Friday, September 11, 2015

Weekly Prayer Updates from The First Church of the Nazarene in Kansas City, Missouri, United States for Friday, 21 August 2015

Weekly Prayer Updates from The First Church of the Nazarene in Kansas City, Missouri, United States for Friday, 21 August 2015

Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4:6, NRSV)
New & Updated
Lois Alharithy; Melissa Hammer; Shirley McDonald; and Larry Schultz.
Remember Carroll Zahorsky, in the recent passing of his brother.
Continue to Pray
Fidel Aguilera; Sarah Andrews; Traci Gage Ash; Dean & Jeanne Bailey; Gretchen Bieber; Ken Bowes; Max & Miriam Brammer; Addy Clark; Louise Cole; Irwin & Linda Edwards' family; Anne-Marie Gibson; Ford Hall IV; Melissa Hammer; Marcia Hayse; Sandra Magee; Paul Marshall; Glenn McDonald; Shirley McDonald; Jim Miner; Brenda Moreno; Dick Neiderhiser; Betty Perdee; Wilma Peterson; Ryan Petrie; Myrtle Phelps; and Larry Schultz.
Bereaved, including: the Allen family; the Anzalone family; Richard Berry; Pam Block; the Borgeson family; the Gage family; Payson Lowell; the Pinkerton family; Amy Tatge; and the Willinghams and Connally families.
Our Extended Family...
Ed Adee (Marci Anzalone's stepfather); Sarah Andrews; Carol Ante (sister of Ken Bible); Traci Gage Ash; Gretchen Bieber; Valentin Bondarenko (family of Larry & Pat Schultz); Max & Miriam Brammer; Kirsten Brunson (Miners' granddaughter); Addy Clark; Janice Eicholaz; Gloria Faeth (Lori Misemer's mother); Ford Hall IV; Sue Jones (sister of Wilma Peterson); Carol King (Judi King's mother); Brian Kutash (Barb Leatherman's brother-in-law); Mary Pardue (Dawn Estep's mother); Nadine Robinson; and Carol Zuberer (Lynn Bogart's mother).
Those Unable to Join Us Weekly, including...
Dean & Jeanne Bailey; Louise Cole; Andress Kernick; Cora Logsdon; AJ Lunn; Cleona McGuire; Mary Pauley; Ginny Rexroth; Norma Dell Smith; Rita Ulrickson; James Viani; and Roxie Wessels.
Our Missionaries & Military Personnel
Barry & Charlie Carney: Paraguay & Bolivia
Daryll & Verna Stanton: Africa Nazarene University
Stephane & Sandra Tibi: Africa Middle Field
Ryan & Thea Ardrey and Femi Akinmoladun: Vision Community Church
Terry & Becky Livengood: Maranatha Camp (Big Lake, AK)
Zach Bailey; Josh Bryant; Matt MacPherson; and Nathan Morgan.
First Church of the Nazarene

First Church of the Nazarene
11811 State Line Road 
Kansas City, Missouri 64114 United States

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