Passover Blessings in 2018!
There were both Jewish people and non-Jewish people responding. There were men and women, young and old. In New York City, dozens came to a saving knowledge of the Lord, and many more in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the Carolinas.
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"Passover Blessings in 2018!" by Sam Nadler
Our many Word of Messiah Ministries (WMM) Passover outreaches this year were truly blessed of the Lord with numerous people responding to His invitation, for His loving kindness endures forever!There were both Jewish people and non-Jewish people responding. There were men and women, young and old. In New York City, dozens came to a saving knowledge of the Lord, and many more in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the Carolinas. God is truly an equal opportunity Savior!
There are 5 elements (the introduction and the four Passover cups) in WMM’s Passover outreaches that are instrumental in communicating the Good News of Yeshua to all with ears to hear:
First, at the introduction, we speak about the need to be spiritually prepared to personally participate. From Messiah’s teaching to the disciples in Luke 22:7-13(Luke 22:7 Then came the day of matzah, on which the Passover lamb had to be killed. 8 Yeshua sent Kefa and Yochanan, instructing them, “Go and prepare our Seder, so we can eat.” 9 They asked him, “Where do you want us to prepare it?” 10 He told them, “As you’re going into the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him into the house he enters, 11 and say to its owner, ‘The Rabbi says to you, “Where is the guest room, where I am to eat the Pesach meal with my talmidim?” ’ 12 He will show you a large room upstairs already furnished; make the preparations there.” 13 They went and found things just as Yeshua had told them they would be, and they prepared for the Seder.)(Complete Jewish Bible), where He repeats the word “prepare” four times, we show that there can’t be real participation without proper preparation. This not only refers to cleansing the home of all leavened baked goods (Exodus 12:15)(Exodus 12:15 “‘For seven days you are to eat matzah — on the first day remove the leaven from your houses. For whoever eats hametz [leavened bread] from the first to the seventh day is to be cut off from Isra’el.)(Complete Jewish Bible), but as the New Covenant applies the teaching of Moses, Paul instructs all of us that we need to clean out the spiritual chametz (leaven) from our hearts (1 Corinthians 5:6-8)(1 Corinthians 5:6 Your boasting is not good. Don’t you know the saying, “It takes only a little hametz to leaven a whole batch of dough?” 7 Get rid of the old hametz, so that you can be a new batch of dough, because in reality you are unleavened. For our Pesach lamb, the Messiah, has been sacrificed. 8 So let us celebrate the Seder not with leftover hametz, the hametz of wickedness and evil, but with the matzah of purity and truth.)(Complete Jewish Bible). It is always a heart issue with God. This element provides people with the opportunity for a personal spiritual inventory and to see if there is anger, bitterness, fear or arrogance in their souls. But God mercifully prepares us, even as He promised and provided His herald of the Lord (from Malachi 3:1)(
Malachi 3:1 “Look! I am sending my messenger
to clear the way before me;
and the Lord, whom you seek,
will suddenly come to his temple.
Yes, the messenger of the covenant,
in whom you take such delight —
look! Here he comes,”
says Adonai-Tzva’ot.
)(Complete Jewish Bible) to prepare the way of the Lord through the ministry of John the Baptizer, who declared, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29)(John 1:29 The next day, Yochanan saw Yeshua coming toward him and said, “Look! God’s lamb! The one who is taking away the sin of the world!)(Complete Jewish Bible).Second, during the first cup, we review why we needed redemption as we discuss and partake in the bitter herbs, remembering the bitterness of bondage in Egypt. This historical matter is the biblical picture of the universal problem of the bondage of sin, which brings bitterness to every soul. People do not mind sin, per se, but it is the consequences of sin – the bitterness, hatred, anger, fears, arrogance – which reveal to them their desperate need for God’s redemption in the Lamb, our Messiah. We once more emphasize the tragic consequences of sin and how it is a bondage of the human soul.
