Monday, December 2, 2013

Bethlehem Walk

Bethlehem Walk
November 27 --The First United Methodist Church of Escondido will host the 26th recreation of the "Little Town of Bethlehem" Dec. 13-15, a renowned holiday tradition where visitors from across Southern California can experience an authentic depiction of the birthplace of Christianity.
Last year, over 2,000 people attended Bethlehem Walk, strolling through the masterfully staged open areas of the church. Live artisans, shopkeepers, shepherds, Jewish families, Roman centurions and prophets present a living picture of Bethlehem in the time of Caesar Augustus, the Roman Emperor who decreed that a census be taken, setting in motion the pivotal event of Christendom, the birth of Jesus, the Christ, in Bethlehem. In Escondido's "Little Town of Bethlehem, there also is, of course, an inn and a manger, complete with actors portraying Joseph, Mary and the infant Jesus. (Yes, real babies, swaddled warmly against the cold!)
"Bethlehem Walk is a gift to the community," said Rev. Faith Conklin, pastor of FUMC, Escondido. "More than a dozen other local churches of many different denominations help build and staff the 'city.' We all come together to share the joy of Christmas and its message of peace and goodwill for all of the Earth."
The church is located at 341 South Kalmia Street, at the corner of 4th and Kalmia. Tours are free and begin every 5 minutes during designated times.
Reservations for tours are highly recommended; those with reservations are given priority entrance in the tour groups. Tours will be: Friday, Dec. 13, 5:30 - 8:55 p.m.; Saturday, Dec. 14, 4 - 8:25 p.m.; Sunday, Dec. 15, 4 - 7:55 p.m.
Reservations can be requested after 8:30 a.m., December 2, by emailing or by completing a form on the church website, Please include the preferred date and tour time, as well as the number of people in your party. A reservations coordinator from the church will contact you to confirm the tour date and time.
If you are interest in doing this please contact the church office 224-2995.
God Bless


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