Words to Live By
We asked patients and caregivers, and family and friends like you who support them, to share a quote that felt meaningful during the long road of a health journey. Here are just a few; won’t you weigh in, too?
About the photo: National Geographic photographer David McLain captured this image of CaringBridge author Kevin Amundson driving his pickup near New Prague, MN. The story of Kevin’s road to healing is amazing. Check it out.
19 Inspirational Quotes About Hope and Healing
CaringBridge Staff

We asked you, the CaringBridge community, to send us your favorite inspirational quotes about hope and healing so that we could share them with everyone.
Do you have a favorite quote that’s missing from this article? Submit it to us in the comment section!
“Hope is praying for rain, but faith is bringing an umbrella.”
Submitted by Vicki Bunke
“Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.”
Christopher Reeve
Submitted by Kaye Warren
“Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see.”
Hebrews 11:1
Submitted by a CaringBridge user

“Some people cannot be cured, but everyone can heal.”
Submitted by Kelly Grosklags
“Barn’s burnt down — Now I can see the moon.”
Poem by Mizuta Masahide
Submitted by Shelly Leduke
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
Vivian Greene
Submitted by Teri Schild Wehrman
“God does not give us more than we can handle.”
Submitted by Betty Martin

“Love many; trust few. Learn to paddle your own canoe.“
American Proverb
Submitted by Mary Valuri
“All our infirmities, whatever they are, are just opportunities for God to display his gracious work in us.”
C. H. Spurgeon
Submitted by Jon & Pam Fulton
“The sun never quits shining. Sometimes, clouds just get in the way.”
Submitted by Gailann Thomas-Black
“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
Abraham Lincoln
Submitted by Susan Mosgrove-Wilber
“When you go through deep waters I will be with you.”
Isaiah 43:2
Submitted by Sharon Hammond-Saad
“If there’s life, there is hope.”
Stephen Hawking
Submitted by CaringBridge user

“I don’t know what the future may hold, but I know who holds the future.”
Ralph Abernathy
Submitted by Patch Reynolds
“A smile doesn’t cost a cent, but draws a lot of interest.”
Submitted by Cecil Irwin
“We grieve because we love. The intensity of the grief often proclaims the depth of our love.”
Gary Roe
Submitted by Ernestina Santana
“The forces that are for you are greater than the forces against you.”
Joel Osteen
Submitted by Peg Sorensen
“And sometimes, against all odds, against all logic, we still hope.”
Ellen Pompeo as Dr. Meredith Grey
Submitted by Sigrid Devita
“Had to walk the rocks to see the mountain view.”
Lyric from Lead Of Love by Caedmon’s Call
Submitted by Tyler Sexton
Do you have a favorite quote that’s missing from this article? We’d love to hear from you, so please submit it to us in the comment section below.
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Will You Help Us Measure the Impact of Loving Kindness?To explore how mind-body practices like meditation can help in a cancer journey, we invite you to participate in a University of Minnesota online study to measure the impact of loving kindness. (Time commitment:10 minutes each day, over 21 days.)
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“I think that learning about the healing power of stories is one of the reasons that I am still alive today.” (CaringBridge author Michael Bischoff invites you to watch a healing story session with Dr. Annie Brewster and Jonathan Adler, PhD, of Health Story)Collaborative.
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