Third, during the second cup, we tell the Passover STORY of how God brought 10 plagues, or judgments, upon Egypt to convince Pharaoh to let go of Israel, God’s firstborn son of the nations (Exodus 4:22-23)(Exodus 4:22 Then you are to tell Pharaoh: ‘Adonai says, “Isra’el is my firstborn son. 23 I have told you to let my son go in order to worship me, but you have refused to let him go. Well, then, I will kill your firstborn son!”’”)(Complete Jewish Bible). For redemption, God had Israel sacrifice an unblemished lamb, and place the blood on the doors of their homes. As strange as that may seem today, God still seeks a people who will trust in His way of redemption, by the shed and applied blood of the Lamb. Here, we emphasize the only means provided for redemption from the bitterness of bondage as well as from the judgement we all deserve, for all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23)(Romans 3:23 since all have sinned and come short of earning God’s praise.)(Complete Jewish Bible). There is no other help but in the Lamb of redemption – the Messiah of Israel, who alone perfectly fulfills the type of this Lamb!
Fourth, after the meal, we partake of the Afikomen (the broken unleavened bread) and the third cup, the cup of redemption. Both traditional elements were used by Messiah to memorialize His own sacrifice as the Lamb of God. He states that this cup pictures His blood that establishes 30 (31) “Here, the days are coming,” says Adonai, “when I will make a new covenant with the house of Isra’el and with the house of Y’hudah. 31 (32) It will not be like the covenant I made with their fathers on the day I took them by their hand and brought them out of the land of Egypt; because they, for their part, violated my covenant, even though I, for my part, was a husband to them,” says Adonai. 32 (33) “For this is the covenant I will make with the house of Isra’el after those days,” says Adonai: “I will put my Torah within them and write it on their hearts; I will be their God, and they will be my people. 33 (34) No longer will any of them teach his fellow community member or his brother, ‘Know Adonai’; for all will know me, from the least of them to the greatest; because I will forgive their wickednesses and remember their sins no more.”
34 (35) This is what Adonai says,
who gives the sun as light for the day,
who ordained the laws for the moon and stars
to provide light for the night,
who stirs up the sea until its waves roar —
Adonai-Tzva’ot is his name:the New Covenant. We explain from Jeremiah 31:31-34(Jeremiah 31:31-34)(Complete Jewish Bible), that this New Covenant states that through it we come to “know the Lord” and not merely know about the Lord. Knowing about the Lord is mere religion, but knowing the Lord is the eternal life relationship that God desires us to have in Messiah (see John 17:3)(John 17:3 And eternal life is this: to know you, the one true God, and him whom you sent, Yeshua the Messiah.)(Complete Jewish Bible). Here we emphasize not only the removal of the bitterness of bondage through forgiveness of sins, but of the fullness of life in a relationship with God by faith in Messiah. This only occurs if we apply the Lamb of God’s blood to our heart’s door (Revelation 3:20)(Revelation 3:20 Here, I’m standing at the door, knocking. If someone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he will eat with me.)(Complete Jewish Bible).Lastly, with the fourth cup, the cup of praise, we close with the final traditional chant, “L’shana Haba B’Yerushala’im!” (Next Year in Jerusalem!). We ask everyone, “Why ‘next year’? Because by tradition the removal of bitterness and a restored relationship with God isn’t happening now! For by tradition, the soul is still as empty as the chair that awaits Elijah. For our lives are fulfilled in Yeshua, for it’s the truth that sets us free, not tradition. Now is the day of salvation!”
As we closed in prayer, we invited people to respond to the Lord’s gracious invitation to receive His pardon for sins, new life and a relationship with the Living God by simple faith in His provision, Yeshua the Messiah, the Lamb of God. By His mercy many responded, trusting in the blood of the Lamb of God. Please pray that they will grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord. Thank you for standing with Word of Messiah in prayer, as we endeavor by His gracious support to bring the Good News of Messiah to all with ears to hear, even to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile! (Romans 1:16)(Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the Good News, since it is God’s powerful means of bringing salvation to everyone who keeps on trusting, to the Jew especially, but equally to the Gentile.)(Complete Jewish Bible)
The Feast Of Pentecost
For the traditional Jewish community, Shavuot was first celebrated around the time of receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai, about fifty days after leaving Egypt (Exodus 19:1)(Exodus 19:1 (iv) In the third month after the people of Isra’el had left the land of Egypt, the same day they came to the Sinai Desert.)(Complete Jewish Bible).
