Grow. Pray. Study. Daily Guide from the United Methodist Church
of the Resurrection – Saturday, 28 December 2013 – “Room for everyone on the
nice list”
Daily Scripture: Galatians 5: The Fruit of the Spirit
22 By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control.
There is no law against such things.
Reflection Question:
Sometimes reading about the Spirit's fruit makes us feel that
"I've just gotta be more loving" or "I have to try harder to
have self-control." That response turns this into one more heavy burden of
guilt to carry. The Code of Elves said, "There's Room for everyone on the
Nice list," and that was the apostle's message, too. The fruit of the
Spirit isn't just for a few select saints. All who open their hearts to God's
Spirit may have it.
Savor the "flavor" of a life filled with the fruit of
the Spirit: "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity,
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." In what ways have you felt one
or more of these traits bring you greater inner freedom as the Spirit grows it
in your life? The year 2014 starts next Wednesday. How will you cultivate the
soil of your life in the new year so that the Spirit's fruit can grow more
deeply, and bring you even more God-given freedom?
Family Activity:
In the movie, "A Christmas Carol, " Scrooge is quite
selfish. However, toward the end, he learns how to be more Christ-like as a
kind and giving person. Many of us created lists of gifts we hope to receive at
Christmas. This year as your family looks ahead to the new year, also create a
list of intangible gifts you can give others. (You might want to draw pictures
or design a magazine collage instead.) Imagine how you can give of your time,
your abilities, your money and your energy. Choose a few specific ways to give
this holiday season and into the new year. Share the blessings God has given
you with others and experience the true meaning of Christmas.
Today's Prayer:
Lord God, you plant hope-filled visions in my imagination. The
promise of your Spirit guiding me lifts the burden of trying to live well by
myself, and offers me your strength. Make of me, more each day, good soil in
which your fruit can grow. Amen.
Saturday, 28 December 2013 – Insight from Carol Cartmill
Carol Cartmill serves as the Executive Director of Adult
Discipleship at The Church of the Resurrection.
Christmas is barely over and I’m already thinking about spring.
Am I the only one? I’m looking forward to the day when seemingly dead trees,
bulbs and plants will once again blossom with life. The days will grow longer
and warmer, and the colors of the season will burst upon the scene. This rhythm
of God’s amazing creation reminds me that given the right set of circumstances,
and with the power of the Holy Spirit, all things are possible.
Cultivating the fruit of the Spirit in our lives is possible
given the right conditions. The plants that we perceive as lifeless in the dead
of winter require the sunshine, rain and warmth of spring to grow again. So
what are the conditions that will bring about Spirit-induced growth in our
lives? We must be intentional to expose ourselves to the One who has the power
to bring about life in us—life that reflects love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
It’s so simple, really. We must choose to engage in the regular
practice of spiritual disciplines like worship, prayer, Bible study, small
group fellowship, serving others, solitude and fasting. These are for us the
sunshine, the rain and the soil nutrients needed to cultivate the Spirit’s
fruit in our lives. Over time, we begin to blossom into the people God intends
for us to become. Those beautiful inner-qualities become reality, and we
reflect a faith that looks to others as inviting as spring.
United Methodist Church of the Resurrection
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, KS 66224 United States
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