We're just half-way through the General Conference of The United Methodist Church and the Love Your Neighbor Coalition, including Reconciling United Methodists, have been powerful witnesses for justice and love. Get caught up on just some of the events so far.
Make sure not to miss this opportunity to sign in support of LGBTQ clergy and candidates as a ally United Methodist clergy or lay member.
Lay members: Support your LGBTQ Clergy & Candidates
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Rev. Sue Laurie is ordained! Watch the videohere. Read an article here.
Rev. Vicki Flippin kept from participating in opening worship. Watch the video here.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
New Reconciling Community in Atlanta, Georgia
With our without the affirmation of General Conference, the Reconciling movement continues to grow.
Embry Hills UMC marks our 772nd Reconciling Community...and counting!
Thursday, May 12, 2016
More than 500 LGBTQI clergy across denominationsissue letter of support to UMC colleagues.
Rule 44 is not passed by General Conference.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Bishop Sally Dyck preaches sermon on incompatibility clause.
Ira Pittman fired from Mt. Bethel after 20 years because of his sexual orientation
Indigo Girls concert packs the house for RMN.
Rev. Schaefer and Rev. Tupper host "Tent Night."
Saturday, May 14, 2016
A lay delegate from New York Annual Conference, Frederick Brewington, takes a point of personal privilege to request an apology to Dr. Dorothee Benz who was ruled out of order on the plenary floor.
The United Church of Christ issued a letter to The United Methodist Church in support of justice for LGBTQ candidates and clergy.
Mpagi Michael calls for an end to the exportation of homophobia to Africa by Christian missionaries.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
The coalition truly has a Pentecost experience during worship together with preaching by Rev. Dr. Pamela Lightsey.
Monday, May 16, 2016
National Faith Leaders sign letter of support forLGBTQ UMC Clergy and Candidates.
RMN hosts press conference with LGBTQ and ally leaders.
Over 1500 (and growing) United Methodist Clergy issue letter of support to LGBTQ colleagues.
Rev. Dr. Pamela Lightsey leads a powerful BlackLivesMatter disruption on the plenary floor.
Rev. David Meredith announces intent to run for Bishop.
Tuesday, May 17 2016
28 Bishops issue letter of pastoral support to LGBTQ clergy.
LGBTQ people and allies demonstrate in response to call for unity without justice and a motion is passed for Bishops to find a way forward.
Lay United Methodists are invited to join the chorus of voices in support of LGBTQ clergy.
Our mailing address is:
Reconciling Ministries Network
123 West Madison Street, Suite 2150
Chicago, Illinois 60602, United States
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