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"The Feast of Pentecost" by Sam Nadler
Pentecost means “fiftieth (day)”, a word used to translate the Hebrew Shavuot. This holiday had to come to its fulfillment fifty days after Messiah’s resurrection. For the traditional Jewish community, Shavuot was first celebrated around the time of receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai, about fifty days after leaving Egypt (Exodus 19:1)(Exodus 19:1 (iv) In the third month after the people of Isra’el had left the land of Egypt, the same day they came to the Sinai Desert.)(Complete Jewish Bible). Therefore, Shavuot is called “The Season of the Giving of the Law.” It is also considered the spiritual birthday of Israel since the Torah brought twelve tribes together into one corporate people. From Shavuot’s fulfillment in Acts 2(Acts 2:1
The festival of Shavu‘ot arrived, and the believers all gathered together in one place. 2 Suddenly there came a sound from the sky like the roar of a violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire, which separated and came to rest on each one of them. 4 They were all filled with the Ruach HaKodesh and began to talk in different languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.
5 Now there were staying in Yerushalayim religious Jews from every nation under heaven. 6 When they heard this sound, a crowd gathered; they were confused, because each one heard the believers speaking in his own language. 7 Totally amazed, they asked, “How is this possible? Aren’t all these people who are speaking from the Galil? 8 How is it that we hear them speaking in our native languages? 9 We are Parthians, Medes, Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Y’hudah, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, 10 Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome; 11 Jews by birth and proselytes; Jews from Crete and from Arabia. . . ! How is it that we hear them speaking in our own languages about the great things God has done?” 12 Amazed and confused, they all went on asking each other, “What can this mean?” 13 But others made fun of them and said, “They’ve just had too much wine!”
14 Then Kefa stood up with the Eleven and raised his voice to address them: “You Judeans, and all of you staying here in Yerushalayim! Let me tell you what this means! Listen carefully to me!
15 “These people ar en’t drunk, as you suppose — it’s only nine in the morning. 16 No, this is what was spoken about through the prophet Yo’el:
17 ‘Adonai says:
“In the Last Days,
I will pour out from my Spirit upon everyone.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my slaves, both men and women,
will I pour out from my Spirit in those days;
and they will prophesy.
19 I will perform miracles in the sky above
and signs on the earth below —
blood, fire and thick smoke.
20 The sun will become dark
and the moon blood
before the great and fearful Day of Adonai comes.
21 And then, whoever calls on the name of Adonai will be saved.”’[Acts 2:21 Joel 3:1–5(2:28–32)]
22 “Men of Isra’el! Listen to this! Yeshua from Natzeret was a man demonstrated to you to have been from God by the powerful works, miracles and signs that God performed through him in your presence. You yourselves know this. 23 This man was arrested in accordance with God’s predetermined plan and foreknowledge; and, through the agency of persons not bound by the Torah, you nailed him up on a stake and killed him!
24 “But God has raised him up and freed him from the suffering of death; it was impossible that death could keep its hold on him. 25 For David says this about him:
‘I saw Adonai always before me,
for he is at my right hand,
so that I will not be shaken.
26 For this reason, my heart was glad;
and my tongue rejoiced;
and now my body too will live on in the certain hope
27 that you will not abandon me to Sh’ol
or let your Holy One see decay.
28 You have made known to me the ways of life;
you will fill me with joy by your presence.’[Acts 2:28 Psalm 16:8–11]
29 “Brothers, I know I can say to you frankly that the patriarch David died and was buried — his tomb is with us to this day. 30 Therefore, since he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn an oath to him that one of his descendants would sit on his throne, 31 he was speaking in advance about the resurrection of the Messiah, that it was he who was not abandoned in Sh’ol and whose flesh did not see decay. 32 God raised up this Yeshua! And we are all witnesses of it!
33 “Moreover, he has been exalted to the right hand of God; has received from the Father what he promised, namely, the Ruach HaKodesh; and has poured out this gift, which you are both seeing and hearing. 34 For David did not ascend into heaven. But he says,
35 ‘Adonai said to my Lord,
“Sit at my right hand
until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”’[Acts 2:35 Psalm 110:1)]
36 Therefore, let the whole house of Isra’el know beyond doubt that God has made him both Lord and Messiah — this Yeshua, whom you executed on a stake!”
37 On hearing this, they were stung in their hearts; and they said to Kefa and the other emissaries, “Brothers, what should we do?” 38 Kefa answered them, “Turn from sin, return to God, and each of you be immersed on the authority of Yeshua the Messiah into forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Ruach HaKodesh! 39 For the promise is for you, for your children, and for those far away — as many as Adonai our God may call!”
