We are empowered by the Holy Spirit and enriched by our traditions to move boldly into a shared future where all people are invited to connect with Christ, cultivate faith together, and commit to serve as life-long followers of Jesus Christ.
While I have many different passages of scripture that I would count as my favorites, this one gets quite close to the top of the list. When Jesus taught his Disciples what we call The Lord's Prayer, it was in response to this request. Perhaps the disciples had seen Jesus praying or observed some of the manifestations of God's power through prayer. In any case, they wanted to know how to pray. This is what makes this verse one of my favorites. Jesus then told them to "pray in this way..."
How freeing is it that we do not simply have a prayer "switch" that gets turned on one day? Prayer is something that is learned, cultivated and developed over time.
On the other end of the spectrum, no one has mastered prayer. No one prays "enough" or with perfect devotion. All of us are on the journey of learning to commune and communicate with God.
During August, our worship theme, "The Prayer That Changes the World", is focused on understanding and practicing the principles of prayer that Jesus taught in The Lord's Prayer.
Make August the month when you make the commitment to a better prayer life. Come and learn how you can experience God's blessing and God's call in prayer. Join with me in asking God to "teach us to pray."
Craig +
New Transitions for F5 Worship Service
The Sunday F5 worship service, held at 11 AM in Linder Hall, is preparing to undergo some new transitions and changes as the service moves closer to its public launch. Last February, Pastor Elbert Kim assumed direct leadership for F5. His responsibilities included community building and worship design to advance the experience forward. At the same time, Pastor Elbert began working on an intensive project with the San Diego School of Christian Studies, as well as the expansion of Adult Education. This workload has extended Pastor Elbert beyond his capacities, gifts, and graces.Effective September 1, Pastors Craig and Mary will assume interim direct leadership for the F5 worship experience. This transition will allow Pastor Elbert to focus on areas of ministry clearly aligned with his strengths around education and leadership development. He will continue preaching weekly at Water's Edge along with his usual teaching schedule. We are thankful for Elbert's leadership in a variety of areas and look forward to continued fruitful ministry in our midst.
F5 will continue forward with an increased emphasis on community development, which will allow us to lead a successful public launch of the service in the near future. Pastors Craig and Mary will begin a process of developing the worship experience and the F5 community toward a fruitful expression of our church's ministry. As we move through this transition, let us all be in prayer for F5, our Pastors and the entire leadership of our church. Should you have questions or concerns please direct them to Pastor Craig at or Mr. Jason Tucker, Chairperson of the Staff-Parish Relations Committee.
South District Superintendent Provides Clarification of METRO Letter by Rev. John Farley, South District Superintendent
Many of you recently received a letter from the Rev. John Hughes, the Chief Executive Officer of METRO stating that "on July 7 the official relationship between METRO and the United Methodist Church has ended." This is an unfortunate statement of misunderstanding. Read more...
South District Superintendent Provides Clarification of METRO Letter
Rev. John Farley, South District Superintendent
Many of you recently received a letter from the Rev. John Hughes, the Chief Executive Officer of METRO, stating that "on July 7th the official relationship between METRO and the United Methodist Church has ended." This is an unfortunate statement of misunderstanding.
During this past year, the Conference and the District have been working on clarifying the relationship between the California-Pacific Conference and other institutions that fall into a category of "Health and Welfare" organizations. Paragraph 2517 of the 2012 Book of Discipline requires that each annual conference be responsible for; "establishing and maintaining the annual conference relationship statement" with such organizations to which we relate. In June of 2006 METRO was listed as an active and separately incorporated 501.c.3 agency.
During the first week of July, KPBS reported that the United Methodist Church non-profit organization METRO was suing the City of San Diego for non-payment of a contract to work with the Police Department on young people at risk. In February 2014 the City filed a cross-complaint seeking $17,000 it claims police wrongly paid to the "church" (METRO). See U-T San Diego article June 23, 2014. When I became aware the title and name of the United Methodist Church was being publicly announced in a lawsuit, I felt it urgent that the legal relationship between the UMC and METRO be clarified. On July 7 I sent an email to Rev. John Hughes to that effect.
To be clear, the California-Pacific Conference and the South District are initiating a clarification of the official relationship between agencies we relate to for governance and legal liability reasons, not a severing of ministry advocacy or relationship.
