NTS E-Connection - May 2018
Spring semester is winding down and we are anticipating the joyous celebration of commencement this weekend. More than fifty graduates will be awarded degrees that they have earned through the prayerful work of scholarship and spiritual formation. These are tasks that we seek to hold in balance at NTS. As Charles Wesley wrote, “Unite the two so long disjoined, knowledge and vital piety: learning and holiness combined.”
This commitment rises from our long-held conviction that faithful and effective ministry must find its strength not only in evangelistic passion but also in theological depth. This vision is what compelled J. B. Chapman to call relentlessly upon the Church of the Nazarene to establish its own Seminary. Chapman understood that true gospel ministry does not shrink back from the disciplines of constant learning. The work of theology is not best accomplished in isolated academies, but in places like a seminary that is deeply connected to the practice of ministry.
At Nazarene Theological Seminary, we believe that pastors, chaplains, missionaries, teachers, and other servants best image the presence of the Good Shepherd in their ministries when they give themselves faithfully to the work of theological reflection from the Scriptures which informs the practice of ministry, then take the experiences of incarnational ministry back to the Scriptures in prayerful reflection. This constant movement of action and contemplation enables the minister to lead from a firm foundation of passionate biblical faith.
The women and men who will commence from NTS this weekend have been prepared for this kind of life. As we send them in the promise and power of the Spirit into their assignments, we pray earnestly that they will conduct their ministries from theological knowledge that is applied with pastoral wisdom from hearts that are sanctified by the love of God in Christ Jesus.
We are proud of our graduates and commend to them to the Church as servants of our risen Lord Jesus Christ. At NTS, we are continuing to grow in our work of preparing these God-called servants. As we do this work, thank you for your prayers and support.
The Peace of our Lord,
Dr. Jeren Rowell
President and Professor of Pastoral Ministry
Nazarene Theological Seminary
NTS Ambassadors
Love NTS? Want to help share the story?
The Office of Advancement is looking for alumni and friends who would be open to serve as ambassadors of NTS to their churches, districts, and regions. In short, these are people who would help champion the value of graduate theological education. In doing so, you would help connect future students and supporters to the mission of NTS. The Office of Advancement will provide tools and direction and a thank you gift your efforts. Interested?Complete this form!
Dr. Jeren Rowell
President and Professor of Pastoral Ministry
Nazarene Theological Seminary
Love NTS? Want to help share the story?
The Office of Advancement is looking for alumni and friends who would be open to serve as ambassadors of NTS to their churches, districts, and regions. In short, these are people who would help champion the value of graduate theological education. In doing so, you would help connect future students and supporters to the mission of NTS. The Office of Advancement will provide tools and direction and a thank you gift your efforts. Interested?Complete this form!
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