40 He pressed his case with many other arguments and kept pleading with them, “Save yourselves from this perverse generation!”
41 So those who accepted what he said were immersed, and there were added to the group that day about three thousand people.
42 They continued faithfully in the teaching of the emissaries, in fellowship, in breaking bread and in the prayers. 43 Everyone was filled with awe, and many miracles and signs took place through the emissaries. 44 All those trusting in Yeshua stayed together and had everything in common; 45 in fact, they sold their property and possessions and distributed the proceeds to all who were in need. 46 Continuing faithfully and with singleness of purpose to meet in the Temple courts daily, and breaking bread in their several homes, they shared their food in joy and simplicity of heart, 47 praising God and having the respect of all the people. And day after day the Lord kept adding to them those who were being saved. (Complete Jewish Bible) we can also call it, “The Season of the Giving of the Spirit” since the Holy Spirit makes all believers, from many tribes, into one family in Messiah. Happy Birthday, Body of Messiah!During Shavuot the firstfruits offering was presented before the Lord. The sacrificial offerings were all meant to point to the Messiah and His fulfillment of them. The heart of the Good News is that Yeshua died for our sins.
How Many Firsts?
As we read, regarding the special Shavuot meal offering, we see that it is also called “Firstfruits to the Lord” (Leviticus 23:17)(Leviticus 23:17 You must bring bread from your homes for waving — two loaves made with one gallon of fine flour, baked with leaven — as firstfruits for Adonai.)(Complete Jewish Bible). However, we noted that there was already a firstfruits offering earlier during the week of Passover. Now there is a second firstfruits offering? At some point, one might think, shouldn’t it be called “secondfruits?” Not at all. Remember, the earlier firstfruits offering was presented the day after the Sabbath of Passover week (Leviticus 23:10-14)(Leviticus 23:10 “Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘After you enter the land I am giving you and harvest its ripe crops, you are to bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the cohen. 11 He is to wave the sheaf before Adonai, so that you will be accepted; the cohen is to wave it on the day after the Shabbat. 12 On the day that you wave the sheaf, you are to offer a male lamb without defect, in its first year, as a burnt offering for Adonai. 13 Its grain offering is to be one gallon of fine flour mixed with olive oil, an offering made by fire to Adonai as a fragrant aroma; its drink offering is to be of wine, one quart. 14 You are not to eat bread, dried grain or fresh grain until the day you bring the offering for your God; this is a permanent regulation through all your generations, no matter where you live.)(Complete Jewish Bible). This was the firstfruits offering of the barley harvest, considered the poor man’s food.
The second firstfruits offering was from the wheat harvest (Exodus 34:22)(Exodus 34:22 “Observe the festival of Shavu‘ot with the first-gathered produce of the wheat harvest, and the festival of ingathering at the turn of the year.)(Complete Jewish Bible), the rich man’s food (Psalm 81:16)(Psalm 81:
16 (15) Those who hate Adonai would cringe before him,
while [Isra’el’s] time would last forever.
17 (16) They would be fed with the finest wheat,
and I would satisfy you with honey from the rocks.”
)(Complete Jewish Bible). As you will see, Messiah became poor that we might become spiritually rich in Him (2 Corinthians 8:9)(2 Corinthians 8:9 For you know how generous our Lord Yeshua the Messiah was — for your sakes he impoverished himself, even though he was rich, so that he might make you rich by means of his poverty.)(Complete Jewish Bible).The earlier firstfruits offering pictured Messiah as our “Firstfruits offering” from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:21-23)(1 Corinthians 15:21 For since death came through a man, also the resurrection of the dead has come through a man. 22 For just as in connection with Adam all die, so in connection with the Messiah all will be made alive. 23 But each in his own order: the Messiah is the firstfruits; then those who belong to the Messiah, at the time of his coming;)(Complete Jewish Bible). However, the second firstfruits offering is a picture of the believers in Messiah made into His body at Shavuot in Acts 2.(Acts 2:1
The festival of Shavu‘ot arrived, and the believers all gathered together in one place. 2 Suddenly there came a sound from the sky like the roar of a violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire, which separated and came to rest on each one of them. 4 They were all filled with the Ruach HaKodesh and began to talk in different languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.
