As I read this passage today I couldn’t help but think of a dear pastor friend on our district who is battling cancer. I saw her this week and she has every right to be sad and disappointed. I am sure she has tough days, but her attitude was that of this passage.
She was sharing about her journey thus far and said that she goes into ever doctor’s appointment and every treatment praying that somehow God would be glorified and she would have the opportunity to share the love of Christ with someone.
She said, “If one person comes to know God through this, then all glory to God.”
I was so thankful for her attitude and quite humbled. She is facing some harsh realities and looks at every moment in life as an opportunity to share the love of Christ.
Do I do that? To be honest… not always. There are certainly times that I just want to run in and out of store quickly or not get into a conversation with someone on a plane, but this sweet pastor reminds me that I should begin every day praying for an opportunity to share the love of Christ.
That could look like me holding the door open for someone, asking the person at the check out how their day is going or it could be reading the Bible with my children and singing, “Jesus Loves Me.”
These may seem mundane, but Christ works in the everyday and the mundane.
So, I am challenged today to pray, “Lord, provide an opportunity for me to share your love today.”
May we be people that share the Love of Christ everywhere that we go. Even and ESPECIALLY when it feels hard to do.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Cara
(913) 631-5555
Shawnee Church of the Nazarene
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