but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. (Acts 1:8)
Back in the mid 90's when bookstores were still a thing – Christian bookstores in particular – I would spend afternoons after school perusing the CD shelves for music I hadn't heard yet. I was the annoyingly unaware customer who spent hours walking around with the store's only CD player in a double, sometimes triple, elimination tournament between 6 or 7 CDs, the winner of which I would crown with a place on my cd shelf. One afternoon I came across a multi-colored CD in the “Alternative” section (the catch-all for everything your parents were sure to hate) called “Five Iron Frenzy: Upbeats and Beatdowns.” I could tell from the album cover they were a ska band: bright colors, weird fonts, cartoonish drawings. They had the makings of everything I was sure to love. Or hate. Or be indifferent to. Quality control was lacking in mid 90's Christian music. The mindset from the few Christian rock/alternative labels seemed to be “let's throw as much stuff up against the wall as we can and see if any sticks.” Most didn't, but some did. And a couple really did.
Devotional Thought
Back in the mid 90's when bookstores were still a thing – Christian bookstores in particular – I would spend afternoons after school perusing the CD shelves for music I hadn't heard yet. I was the annoyingly unaware customer who spent hours walking around with the store's only CD player in a double, sometimes triple, elimination tournament between 6 or 7 CDs, the winner of which I would crown with a place on my cd shelf. One afternoon I came across a multi-colored CD in the “Alternative” section (the catch-all for everything your parents were sure to hate) called “Five Iron Frenzy: Upbeats and Beatdowns.” I could tell from the album cover they were a ska band: bright colors, weird fonts, cartoonish drawings. They had the makings of everything I was sure to love. Or hate. Or be indifferent to. Quality control was lacking in mid 90's Christian music. The mindset from the few Christian rock/alternative labels seemed to be “let's throw as much stuff up against the wall as we can and see if any sticks.” Most didn't, but some did. And a couple really did.Five Iron Frenzy was different than most bands. I remember the very first song on their first album was all about how American Indians had been mistreated at the hands of settlers and American westward expansion policy, often in the name of Christ. You know - typical lead-off song for a Christian band. But, it was mid 90's ska; they could've just as easily been singing about how they named their hot dog “Tom” and took him to the church potluck to work on his retirement portfolio – “the more outrageous the better” seemed to be a driving theme. By by the third or fourth song, however, I was hooked. They were different than a lot of other Christian bands I'd heard. There was no “Jesus” count to their songs. They could just as easily write a song mourning a lost blue comb as they could a song mourning the often-factious nature of the church, calling for unity between ecclesiastical movements. Topically, they could turn on a dime, putting the same energy and devotion into either. And, their lyrics were occasionally controversial; the kind of controversial which challenged deeply-held political opinions and pushed against Christian macro-trends. I found myself disagreeing with them more than once, but, even as a 16-year-old, I somehow appreciated their ability to intelligently and creatively push me to think beyond the buzz words of the “local authorities.”
I didn't know it at the time but, looking back, I've come to realize they were teaching me, perhaps in the most efficient way, some valuable lessons regarding what I would only years later be able to articulate – truths like, everything is spiritual. Nothing can be truly be compartmentalized out of reach of the parameters of worship given to a holy God. And, as such, all things are holy - even a series of CD bonus tracks, comprising an 8-part rock opera about pants. Or truths like, Christianity is not a liability to one's artistic endeavors. Allowed to take their appropriate place, the Kingdom of God and the person of the Holy Spirit can not only be the paint, the canvas, or the brush, but become the right angle, the compass, the plumb line which brings both bearing and meaning to every straight and swirling line in an infinite number of directions, revealing art throughout the cathedral of creation.