5 Now there were staying in Yerushalayim religious Jews from every nation under heaven. 6 When they heard this sound, a crowd gathered; they were confused, because each one heard the believers speaking in his own language. 7 Totally amazed, they asked, “How is this possible? Aren’t all these people who are speaking from the Galil? 8 How is it that we hear them speaking in our native languages? 9 We are Parthians, Medes, Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Y’hudah, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, 10 Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome; 11 Jews by birth and proselytes; Jews from Crete and from Arabia. . . ! How is it that we hear them speaking in our own languages about the great things God has done?” 12 Amazed and confused, they all went on asking each other, “What can this mean?” 13 But others made fun of them and said, “They’ve just had too much wine!”
14 Then Kefa stood up with the Eleven and raised his voice to address them: “You Judeans, and all of you staying here in Yerushalayim! Let me tell you what this means! Listen carefully to me!
15 “These people ar en’t drunk, as you suppose — it’s only nine in the morning. 16 No, this is what was spoken about through the prophet Yo’el:
17 ‘Adonai says:
“In the Last Days,
I will pour out from my Spirit upon everyone.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my slaves, both men and women,
will I pour out from my Spirit in those days;
and they will prophesy.
19 I will perform miracles in the sky above
and signs on the earth below —
blood, fire and thick smoke.
20 The sun will become dark
and the moon blood
before the great and fearful Day of Adonai comes.
21 And then, whoever calls on the name of Adonai will be saved.”’[Acts 2:21 Joel 3:1–5(2:28–32)]
22 “Men of Isra’el! Listen to this! Yeshua from Natzeret was a man demonstrated to you to have been from God by the powerful works, miracles and signs that God performed through him in your presence. You yourselves know this. 23 This man was arrested in accordance with God’s predetermined plan and foreknowledge; and, through the agency of persons not bound by the Torah, you nailed him up on a stake and killed him!
24 “But God has raised him up and freed him from the suffering of death; it was impossible that death could keep its hold on him. 25 For David says this about him:
‘I saw Adonai always before me,
for he is at my right hand,
so that I will not be shaken.
26 For this reason, my heart was glad;
and my tongue rejoiced;
and now my body too will live on in the certain hope
27 that you will not abandon me to Sh’ol
or let your Holy One see decay.
28 You have made known to me the ways of life;
you will fill me with joy by your presence.’[Acts 2:28 Psalm 16:8–11]
29 “Brothers, I know I can say to you frankly that the patriarch David died and was buried — his tomb is with us to this day. 30 Therefore, since he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn an oath to him that one of his descendants would sit on his throne, 31 he was speaking in advance about the resurrection of the Messiah, that it was he who was not abandoned in Sh’ol and whose flesh did not see decay. 32 God raised up this Yeshua! And we are all witnesses of it!
33 “Moreover, he has been exalted to the right hand of God; has received from the Father what he promised, namely, the Ruach HaKodesh; and has poured out this gift, which you are both seeing and hearing. 34 For David did not ascend into heaven. But he says,
35 ‘Adonai said to my Lord,
“Sit at my right hand
until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”’[
Acts 2:35 Psalm 110:1
36 Therefore, let the whole house of Isra’el know beyond doubt that God has made him both Lord and Messiah — this Yeshua, whom you executed on a stake!”
37 On hearing this, they were stung in their hearts; and they said to Kefa and the other emissaries, “Brothers, what should we do?” 38 Kefa answered them, “Turn from sin, return to God, and each of you be immersed on the authority of Yeshua the Messiah into forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Ruach HaKodesh! 39 For the promise is for you, for your children, and for those far away — as many as Adonai our God may call!”
40 He pressed his case with many other arguments and kept pleading with them, “Save yourselves from this perverse generation!”
41 So those who accepted what he said were immersed, and there were added to the group that day about three thousand people.
