Weekly E-News - Thursday, 19 May 2016
Upcoming X-citing Worship, Faith Development, Congregational Care, Next Generation Ministries, Compassionate Outreach and Scholarship Oppourtinnites
Sunday Worship. General Conference ends tomorrow and Dr. Cleaver is back in the pulpit this Sunday! His sermon title is "The Cure for Distress" from Daniel 6:14-18.
Wednesday Night Live. Beginning June 1st, if you are looking for a new and exciting style of worship, Wednesday Night Live will be you! There will be food, child care, praise music, prayer and preaching and we will be leading the way to "connect with God in a practical way." Food will be served at 6 p.m. and worship begins at 7 p.m.
Combined Outdoor Worship. Sunday, June 26 at 10:00 a.m., the Paseo and Renaissance Campuses will come together for one outdoor worship. Worshipers at both locations are encouraged to attend as we worship as one body. The dress is casual. We will wear our 2016 Next Generation Sunday t-shirts, so order your shirts after the 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday worship service, sign-up tables in the Narthex. This Sunday will be the last date for t-shirt orders, after worship order or online - (stjamesumc.com)
Shirts will be worn by all during combined worship celebration on Sunday, June 26th.
Immersion Baptism. Pastor Cleaver will perform full immersion baptisms Sunday, June 26th during our combined worship celebration. If you have never been baptized and desire immersion, please click here to sign up online or contact the church office at 816-444-5588 by June 15th.
Kidz Connect. Children ages 5-10 are invited to worship together every 4th Sunday at 8 a.m. worship and every Sunday at 11 a.m. Kidz Connect incorporates praise & worship, offering, communion, arts & crafts and science activities. Check-in and register 15 minutes before worship or anytime online.
Kidz Care Nursery. Childcare during Sunday worship is back! Care is available for children ages 1-4 during 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship. The nursery is located on the lower level in Kidz Kingdom. Click here to register your child.
Prayer Class. This Sunday at 9:45 a.m., the Prayer Ministry begins a new prayer class in the Vaughn Chapel. Helen Walker will teach the first class of a five session series based on the book/movie "The War Room." Advance reading is not required.
Dinner for 8. Would you like to get together with six other people to deepen your spirituality and enjoy good food? This growth group is designed just for you. Each week for an eight week series, participants have an opportunity to meet at each other's homes to enjoy one another's company, eat great food and participate in an exciting study. The groups begin to meet the week of June 11th. To sign up, see Crystal Johnson Sunday after 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship or contact her at 816-820-7706.
Walking a Mile for Jesus. Come out and walk a mile at one of Kansas City's scenic parks. This will be a great time to enjoy the outdoors and participate in biblical discussion. Participants will receive a recipe to try each week for attending as well. Park locations include the following locations (many more not listed): Loose Park, Swope Park, Plaza Park, etc. Walks will begin promptly at 8 a.m., weather permitting. Sign up for one of these groups, which begin May 22nd, by contacting Crystal Johnson at816-820-7706.
Bible Study. Join us Tuesdays at the Renaissance Campus from 6 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. for refreshments and study from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Led by Pastor Settles, this Growth Group is interactive, dialogue is encouraged. Grab your Bible and come on out!
Men's Retreat. Our annual retreat is Saturday, June 18th from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. in the Ministry Mall. The theme is Men In The Spirit: Leadership and Teamwork. Activities will include group and individual prayer, team-building and leadership exercises. Please register with H. David Whalen at816-914-6806 or hdwhalen@yahoo.com All men are welcome!
Men's Weekend. Save the date, August 19-21, for a weekend of faith development and fellowship among brothers.
Do you have an idea for a growth group? Contact Crystal Johnson at816-820-7706 or Pastor Cunningham at the church.
Encouragement Ministry. Thank you for your continuing to lift up those on our prayer list. Lets take a step further and provide encouragement or get well cards to those on the list. Sign your name and add some words of encouragement to the card. Write the individual's first & last name on the envelope and drop it in the mailbox in the Narthex. Cards will be collectedSunday, June 5th. If you would like a name added to the list, contact Pastor Valentine at lvalentine@stjamesumc.com.
Health Ministry. Remember that May is Stroke Awareness Month. Every time you wear blue you are recognizing this important health issue. Visit the Health Ministry Table in he Narthex lounge for new information on Stroke prevention and intervention.