If we're not careful, we can easily miss the ramifications this all-encompassing, fully-empowering, ever-creative Holy Spirit can have in our own lives. It's easy to take a 2 dimensional approach to the work of the Spirit today, as if His only purpose is to make temptation less formidable, Bible studies more interesting, and the occasional extra person appear in the Sunday morning service. But, the Spirit desires infinitely more than this. He desires to unleash trail-blazing, rich creativity and powerful, practical innovation. He desires that we might find ourselves embroiled in robust and risky lives of love. He desires that our enjoyment of His presence and ready obedience to His will produce a deeply attractive and fully-engaged existence.
We see this within the shaping of the early Church in Acts. Not only do they find themselves empowered to speak boldly of the Kingdom, but, in languages they didn't even know (Acts 2:4-8). We see a church not only preaching the gospel but innovatively caring for the widows and least-of-these, a practice which ultimately shaped all of Western society (Acts 6:1-7). They brought miraculous healing to the sick (5:12-16), the lame (3:1-10), and even the dead (9:36-43) – all while upholding the holiness of a God who will not settle for a sinful church (Acts 5:1-11). They were fearless, tireless, and limitless in their mission, not because they themselves were extra-special people; they were fishermen, tax-collectors, tanners, and business women. But, they understood the truth that the Holy Spirit's transforming power – in much the same way to how we understand nuclear power today – can take simple, ordinary people and, in their transformation, turn them into radically dynamic sources of Holy energy.
As we approach Pentecost (May 20), we are asked not only to recall and celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit on that day nearly 2,000 years ago, but, to ask, how is that same power working in my life? Am I allowing the transforming love of the Spirit to renew my life? in passion, purity, creativity, drive, and vision? Will I allow the Spirit to have His way in such a manner that there might be great joy in our cities (8:8) because of His presence in us?
Father, may it be so.
Your District Administration
Make D.A. plans for Friday and Saturday, June 1-2 on the campus of PLNU and SD First Church of the Nazarene. We'll be joined by G.S. Filiamao Chambo, Mark Bane, and a critical access missionary speaker. Click HERE for info and registration or continue reading below.
Every year PLNU hosts Elev8 over the Memorial Day holiday weekend. Registration opened March 1, so hurry over to elev8event.com for registration and spread the word!
For all teens, parents and pastors of teens - NYC 2019 will be held in Phoenix, AZ and promises to be an amazing time of fun, fellowship, spiritual growth, and profuse sweating. Click HERE for more event information.
Check out all the info for this year's PALCON (Pastors and Leaders Conference) happening on Monday, July 30th to Wednesday, August 1st on the PLNU campus (Or see below)
Seminar by the Sea: One Day Event
A Special One Day Event will be offered Tuesday, June 5th from 9AM to 3PM with speaker Dr. Reggie McNeal. This seminar will be held at the Fermanian Conference Center at Point Loma Nazarene University (3900 Lomaland Drive, San Diego, CA 92106). Cost will be $15 for the day, Lunch will be provided Click HERE to register for the 1-day Reggie McNeal event or for other CPL events coming up.
Dr. Reggie McNeal enjoys helping people, leaders, and Christian organizations determine and experience epic wins with Kingdom impact. For the past ten years Reggie has served as the Missional Leadership Specialist for Leadership Network of Dallas, TX. In recognition of his work Leadership Network has awarded him the position of its first Senior Fellow. He also is on staff at Good Cities, serving in the role of City Coach.
Reggie works with community leaders around the country to build cross-domain collaborative efforts that can move the needle on big societal issues. In addition he provides coaching and consultation for individuals and teams in becoming more missionally-focused and Kingdom-biased in their ministry approaches. Reggie’s latest book, Kingdom Come: Why We Must Quit Our Obsession Over Fixing the Church and What We Should Do Instead (Tyndale, 2015), challenges the church to shift its narrative from a church-centric to a kingdom-centric storyline.
Pastor's Picnic: An Update
If you weren't able to make it this year, make plans to join us next year. We're sure you'll enjoy the time with brothers and sisters from around the district.