42 They continued faithfully in the teaching of the emissaries, in fellowship, in breaking bread and in the prayers. 43 Everyone was filled with awe, and many miracles and signs took place through the emissaries. 44 All those trusting in Yeshua stayed together and had everything in common; 45 in fact, they sold their property and possessions and distributed the proceeds to all who were in need. 46 Continuing faithfully and with singleness of purpose to meet in the Temple courts daily, and breaking bread in their several homes, they shared their food in joy and simplicity of heart, 47 praising God and having the respect of all the people. And day after day the Lord kept adding to them those who were being saved. (Complete Jewish Bible)
We are a second firstfruits offering to Yeshua. This is referred to in the book of James 1:18(James 1:18 Having made his decision, he gave birth to us through a Word that can be relied upon, in order that we should be a kind of firstfruits of all that he created.)(Complete Jewish Bible), “In the exercise of His Will, He brought us forth by the word of truth, so that we would be a kind of firstfruits among His creatures.”If Yeshua is the Firstfruits offering of the resurrection, so also, we are a firstfruits offering in His new creation, the Body of Messiah. We learn in Ephesians that Messiah is the head, and we are the body (Ephesians 1:23; 4:15-16)(Ephesians 1:23 which is his body, the full expression of him who fills all creation.; 4:15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in every respect grow up into him who is the head, the Messiah. 16 Under his control, the whole body is being fitted and held together by the support of every joint, with each part working to fulfill its function; this is how the body grows and builds itself up in love.)(Complete Jewish Bible). Along with the privileges of being God’s firstfruits also came responsibilities, as we read in Luke 12:48(Luke 12:48 however, the one who did what deserves a beating, but didn’t know, will receive few lashes. From him who has been given much, much will be demanded — from someone to whom people entrust much, they ask still more.)(Complete Jewish Bible), “to whom much is given, much is required.”
Consequently, we are expected to live in such a way that the Lord is honored in all that we do. This is why the Holy Spirit was given – to empower all believers in Yeshua to follow Messiah. The ultimate fulfillment of Shavuot firstfruits are New Covenant believers. When the Spirit of God came upon them in Acts 2(Acts 2:1
The festival of Shavu‘ot arrived, and the believers all gathered together in one place. 2 Suddenly there came a sound from the sky like the roar of a violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire, which separated and came to rest on each one of them. 4 They were all filled with the Ruach HaKodesh and began to talk in different languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.
5 Now there were staying in Yerushalayim religious Jews from every nation under heaven. 6 When they heard this sound, a crowd gathered; they were confused, because each one heard the believers speaking in his own language. 7 Totally amazed, they asked, “How is this possible? Aren’t all these people who are speaking from the Galil? 8 How is it that we hear them speaking in our native languages? 9 We are Parthians, Medes, Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Y’hudah, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, 10 Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome; 11 Jews by birth and proselytes; Jews from Crete and from Arabia. . . ! How is it that we hear them speaking in our own languages about the great things God has done?” 12 Amazed and confused, they all went on asking each other, “What can this mean?” 13 But others made fun of them and said, “They’ve just had too much wine!”
14 Then Kefa stood up with the Eleven and raised his voice to address them: “You Judeans, and all of you staying here in Yerushalayim! Let me tell you what this means! Listen carefully to me!
15 “These people ar en’t drunk, as you suppose — it’s only nine in the morning. 16 No, this is what was spoken about through the prophet Yo’el:
17 ‘Adonai says:
“In the Last Days,
I will pour out from my Spirit upon everyone.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my slaves, both men and women,
will I pour out from my Spirit in those days;
and they will prophesy.
19 I will perform miracles in the sky above
and signs on the earth below —
blood, fire and thick smoke.
20 The sun will become dark
and the moon blood
before the great and fearful Day of Adonai comes.
21 And then, whoever calls on the name of Adonai will be saved.”’[Acts 2:21 Joel 3:1–5(2:28–32)]
22 “Men of Isra’el! Listen to this! Yeshua from Natzeret was a man demonstrated to you to have been from God by the powerful works, miracles and signs that God performed through him in your presence. You yourselves know this. 23 This man was arrested in accordance with God’s predetermined plan and foreknowledge; and, through the agency of persons not bound by the Torah, you nailed him up on a stake and killed him!
24 “But God has raised him up and freed him from the suffering of death; it was impossible that death could keep its hold on him. 25 For David says this about him:
‘I saw Adonai always before me,
for he is at my right hand,
so that I will not be shaken.
26 For this reason, my heart was glad;
and my tongue rejoiced;
and now my body too will live on in the certain hope
27 that you will not abandon me to Sh’ol
or let your Holy One see decay.
28 You have made known to me the ways of life;
you will fill me with joy by your presence.’[Acts 2:28 Psalm 16:8–11]
29 “Brothers, I know I can say to you frankly that the patriarch David died and was buried — his tomb is with us to this day. 30 Therefore, since he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn an oath to him that one of his descendants would sit on his throne, 31 he was speaking in advance about the resurrection of the Messiah, that it was he who was not abandoned in Sh’ol and whose flesh did not see decay. 32 God raised up this Yeshua! And we are all witnesses of it!
