Monday, May 7, 2018

Weekly eNote from Pastor Scott Chrostek for Friday, May 4, 2018 from The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown in Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Weekly eNote from Pastor Scott Chrostek for Friday, May 4, 2018 from The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown in Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Greetings Resurrection Downtown!
There is a flurry of activity happening at Resurrection has been such an amazing week. We are less than 30 days away from opening our new space on June 2 and 3, and things are starting to get real. This weekend when you head down for worship, you'll notice some significant changes to the exterior of our building, including new signage! Also, if you missed it, you can check out the latest building update video on our Facebook page. 28 days and counting! If you don't yet follow us on Instagram (@rezdowntown) be sure to do so, as we're sharing stories and updates there as well.
This weekend in worship, we'll focus our attention on what Jesus would say to #MeToo victims. If you know of anyone, friends, colleagues, or coworkers who would benefit from this weekend's moving and powerful message, please invite them to join you. Also, as a response to this weekend's message we will host a special gathering on Monday, May 7 at 6:30pm in the 1522 McGee Sanctuary for a discussion focused on how we can grow as faith-filled community leaders in bringing about mutual respect in our communities. This active dialogue will be led by Teri Classick, LCSW and by our RezDT counseling intern, Aurora Molitoris, MPH. We'll discuss how to act with kindness in light of a culture of sexual harassment. Please note that this is not a processing or therapy group for survivors of abuse, but a place where all genders and ages are welcome for a discussion on possible solutions. Bring your own dinner, drinks and dessert will be provided. Please register at Contact Aurora.Molitoris@cor.orgwith questions.
Also, for next weekend, I want to be sure to alert you to our final Women's Breakfast before a summer break. On Saturday, May 12 from 9 - 10:30 amat 1522 McGee we'll host breakfast and a round-table discussion to vision and plan for the future of this group. If you can, bring a breakfast item to share and invite a friend to join you! If you have any questions, contact
Finally, if you feel God nudging you to care for members of our church walking through grief, the joy of new life, recovering from surgery or walking through family hardship, I want to invite you to consider joining our meals ministry! We have a big team of volunteers who cook meals and deliver them to homes for short-term care needs and I'd love for you to be a part of this team. If you don’t like to cook, consider ordering take out and dropping it by instead! Please contact Lindsay Lentz for more information.
I hope you have a great Friday and I look forward to seeing you this weekend in worship! And while you're at it, be sure to take a walk around our new space before or after worship.
With Grace, Peace and God's Holy Adventure,
* See a complete list of RezDT classes and events on our website.
Congregational Care & Support
If you need pastoral care, call (816) 979-1330.
For after hours emergencies, please call (913) 338-9477.
To submit a prayer request, email
Serve Updates #withKC & Abroad
Check out our RezDT serve blog here, or view our Wendell Phillips Elementary partnership newsletter.
The United Methodist Churchof the Resurrection Downtown

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