO), a Ministry that is focused on rehabilitating the houses of low-income homeowners in the KC Metro area at no cost to the homeowners. Saturday, October 10th
Click HERE to register.

13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, Kansas 66224 United States
What's happening in
Men's Ministry?

The Fellowship
Men's Group
Ongoing men's study group. Join anytime.
Revival Essentials
Starts Tues. September 8
Room C144

First Tuesdays for Late Night Dads
Tuesday, September 1
8:30—10:00 pm
Room C141
Join us for a time of group discussion and fellowship with other Dads. (All ages welcome!) No registration necessary!Click HERE for more information!

Fall Alpha 2015
Join us for this 10-week course exploring the Christian faith.
Alpha Open House
Monday, September 14
Monday evening classes
Sept. 21—Nov. 23
Wed. morning classes
Sept. 16—Nov. 23

begins on
Tuesday, September 8
Upcoming Study:
Revival Essentials
(A companion study to Pastor Adam's Revival Study)
Want to receive email notification? Click here.

Begins September 8th!
Are you looking to dig deeper into your faith but you’re not sure where or how to begin?There are over 23 opportunities to grow in your faith each Tuesday evening. cor.org/grownight
Jeff Kirby for Church of the Resurrection Men's Ministry | jeff.kirby@cor.org
Resurrection Learning Events Ministry
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, Kansas 66224 United States

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