I have communicated this clarification to Rev. John Hughes and trust the confusion will be cleared up going forward.
In Ministry Together,
Rev. John Farley
South District Superintendent
Psalm 121: A Pilgrim Song
1-2 I look up to the mountains;
does my strength come from mountains?
No, my strength comes from God,
who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.
3-4 He won’t let you stumble,
your Guardian God won’t fall asleep.
Not on your life! Israel’s
Guardian will never doze or sleep.
5-6 God’s your Guardian,
right at your side to protect you—
Shielding you from sunstroke,
sheltering you from moonstroke.
7-8 God guards you from every evil,
he guards your very life.
He guards you when you leave and when you return,
he guards you now, he guards you always.
John Wesley’s Notes-Commentary:
Psalm 121
Verse 1
[1] I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
Hills — To Sion and Moriah, which are called the holy mountains.
Verse 5
[5] The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
Shade — To keep thee from the burning heat of the sun.
Verse 6
[6] The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
Smite — With excessive heat.
Moon — With that cold and moisture which come into the air by it. Intemperate heats and colds are the springs of many diseases.
Daily Devotional
Monday, July 28, 2014Worship theme: The Prayer That Changes the World
Pray The Lord's Prayer. Our Father in heaven,
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what’s best—
as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
You’re in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You’re ablaze in beauty!
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Paraphrase the first line ending with "...hallowed be thy Name."
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Worship theme: The Prayer That Changes the World
What stands out to you in your paraphrase?
What might it mean?
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Worship theme: The Prayer That Changes the World
Where and when did you first learn The Lord's Prayer?
What value is there in knowing it by heart?
Friday, August 1, 2014
Worship theme: The Prayer That Changes the World
To whom does Jesus pray?
Why is that important at all?
SANCTUARY WORSHIP8 AM | 9:30 AM | 11 AM | Pastors Craig Brown and Greg LaDue, preaching
9:30 AM | Band | Communion | Pastor Elbert Kim
Come help make sandwich lunches for Rachel's House
Pastor Elbert Kim | Pastor Craig's Video Sermon
Sunday School Resumes this Sunday, August 3
Come join us for Messages through Movies, as we find God's message in movies we know and love. Movie, crafts, games, and popcorn will be part of this special August Sunday School. Children will start off in worship with their parents before being dismissed to Sunday school. Questions? Contact Laura Schwarcz, Director of Children's Ministry.
Catch the sanctuary/F5 sermon via audio or video online. It posts to the website every Monday. Find it here... or subscribe through iTunes...
10:30 AM - "I AM" study | Linder Lounge
5:15 PM - Vespers | Sanctuary | Music for meditation | Communion
Singing favorite hymns during Vespers this summer.
6 PM - Dinner ($6)| Linder Hall | RSVP to the office 619-297-4366 by Mon.
6:45 PM - "I AM" study | Linder Hall 2
August 6, 7 PM - Summer Sings | Sutherland Music Center
Registration in Trotter Chapel at 6:30, $15.
Older or Elder Workshop
Saturday, August 2 | 8:30 - 11:30 AM | Linder Lounge | RSVP
We are called to become more than just older, we are called to become guides and "elders." Most of those whose lives we read about in Scripture are beyond the youthful years. We are called not just to age, but to acquire wisdom that we might become mentors to those who come after us.
Thursday, July 31 | 10 AM - 1:30 PM
Linder Hall | Free Lunch Buffet
RSVP: 760-429-3488 or email cindy@heritageseniorcare.com
Speakers, resources, booklets.
Download the flyer for details
Sunday, September 7 |9 AM - 12:30 PM | Plaza
We'll kick-off the fall with some great ways to get more involved; opportunities to learn about the ministries of the church, and a time to reconnect with friends or connect for the first time. Now is the time to get your ministry/ group/class organized and ready. Theme for this year: Crossroad Celebrations!
If your Ministry/Group/Class needs a table during this event: Register your ministry online before August 27. Request for printed promotional material: submit to printshop@fumcsd.org no later than August 4. For more information, contact Laura Schwarcz, Phyllis Kenney, or Pastor Jessica at 619-297-4366.
Imagine No Malaria
$100,000 Imagine No Malaria Drive Kicks Off
Hear how Kyle raised $1,000.
