Thursday, September 3, 2015

Preparing for Judgment Day with Joy? from Jewish.TV - Chabad Video for Thursday, Elul 19, 5775 · September 3, 2015

Preparing for Judgment Day with Joy? from Jewish.TV - Chabad Video for Thursday, Elul 19, 5775 · September 3, 2015
This Week's Features:

Preparing for Judgment Day with Joy?
The Month of Elul
By Moishe New

The Meaning of the Shofar
By Moishe Denburg
Watch (2:02)

The Jewish Pathway to ForgivenessWatch Now the New Course (Registration Required)
By Raleigh Resnick
Watch (21:03)

The Rebbe's Campaign for Jewish Education
By Mendel Kaplan
Watch (49:58)

Tackling the BarriersVerses of Praise--The Prayer of Pesukei d'Zimra
By Shifra Sharfstein
Watch (48:32)

Warming up Challah on ShabbatPractical Halachah: Laws of Cooking on Shabbat
By Rabbi Yosef Shusterman
Watch (12:55)

What Is the Straight Path for Man?Learning Pirkei Avot on Five Levels
Aaron L. Raskin
Watch (29:38)

Whose Watery World Is It?L’David Mizmor, Part 1
By Mendel Kaplan
Watch (1:11:59)
Recent and Upcoming Webcasts:
The Mitzvah Campaign of Mezuzah
By Mendel Kaplan
Airs Thursday, September 3 at 7pm ET
Talmud Nazir 14 (Advanced)
By Avraham Meyer Zajac
Airs Friday, September 4 at 6am ET
Samach Vov: Naso, Part 11 (Advanced)
The significance of negative mitzvahs in the time of exile
By Yaakov Brawer
Airs Sunday, September 6 at 10:30am ET
Class 3: Releasing Resentment
The Jewish Pathway to Forgiveness
By Raleigh Resnick
Airs Wednesday, September 9 at 11am ET

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