Bowling League. The Summer Bowling League rolls on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. at Premier Bowling Alley (11400 E 350 HWY Raytown MO 64139). The league is open to all, so if you or someone you now likes to bowl this league is perfect for honing your skills. If you don't have your own bowling gear for the league, the bowling alley provides bowling balls and shoes for your use. This is a great team building opportunity for your ministry in 2016, or maybe your ministry would like to sponsor a team. All proceeds collected from this fundraising event are donated to the church. E-mail samuel.colemanjr@yahoo.com for more information.
Church Cookout. Following our June 26th combined worship at the Renaissance Campus, we will have a church-wide cookout, fun and games from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Contact Claudia Smith at 816-966-9850 or Bessie Webb at mcintosh194773@yahoo.com to volunteer or donate.
HeBrews Fellowship. From now until September, HeBrews will only be held on Sundays when it is sponsored by a ministry, group or individuals. Contact Lisa Hardwick at 816-305-6699 or lwhardwick@gmail.com for more information about sponsorship.
Volunteer Draft. Our children and youth need you! Have you ever thought about serving our Next Generation Ministries (children and youth 0-18)? Here's your chance to get started. Stop by the Volunteer Draft in the Ministry Mall this Sunday, May 22nd after each worship celebration. We'll provide refreshments, information, orientation, training and information about special events or regular activities. See you this Sunday after 8 a.m. or 11 a.m. worship. If you are interested, but unable to attend the draft, contact Pastor Andre at afulton@stjamesumc.com.
Generation Weekend. Fellowship and worship activities are plannedJune 10-12. This year's theme is "D.A.B. (Definitively Abundantly Blessed) Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow." Friday, June 10 at 6 p.m. is Family Movie Night. Saturday, June 11th at 6 p.m. is our Next Generation Concert. Everyone is encouraged to purchase the 2016 Next Generation t-shirt to wear during worship Sunday, June 12th. Children and youth shirts are $5.00; adult and ladies shirts up to X-Large are $10 and shirts XXL or larger are $15. Order your shirt after any worship experience or order here online. The deadline to place your order is May 22nd.
Summer Camps (VBS)- Children ages 5-11 are offered an opportunity to experience God in surprising and unforgettable ways. Adventure Camp will be held at the PaseoCampus June 22-24. Mega Sports Camp will be held at the Renaissance Campus June 27-30. Register online or stop by the registration table after worship. Volunteersare needed for both camps. Contact Pastor Andre at the Paseo Campus, Tonya Crompton at the Renaissance Campus or kidzconnect@stjamesumc.com
Wednesday Night Kidz. Beginning June 1st, we will offer Kidz Connect children's ministry activities on Wednesday evenings from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.We need volunteers to work with the children who can commit to only two Wednesdays a quarter for an hour of activity. Positions include an Activity Facilitator, Activity Assistant and Registrar to check children in & out. If interested please contact Pastor Andre at afulton@stjamesumc.com.
Join us Saturday July 23, 2016 on a trip to Branson, Missouri. We will witness a spectacular live action showing "Moses" at the Sight & Sound Theater. Traveling by bus, we will leave St. James at 10 a.m. and stop for lunch at Golden Corral in Branson. Show time is at 3:30 p.m. The trip cost is $25 for children 3-12 and $45 for 13 & up (includes transportation, meal and show). Register online here.
Graduating Seniors. If you are a high school senior, please forward your contact information to Tiffani Kintchen. Scholarship application deadlines are near! If you have not received an application for the scholarships below, contact Tiffani Kintchen at 816-812-6373 or kintchen22@gmail.com. Applications are due by June 1, 2016.
Mr. Bill Johnson Youth Scholarship. This scholarship is open to current active high school members who have displayed their commitment to being servant-leaders at St. James based on their spiritual commitment. Recipients are selected based upon academic excellence, and active participation in church ministry.
Membership Scholarship. This scholarship is open to any graduating high school senior of St. James who is beginning a post-secondary education (university, college, certification, professional training) in the 2016-2017 academic year.
Book Scholarship. College students who are previous recipients of the Mr. Bill Johnson Scholarship are eligible to apply. All applications must be accompanied by a college transcript that reflects student status and current cumulative GPA.
Alan & Austin Campbell Acolyte Scholarship. Applicants must be a graduating high school senior, have been an active member of any combination of St. James ministries for two years and have actively served as an acolyte for at least two years. Applications must be postmarked byMay 31, 2016. For additional information or questions, please contact Rachelle Hyder at rhyder@kcp.com.
St. James United Methodist Church
St. James United Methodist Church
St. James United Methodist Church
5540 Wayne Avenue
Kansas City, Missouri 64110, United States
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