Lifelong Learning UpdateAs of January 1, 2018, the record-keeping and reporting system for lifelong learning hours is handled on the Global Lifelong Learning Registry (learning.nazarene.org). Every Nazarene minister now self-reports on the Registry. If you need information on lifelong learning activity reported through the previous system, feel free to request that information by emailing us at learning@nazarene.org. Use that same email address with any questions you have about the new Registry (or call us at 800-306-7651). To see the lifelong learning activity of the Nazarene ministers on your district, simply establish an account for yourself and then send us an email letting us know you have done so. We’ll upgrade your administrative rights accordingly. You can also ask us to do the same for district office personnel or other district leaders who need access to that information. You’ll find more helpful information about lifelong learning and the Registry here.
Summer Camps: Info and Registration
Mid High Camp - July 23-27, 2018 @ Pine Valley Christian Camp
Sr High Camp - July 29-Aug 2, 2018 @ Palomar Christian Conference Center
Information and Registration forms can now be found on the district website for Mid High Camp and Sr. High Camp. Please pass along the word and get your forms in ASAP.
SoCal Roundup
SoCal RoundUp is coming May 18-20, 2018. This family-centered event is an opportunity for groups to camp together in tents or structures, take part in numerous activities (swimming, crafts, obstacle course, derby racing, etc.). Times of praise and worship round out our time together offering an opportunity to get know both each other and our Lord better. The cost is very affordable and the fun starts Friday night and ends Sunday morning after our morning worship time together. Contact Janet Crow at janetloma@cox.net for more information or to arrange a tour of the campground. If you want to look at the campground information online, you can do so at http://www.indianhillscamp.com.
SoCal Work & Witness Trips
The SoCal NMI Council is dedicated to helping churches engage their people with Nazarene Missions around the world. We will continue to support Ojos Negros Baja Mexico, Haiti and this year we are adding a new project – Puerto Rico! We are hoping to involve our youth and college students with this project - no passport required! Please ask your church to pray about supporting our District Projects. We will be collecting church pledges during District Assembly. It is our goal to raise $25,000 to support these projects. For more info or to donate, contact Rob Altice: menifeenaz@hotmail.com
Below is a timetable for our W&W trips:
- Haiti: July 3-11, 2018
- Puerto Rico: November 2018
- San Bernardino First Church of the Nazarene is looking to fill a part-time worship leader position. If you know of anyone who might be interested and capable, please visit the district job posting and contact Dr. Susan Carole by phone (989-980-8651) or email: susan.carole@gmail.com
- Additionally, Living Water Nazarene in SD is looking for a leader for their children's program. Please contact Rev. Chris Nafis if you or someone you know would be interested and capable. you can contact Pastor Chris at chris@livingwaternazarene.com
If you are a RETIRED MINISTER please complete and submit your report by clicking on the following link: Annual Report Card for Retired Ministers
You can also find this link at SoCalNaz.org under the “Reports” tab.
If you are an ORDAINED MINISTER or LICENSED MINISTER but NOT RETIRED (just tired), please complete and submit your report by clicking on this link: Annual Report Card for Ordained or Licensed Clergy
You can also find this link at SoCalNaz.org under the “Reports” tab.
PALCon (Pastors and Leaders Conference) is a quadrennial gathering of Nazarene clergy and spouses – pastors, chaplains, evangelists, staff ministers, and missionaries – co-sponsored by PLNU and the Church of the Nazarene. The conference features worship, fellowship, workshops and forums designed to inspire and equip women and men in ministry. We will be hosting it on PLNU Main Campus on Monday, July 30 - Wednesday, August 1.Check in will be Monday from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM with a Thursday morning check-out.
Click this link to register pastors and spouses: http://palcon.org/register-here
Programs for the Whole Family
The 2018 PALCON will offer outstanding program and ministry options for youth and elementary aged children as well as child care for younger children. Children will be staying in rooms and eating meals with their parents. Youth registering for the “PK Retreat” will be in a separate area of the campus with their own housing and meals.
