Friday, May 4, 2018

Pastor Penny Ellwood's Enote for Friday, 4 May 2018 - The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs in Blue Springs, Missouri, United States

Pastor Penny Ellwood's Enote for Friday, 4 May 2018 - The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs in Blue Springs, Missouri, United States
Friday, May 4, 2018
Greetings Resurrection Blue Springs!

I’m looking forward to today as I get to spend my day off with my granddaughter, Nora. My soon to be daughter-in-law is being treated to a few days away by her bridal party so today is grandma’s day with Nora. We’re planning to meet my daughter with my other two grandchildren at the zoo.
At 16 months, my granddaughter is just beginning to talk. Bill and I have been anxious to see how our grandchildren will name us. Lula, our first granddaughter, has managed a distinctive “Gr” reserved, it seems, for me. A couple of days ago Nora was here for dinner and we noticed that she was calling me “YaYa.” Though we have no Greek ties that I’m aware of, I kind of like it. I’m not going to get to attached though until we see if it sticks.
I was thinking this morning about why this naming is important and remembered that this was one of the first responsibilities given to Adam, the first human created by God. Genesis 2:19 tells us that God took “all the wild beasts and all the birds of the sky and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that would be its name.” It seems that naming was a way for humans to bring order to our chaotic and dynamic world. This task set early in the Bible is also a glimpse of the creative power and responsibility given to us by God.
We’ll head to the zoo today to see these wild beasts and birds of the sky that Adam named and see if “Ya Ya” continues. Pray that I can keep this little dynamo safe and sound while she's on my watch!
Some of you have heard that our Guest Connections position is opening up. Stephanie Weigel, who has done a great job in this position of coordinating our hospitality teams and welcoming visitors, is stepping down to have more time with her family. Thankfully, she's not leaving us! If you or someone you know would be a great fit for this important role on our staff, please let me know.
This Sunday, continuing with our sermon series on What Would Jesus Say, we'll focus our attention on what Jesus would say to #MeToo victims. If you know of anyone, friends, colleagues, or coworkers who would benefit from this weekend's important and moving message, please invite them to join you.
I hope you have a great Friday and I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Pastor Penny
Upcoming Events & Activities
Do you have a graduating High School or College Student?

If you have a graduating high school or college student in your household, please let us know. We're planning to recognize these students on May 20thduring worship. Send an email to Heather Sooley with your student's information and a recent photo.
TGIF Movie Night
K-5th graders are invited to watch Leap! at our TGIF Movie Night, Friday, May 4, 6:30 pm (while their parents are watching Big Sonia – see info below). Popcorn and other movie snacks provided. PJs, blankets and favorite stuffed animals encouraged! If you haven't registered your child but you'd like for them to attend, contact Diane Enlow.
Big Sonia Movie Night
Sonia Warshawski, a Holocaust survivor who lives in Kansas City, endured teenage years marked by the horrors of concentration camps and death marches. She shares her story in the movie, Big Sonia. Ages 10 and up are encouraged to join us for this award-winning documentary film on Friday, May 4, 6:30 pm, Blue Springs Sanctuary. TGIF Movie Night offered at the same time for K-5th, childcare available for younger children by request. Rezlife youth group will sell popcorn and snacks to raise funds for camp and special events.
Blood Drive
Thursday, May 10, 3:30-7 pm Resurrection Blue Springs Fellowship Hall. Share the gift of life with local hospital patients who need it by donating at the next Community Blood Center blood drive. Book your appointment today at, enter Sponsor Code: CORBS. Learn more at Guest Services or contact Betty Witt.
Waypoint Online Men's Group
A waypoint is defined as a stopping place on a journey. Men are on different journeys of life and spiritual understanding so it is helpful, no matter what path you're on, to have a waypoint to stop and assess your surroundings and adjust your course. “Gather” online each week to navigate your life’s journey from the comfort of wherever you are! Wednesdays from 8:30-9:30 pm via computer or the ZOOM app. Join us online each week at Click online here to register. Contact Mike Ash for more information.
Women's Virtual Bible Study
We are starting a study on "Women of the Bible: A One Year Devotional Study" as our guide. We meet virtually on Thursday nights at 9 pm and will be doing a different woman each week. It's really easy to pop in and out as schedules permit. The zoom link is: Click online here to register. For more info contact Mike Ash or Chelsea Evans.
Year End Fun Day at Wendell PhillipsJoin us for this fun and rewarding Serve opportunity May 24 at Wendell Phillips Elementary School, helping celebrate the last day of school and encouraging students to stick it out to the very end! There will be activities you can help lead throughout the morning and/or afternoon. Consider setting a day aside to join us in this wonderful partnership. Register online here, or email with questions!
Vacation Bible Camp
Jesus & Me . . . Choose Kind
When? June 28-29 from 6–8 pm and June 30-July 1 9-11:30 am
Who? Camp is for children who are currently in kindergarten through 5th grade (2017-2018 school year).
Cost? $15 per child. Includes t-shirt, snacks and fun!
Registration: Registration open now!
VBC is a week of fun, friendship and faith-building designed to help kids and families choose kind…just like Jesus! We are offering evening times the first two days to increase family involvement with a fun movie night, then morning times on the weekend to help with those busy schedules! The last day we will end our time during church and celebrate with a family picnic and water slide after church. Everyone is welcome!
Adult Volunteers
We have spots for people with varying interests including behind the scenes, decorating, greeting, group guides, recreation, craft, acting, music and missions. All are important!
Youth Volunteers
If you are a current 6th–12th grader, this is your time to shine! As older “kids”, you have an opportunity to inspire and lead K-5th graders in a very special way. Jump on board and make a difference this summer!
Click here to volunteer or contact Diane Enlow.
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs Staff
Rev. Penny Ellwood, Resurrection Blue Springs Pastor
Mike Ash, Worship Leader & Director of Community
Caleb Longest, Director of Student Ministries
Diane Enlow, Director of Children's Ministries
Riley Ledford, Technical Producer
Heather Sooley, Operations Coordinating Assistant
Stephanie Weigel, Guest Connections Coordinating Assistant
Caitlin Willis, Nursery Coordinator
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs
(816) 389-8900
For after-hours pastoral care, please call (913) 338-9477.

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