The monthly community meal at Normal Heights UMC, under the leadership of First Church, will discontinue in its current form after August 25. Both First Church and Normal Heights UMC are currently in a transition, trying to meet the needs of Normal Heights and City Heights neighborhoods. This fall, First Church will put more energy into the Cherokee Point ministry in City Heights as one of our many local mission projects. Read more about the transition...
Mondays, August 4 - 25| 6 - 8:30 PM | Home of Nancy Sunday | RSVP
Barbara Brown Taylor's most recent book, Learning to Walk in the Dark, offers us a very different look at "the dark." Rather than a place of ignorance, danger, fear, and a place to be avoided; the dark is, and can be, a place of nurturance and growth. Led by Rev. Greg LaDue and Nancy Sunday. Purchase the book in the church office ($15) or through your favorite bookseller.
Saturday, August 23| 9 - 11:30 AM | Linder Lounge | RSVP
Lead Pastor Craig Brown and Director of Church Music Stan Wicks offer an inside look at the Sanctuary Worship set to premiere in September. Worship and liturgy are meaningful symbols and metaphors of significant theological truths. This workshop will highlight these theological groundings and explain how Sanctuary Worship deepens our encounter with the mystery and the intimacy we have with God through Jesus Christ. Light refreshments provided.
Sundays beginning Sept. 7| 11 AM - 12:30 PM | Sanctuary Meeting Room
Twice a year First Church offers a 13-week GriefShare program that is built on videos with experts discussing various aspects of the grief journey, followed by discussion. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group who will walk along side of you through one of life's most difficult experiences. You may join at any time. Contact Rev. Ken Licht, 619-297-4366 x111, if you are interested in joining our next GriefShare.
Sunday, August 10 | 4-8 PM | Linder Lounge
Sign up for this exciting exploration with Pastor Craig and the clergy. Together we will discuss biblical perspectives on:
1. What Does Church Membership Mean?
2. What is Our Household All About?
3. The Blessings of Our Household (and our Discipleship Pathway)
4. Responsibilities of Being in This Household
We will share dinner together. Those who are prepared for membership will be received Sunday, August 24. Contact Demmie Divine, Membership Secretary, if you would like to attend.
Saturday, August 16 | 10 AM - 3 PM | Mission Beach
$10 per family (for food and drinks)
Calling all families with youth and children! Youth and Children's Ministries invite you to a Family Beach Day at Mission Beach. Come join us for a wonderful day of beach fun... lunch and beach games will be on the agenda.
Register here ...
Children's Growing Center Enrolling Kindergarten
The Music Ministry of First Church is looking for two persons who would be interested in a very short-term commitment (6 weeks) involving the training of Kindergarteners through 3rd graders in music and worship. A Children's Church program will be held in Trotter Chapel from mid-November through the end of Advent on Sunday mornings from 8:15-8:40 AM. This program will dovetail into Carol Choir for that same age range, which begins at 8:45 a.m. A Cherub Choir for children ages 4 and 5 (pre-K), directed by Kathy Fait, will be held in the Children's Choir Room at the same time as Children's Church. Read more here...
The Summer Sing is anr opportunity to sing major works with San Diego's finest conductors. Scores and refreshments are provided for $15, free for students and observers. No reservations required. Registration begins in Trotter Chapel at 6:30 PM. Rehearsals are in the Sutherland Family Music Center, 7-9:15 PM. See schedule here...
A last short-term opportunity for sopranos and altos: Summer Soprano/Alto choir singing at the 9:30 and 11 AM sanctuary services. Rehearsals are Thursdays in the Sutherland Music Center, 7-8:30 PM. Sunday morning warm-up begins at 9. Come at 8:45 AM for refreshments and fellowship and sing for one or both services. First rehearsal is July 31. You are welcome to participate for any length. Questions? Contact our Director of Church Music, Stanley M. Wicks, 619-297-4366, x135.
Wednesday, August 27 | 6:45 PM | Linder Hall
Bob Plimpton will lead this hymn sing entitled "God Dwells in the Praises of His People." After singing favorite hymns in Vespers all summer, this last evening hymn sing will complete the singing of all hymns requested, plus a few newer ones. Song will blend with Scripture and prayer -- experiencing God's presence in a new way in the praises of his people. Come to Linder Hall following Vespers at 5:30 PM and our fellowship meal at 6 PM.
