Friday, September 11, 2015

The DNA Update for United Methodists, Mid-August 2015 with Dr. Don Nations

The DNA Update for United Methodists, Mid-August 2015 with Dr. Don Nations

The DNA Update for United Methodists
Dr. Don Nations, Mid-August 2015
In This Issue:
  • Are You Open to Something New?
  • It is Raining Again . . .
Are You Open to Something New?
If the answer is “no” then feel free to stop reading. There is no way to get from where we are to a better tomorrow if we are not open to something new. If your answer is “yes”, however, then please keep reading.
Only a small percentage of our churches are growing rapidly and reaching previously unchurched/dechurched people. Many of the rest of the churches could move toward vitality if they were open to something new.
What will “new” look like for you? There is no set formula which will work for all churches in all places trying to reach all kinds of people. Here are a few “new” things which other churches are trying.
Putting prayer request boxes around a rural community
Offering a free meal for people in the area
Starting a new worship service with a new format and giving it a key Sunday morning time slot
A sustained offering of Servant Evangelism events
Reverse Trick-or-Treat and drive-way Halloween events
Gathering for conversation with new people at a bar or beer house
Doing devotions together with a small group in public places
Back to school events designed to build relationships with families, faculty, administrators and or staff Want to talk about what “new” might look like in your church or for a group of churches in your area? Contact Don today to get the conversation started –
Are you doing something “new” which is really working to build worship attendance? If so, please hit “reply” and share that with us.
It is Raining Again . . .
And there is nothing I can do about it. I cannot stop the rain when I want it to go away nor can I make it rain when I want it to start. It is out of my control. I could fuss about the weather, talk to others about how it should be different or even sign a petition banning rain on Fridays but none of those would have any impact on whether or not it rained.
There are a lot of things in life like the rain. We cannot control them but we can fall prey to them controlling us and end up wasting a lot of time. Think about the things you cannot change about your church and its ministry context – your members get older each year, the community is changing, fewer people seem interested in church than in the past, children’s sporting events are held on Sundays, there is no teacher-led prayer in school, many TV shows portray as normal elements of a lifestyle not endorsed by the church and so much more.
Now what if we took all of the energy that has been invested in complaining and bemoaning our situation and, instead, decided to focus it on things we can control? What if we really got to work making our budget reflect what we say are our priorities, having fewer meetings and getting out into the community more, building relationships with people who do not go to church, making disciples who embody a Christian lifestyle and letting go of our attachments to buildings and history if they get in the way of reaching people and leaving a legacy?
The rain is going to fall. The question is whether it is going to define us or if we just happen to get wet while doing productive work.
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6339 Sturbridge Court
Sarasota, Florida 34238 United States

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