Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Human Future ~ L’Arche Canada Foundation ~ Fall 2013 Bulletin

A Human Future ~ L’Arche Canada Foundation ~ Fall 2013 Bulletin 
L’Arche Toronto’s creative arts program:
Sol Express
About the program
Sol Express began in 2007 as L’Arche Toronto’s creative arts program, operating from Mondays to Thursdays. The mission of Sol Express is to provide opportunities for individuals with intellectual disabilities to explore and share their gifts and stories through creative expression. It tries to ensure that participants have all the tools they need to be good artists.
Janet Munro, the founding core member of Sol Express, had danced with L’Arche Daybreak’s Spirit Movers (in Richmond Hill, just north of Toronto) and had long advocated for an arts program in Toronto. They chose the name “Sol Express” because Janet wanted to have ‘sun’ in the name (Sol is Latin for sun). The sun represents light and nurturing growth. The term ‘express’ arose from the main activities of the program, expressing oneself and the sharing of that light. There are two well qualified staff members -- Cheryl Zinyk, Artistic Coordinator, and Matt Rawlins, Artistic Assistant. They decide on the content of any show or project.
The program has been an amazing success. Many participants choose to return each year because they feel that they are growing and learning and love what they are doing. Not surprisingly, the program has reached capacity and has a long wait list.
Sol Express runs several activities that participants can choose from. There is a performance group and a creative arts group. In this short article we will focus on the performance group. Among other activities, the performance group offers a program that they designed to be presented in schools, called “Replace Bullying with Belonging.” This classroom workshop teaches children about belonging and relationship-building.  This and their other performances reflect their specific mission within the broader mission of L’Arche Toronto and Sol Express. The performance group seeks to:
provide opportunities for individuals with intellectual disabilities to explore and share their gifts and stories through creative expression.
explore and reflect on the human condition through inclusion and the need for community.
And influence people in how they respond to the gifts and challenges of difference.
Portraits of Two Performance Group Members
Melissa and Robert
To be a member of the performance group requires a high level of commitment and a strong desire to be a part of the program. For example, in addition to daytime rehearsals, in the weeks approaching a performance, members must also attend evening and weekend rehearsals. This group periodically stages original dramas at local theatres, such as the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts and the Todmorden Mills Papermill Theatre. These dramas are inspired by Jean Vanier’s vision of inclusion and belonging. Public reception has been excellent and often the performances are sold-out.
Melissa lives with her parents in an apartment near the L’Arche Toronto community. She was proud to have the female lead part in a performance of “Torn” – a play that Sol Express staged in June 2013. Melissa has dreams of becoming a professional singer, actor and dancer, and she enjoys the company of people who share her interests.
Robert is a core member of L’Arche Toronto. He has been living in a L’Arche Toronto house for the past three years. His favourite activity in Sol Express is to play the drums. Robert has been a Sol Express performance group member for two and a half years. As such he has had to memorize lines. In the public performance “Tales of the Thicket,” he was the Narrator. Robert feels that he has gained more confidence through being a member of Sol Express. He says, “I am learning how not to be shy!” .
Melissa and Robert and other Sol Express members ‘Express’ themselves in a short video.
<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/20006293" width="500" height="331" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/20006293">I AM</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user5193160">Sol Express</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

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