Friday, April 20, 2018
Greetings Resurrection Blue Springs!
This morning I’ve been catching up on the blog posts from our Resurrection mission team currently serving in Puerto Rico. Kara, one of our Resurrection Blue Springs members is serving on this team. Disaster relief is one of Kara’s passions and she took the initiative to join in our relief efforts there.
This team has been working with the congregation of Iglesia Metodista Samuel Culpeper in Hatillo. The power outages they have experienced this week have given the team an even greater appreciation of the islands predicament since the hurricanes last September. Flexibility is always a key element of serving on teams like this!
Tomorrow Bill and I will spend the day at our Leawood campus attending mission training for our trip to Malawi in July. I have heard there will be around 90 preparing for different mission trips heading out from Resurrection over the next few months. We have a team of eight from our Blue Springs campus going on the Malawi trip.
After we’ve learned ourselves on the Malawi church sponsored farm, we’ll be teaching village groups about home gardening practices; what to plant, where, how and why certain plants are better than others. We’ll also have the opportunity to meet the kids our campus has sponsored through our Zoe Orphan partnership. I’m particularly excited for this and to be able to bring back the news on their progress. Bill and I have discovered many blessings from taking part in mission trips. I encourage you to consider going on one yourself. There are opportunities throughout the year both stateside and abroad.
This Sunday Pastor Adam will continue our sermon series by focusing on What Would Jesus Say about gun violence within schools and at the workplace. It will be an important message to hear. I also look forward to welcoming many at Pizza with the Pastors after our 10:45 worship. If you’ve been considering joining Resurrection, or would like more information about our church then come to PWP this Sunday afternoon! Childcare is available. We always plan for walk-ins and all ages are welcome to attend.
Invite a friend to join us for this important series. Make sure to take time to take a look at what's coming up below. We've got some special events planned. See you Sunday!
Pastor Penny
Upcoming Events & Activities
Join the Singles Social Group
(ages 40+) Saturday, April 21, 6-9 pm for Game Night. Bring games to play, a snack to share and soda or water bottle. To get to know other singles in our church, email Carla Morgan to be added to the email list for activities.
Thinking about Joining Resurrection?
Our next Pizza with the Pastor is Sunday, April 22 at 12:15 pm. Learn more about our church and get to know Pastor Penny in a relaxed environment where you can ask questions while you have lunch. Sign up at Guest Services or online here.
Do you have a graduating High School or College Student?
If you have a graduating high school or college student in your household, please let us know. We're planning to recognize these students on May 20thduring worship. Send an email to Heather Sooley with your students information.
April Serve Day
Saturday, April 28th, 8:50-11:30 am -Drumm Farm Center for Children. Family service opportunity for ages 10 and up. Participants will work at the farm, planting crops in the garden. Dress for the weather and bring work gloves. Meet at Nelson Hall, 3210 S. Lee's Summit Road, Independence, MO 64055. Contact Carman Duvall for more information. Register online here.
We are getting a playground!
But first, we need a project manager and team to help get it going! If you have knowledge or resources for playground and fence installation or would like to help, email
Learn the Plan for Emergencies
Unfortunately, no place is immune from senseless acts of violence. Resurrection has an Emergency Procedure Plan, as well as security teams on each of our campuses who work closely with local law enforcement. On Sunday, April 29, at 1:30 pm, Brett Leathers, Asst. Director of Safety and Security, will be at Resurrection Blue Springs to provide security training for our volunteer teams, and everyone in the congregation is invited to attend.
Big Sonia Movie Night
Sonia Warshawski, a Holocaust survivor who lives in Kansas City, endured teenage years marked by the horrors of concentration camps and death marches. She shares her story in the movie, Big Sonia. Ages 10 and up are encouraged to join us for this award-winning documentary film on Friday, May 4, 6:30 pm, Blue Springs Sanctuary. TGIF Movie Night offered at the same time for K-5th, childcare available for younger children by request. Rezlife youth group will sell popcorn and snacks to raise funds for camp and special events.
Waypoint Online Men's Group
A waypoint is defined as a stopping place on a journey. Men are on different journeys of life and spiritual understanding so it is helpful, no matter what path you're on, to have a waypoint to stop and assess your surroundings and adjust your course. “Gather” online each week to navigate your life’s journey from the comfort of wherever you are! Wednesdays from 8:30-9:30 pm via computer or the ZOOM app. Join us online each week at Contact Mike Ash for more information.
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs Staff
Rev. Penny Ellwood, Resurrection Blue Springs Pastor
Mike Ash, Worship Leader & Director of Community
Caleb Longest, Director of Student Ministries
Diane Enlow, Director of Children's Ministries
Riley Ledford, Technical Producer
Heather Sooley, Operations Coordinating Assistant
Stephanie Weigel, Guest Connections Coordinating Assistant
Caitlin Willis, Nursery Coordinator
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs
(816) 389-8900
For after-hours pastoral care, please call (913) 338-9477.
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