Friday Night Singles (50+ or -) meets every Friday at 6 PM for a meal followed by activities. Email Karen Maczka or call 619-263-3743.
Memorial Garden representatives will be in the Garden this Sunday, August 3, between services to provide information about niches and the Memorial Wall.
You're Invited: to the marriage ceremony of First Church Small Group Assistant Beckett Kirk and Kristena Clark on Saturday, August 9, at 4:30 PM in the sanctuary as they tie the knot that binds their relationship in marriage under God.
Join the Active Adults on Wednesday, August 13, at 1 PM in Linder Hall for the ever popular piano and flute duet featuring Carol Aby and Paulette Rose. If you are attending Pastor Craig's Bible study, consider continuing the festivities with lunch and musical performance for only $5. Active Adults is hosting four walkabouts on August 4,11,18,and 25. More information is available in the church office.
"Milk Donors" needed for Loaves and Fishes Sunday food ministry. Can you commit to bring one half-gal. of milk to Linder Lounge each Sunday to help supplement the needs of our weekly food distribution to low income families and the elderly at Wesley UMC? Contact Brenda Blake. Small groups or other groups can participate. Tom Large explains the situation here.
McDonalds gift cards for people in need - The Heart of Christianity Class has $5 McDonalds gift cards available to distribute to people in need. Stop by the table on the patio for more information. Donations requested.
The last Neighborhood Family Meal is August 25, 5:30-7 PM, at Normal Heights UMC. Help provide and serve food and enjoy fellowship with families, teens, seniors and people in need of a nutritious, hot meal. Address: 4650 Mansfield St. Volunteers prepare and bring a main dish, salad or dessert. Email Brenda Blake or call 619-297-4366, x125.
The Altar Flower Calendar has many openings for Sundays in September - December. Help us fill those dates. Call Eleene in the church office at 619-297-4366 to make your reservation. Each bouquet is $50.
Save the Date
Pastor's Bible Study: Paul's Letters, begins September 3, morning and evening classes.
Financial Peace University, preview August 24, begins September 14.
The Alpha Course, launch party September 14, begin September 21.
Baptism of infants and children, September 21. Contact Demmie Divine at 619-297-4366, ext. 108 or email ddivine@fumcsd.org
Sponsor a Prayer Quilt for someone in need of prayer -- whatever the reason. Submit a request or call Cheryl Johnson at 619-297-7575.
Prayers & Squares Prayer Quilt Ministry meets twice a month. For our next meeting, see our 2014 schedule.
Our "Just a Little Gift' Shop" is open Sundays, 9 AM to 12:30 PM. It's located below the sanctuary and through the sanctuary meeting room.
Job opportunities at Pt. Loma Nazarene University include: HVAC Sr. Technician, Asst. Dir. of Advancement Services, Sr. Writer, Asst. Dir. of Community Life (PT), Dir. of Outdoor Leadership Programs, Dir. for the Center for Pastoral Leadership, Help Center Technician, Alumni Special Projects Asst., Public Safety Officer, Building Coordinator (Cooper Music Ctr.), Admin. Asst., Payroll Asst. (Temp), Admissions Systems Mgr. Visit PLNU website for details.
Bauer Pottery, orangeMISSION OUTREACH THRIFT STORE | 3186 Adams Ave.
Open Monday to Saturday 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Bauer Pottery pitcher with wood handle, $39.50
Proceeds from the Thrift Store support several local missions and the United Methodist Women. Last year we raised $34,000 for local missions.
In Our Prayers
We invite you to join us as we keep these individuals and families in our prayers this week.
Hospitalized: Eugene Horton and Katy McDaniel.
Prayer Quilts were presented on Sunday, July 27, for Eugene Horton, Doris Lumens and Dawn Olszewski-Barnett. Please keep these individuals in your prayers.
A memorial service for William Kneeland will be held in our sanctuary on Thursday, July 31, at 11:00 a.m., Pastor Craig Brown officiating.
A memorial service for Carol Casper will be held on Sunday, August 3, at 2:00 p.m. in Trotter Chapel
Members of our congregation in the military who are deployed and their families:
Sam Adams
Will Brown
Jason Constantine
Grace Kirkland
Jake Huntley
Chris Lemon
Carl Meuser
Doug Samples
Collin Sullivan
Matt O'Neal
San Diego, California, 92104 United States
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