33 “Moreover, he has been exalted to the right hand of God; has received from the Father what he promised, namely, the Ruach HaKodesh; and has poured out this gift, which you are both seeing and hearing. 34 For David did not ascend into heaven. But he says,
35 ‘Adonai said to my Lord,
“Sit at my right hand
until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”’[Acts 2:35 Psalm 110:1)]
36 Therefore, let the whole house of Isra’el know beyond doubt that God has made him both Lord and Messiah — this Yeshua, whom you executed on a stake!”
37 On hearing this, they were stung in their hearts; and they said to Kefa and the other emissaries, “Brothers, what should we do?” 38 Kefa answered them, “Turn from sin, return to God, and each of you be immersed on the authority of Yeshua the Messiah into forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Ruach HaKodesh! 39 For the promise is for you, for your children, and for those far away — as many as Adonai our God may call!”
40 He pressed his case with many other arguments and kept pleading with them, “Save yourselves from this perverse generation!”
41 So those who accepted what he said were immersed, and there were added to the group that day about three thousand people.
42 They continued faithfully in the teaching of the emissaries, in fellowship, in breaking bread and in the prayers. 43 Everyone was filled with awe, and many miracles and signs took place through the emissaries. 44 All those trusting in Yeshua stayed together and had everything in common; 45 in fact, they sold their property and possessions and distributed the proceeds to all who were in need. 46 Continuing faithfully and with singleness of purpose to meet in the Temple courts daily, and breaking bread in their several homes, they shared their food in joy and simplicity of heart, 47 praising God and having the respect of all the people. And day after day the Lord kept adding to them those who were being saved. (Complete Jewish Bible), He made them into His firstfruits (James 1:18)(James 1:18 Having made his decision, he gave birth to us through a Word that can be relied upon, in order that we should be a kind of firstfruits of all that he created.)(Complete Jewish Bible). Similarly, believers today are people of both privilege and responsibility to live faithfully for the Lord. Through faith in Messiah, we have eternal salvation and new life as children of God.What a privilege to have the enablement of the Holy Spirit to live dedicated and holy lives to the glory of God. Though there is “no condemnation to those in Messiah” (Romans 8:1)(Romans 8:1 Therefore, there is no longer any condemnation awaiting those who are in union with the Messiah Yeshua.)(Complete Jewish Bible), there is chastening and discipline from the Lord for every child of His, that we might grow in righteousness (Hebrews 12:6-8)(Hebrews 12:
6 For Adonai disciplines those he loves
and whips everyone he accepts as a son.”[Hebrews 12:6 Proverbs 3:11–12]
7 Regard your endurance as discipline; God is dealing with you as sons. For what son goes undisciplined by his father? 8 All legitimate sons undergo discipline; so if you don’t, you’re a mamzer and not a son!)(Complete Jewish Bible).
As Believers we are to present ourselves for God’s use only. We experience His spiritual blessings when we yield ourselves to the Lord, and in living for Him, fulfill His purpose for us.Just as Yeshua was accepted as the Firstfruits of Passover, we are accepted by God as the firstfruits of Pentecost. Therefore, we are to live out that acceptance and love of God, having confidence that we are dedicated to God’s use, only. When we put God first in our lives, we testify to the world that we belong to Him.
(Adapted from the book Messiah in the Feasts of Israel.)
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Erev Shavuot - Feast of Pentecost
Saturday Evening
May19th at 7:00 PM
Hope of Israel Congregation
11630 Elm Lane
Charlotte NC 28277
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- Apr 29, 8:30am: Millers Creek Bapt., Millers Cr., NC
- May 19, 7:00 pm: Hope of Israel Congregation., Charlotte, NC
- May 20, 10:30 am: Solid Rock Community Church., Sanford, NC
- May 27, 10:00 am: Amity Baptist., Denver, NC
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Abiding in Messiah
In this book, you will learn what matters most to God and discover a life of significance through abiding in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. Beginning with a look at Israel as the vineyard of the Lord (Isaiah 5) and learning of the tender care He provides for her, you will gain deeper understanding of your relationship with the Savior.
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