Click the links below for more information and to register youth and children. (Please note, you will need to register each child or teen individually.)
- PLNU PALCON Childcare Registration (12 months - 4 years)
- Registration Fee – No Charge! (Pre-registration Required)
- https://goo.gl/Whj83B
- PLNU PALCON Childcare Registration (5 years - 5th or 6th grade)
- Registration fee: June 15 or before -- $99. After June 15 -- $109
- https://goo.gl/AwzLuA
- PLNU PALCON PK Retreat Registration (6th or 7th grade – 12th grade)
- Registration fee: June 15 or before -- $80. After June 15 -- $90
- https://goo.gl/BNRDb6
- Your District Admin
Pastor's Kids (Children's) Retreat
The Southwest Field NYI and Point Loma Nazarene University have partnered together to provide a special retreat for Pastors' Kids (PK's) who are between the grades of 7 and 12. We'll be gathering together from July 30th to August 1st on the PLNU campus. Our goal is to have lots of fun, build strong relationships, and provide a safe place for PK's to connect on issues that matter to them. Register at www.southwestnyi.org
District Assembly Information
Mark your calendars for Friday & Saturday, June 1-2 when we'll gather at San Diego First Church and PLNU for our annual District Assembly. This year we'll be joined by newly elected General Superintendent, Dr. Filimão M. Chambo, Director of Evangelism, Mark Bane, and a critical access missionary speaker. You won't want to miss the stories of how God is working in and through the Nazarene Church across the world.
Housing, Meals, & Childcare
We encourage you to stay on campus at PLNU and enjoy meals in the Cafeteria for a significantly discounted rate for Assembly attendees. Also, quality childcare (for ages 0-4) will be provided in the church nursery.
CostsHousing at PLNU = $20/person/night
Meals at PLNU = $8/breakfast, $10/lunch, $12/dinner
Nursery Childcare (age 0-4) = $10/child/day
Registration Link (For housing, meals, and nursery):
- Certificate of Election link (for registering delegates)
- NMI President report link
Friday, June 1
10:30am-1pm: Delegate Registration, Ellipse Chapel
12-1pm: Lunch
1-5pm: Business Session (Family Life Center)
5-6pm: Dinner
7-8:30pm: Worship Service (Family Life Center - Children's Church available for age 5 - 5th grade)
8:30pm: Refreshments (Friendship Plaza)
Saturday, June 2
7-8am: Breakfast
7:30-8:30am: Delegate Registration in Ellipse Chapel
8-11:45am: Business Session, Family Life Center
12-1pm: Lunch
1:15-3pm: Business Session, Family Life Center
4-6pm: Ordination Service, Brown Chapel
6-7:30pm: Refreshments, Friendship Plaza
NMI News
The intent of the Nazarene Missions International (NMI) Council is to keep you updated with information and resources so you can help engage your congregations in Mission Work.
This year, our annual Missionary Convention will be combined with District Assembly. Many districts around the United States are moving to this combined event. This format will still allow for lots of great Mission information and opportunities.
We will also be collecting Crisis Care Kits that weekend to drive up to Sacramento to the distribution center. Use the link provided to get information on filling your bags and boxes: Crisis Care Kit Instructions. (plus $12 per banana box) Please stick to the directions exactly. Last year our district collected 864 kits in just a couple weeks time. This year’s goal is 1000!
If you would like to be added to our email distribution list, please email me and let me know at brenda.ritchie50@gmail.com. You can also “Like” us on facebook at Nazarene Missions International So-Cal
District Events Calendar
- SoCal RoundUp: May 18-20
- District Assemble: June 1-2
- Seminar By The Sea: June 4-8
- PALCON: July 30 - Aug. 1
- Men's Retreat: September 14-16
Copyright © 2018 So Cal District Nazarene, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Southern California District Church of the Nazarene
28465 Old Town Front Street#313
Temecula, California 92590, United States
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