Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Dear Friends, First, I want to express a HUGE heartfelt Thanks to Aaron for stepping in as our interim director for Sonlight. His servant heart caused him to say yes when we needed him. I know you will want to express your thanks to Aaron as well. Second, we want to begin a search for a dynamic, very special person to lead Sonlight into an exciting future. Sonlight has been, is and will continue to be the center piece of our 9:40 worship service. We also believe that in order to provide that person the best possible opportunity to succeed, it is important for there to be broad and deep buy-in by our congregation regarding the vision of who Sonlight will be in the future. To that end, we are doing two things: 1. Sharing a survey with you to gain your input; you can access the survey this Sunday in worship or also at this link. Please take a few minutes to fill it out. The results will be shared with a "Vision Team" which is made up of representatives of all the stakeholders (current & former SL members, former and current parents, people from the recent past, and more distant past). Attached is a list of the vision team; feel free to speak with them directly. 2. Once we get your input we will formulate the vision and share it with the congregation, and will let you know the position description when we initiate the search. Sonlight has meant so much to so many over the past decades; please keep in your prayers Sonlight and all involved. God bless, Dan
Sermons may be accessed by clicking here. |
Week-end Worship
Sunday Service
World Communion Sunday
8:15, 9:40, 11:00 Rev. Esther Rodriguez To the Ends of the World Scripture: Acts 1:6-11 MSG
Acts 1:6 When they were together for the last time they asked, “Master, are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel now? Is this the time?”
7-8 He told them, “You don’t get to know the time. Timing is the Father’s business. What you’ll get is the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world.”
9-11 These were his last words. As they watched, he was taken up and disappeared in a cloud. They stood there, staring into the empty sky. Suddenly two men appeared—in white robes! They said, “You Galileans!—why do you just stand here looking up at an empty sky? This very Jesus who was taken up from among you to heaven will come as certainly—and mysteriously—as he left.”
Jphn Wesley's Notes-Commentary:
Acts 1:6-11
Verse 6
[6] When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?
Dost thou at this time — At the time thou now speakest of? not many days hence? restore the kingdom to Israel? - They still seemed to dream of an outward, temporal kingdom, in which the Jews should have dominion over all nations. It seems they came in a body, having before concerted the design, to ask when this kingdom would come.
Verse 7
[7] And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.
The times or the seasons — Times, in the language of the Scriptures, denote a longer; seasons, a shorter space.
Which the Father hath put in his own power — To be revealed when and to whom it pleaseth him.
Verse 8
[8] But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
But ye shall receive power — and shall be witnesses to me - That is, ye shall be empowered to witness my Gospel, both by your preaching and suffering.
Upcoming Events
10/1 - Rejoice! 2pm, Cheers 4pm 10/1 - Wednesday Night Dinner, 5:30, Worship B 10/1 - Making Sense of the Bible, Rev. Dan Johnson, 6:30, rm. 232 10/1 - 6:35 Worship Service, Chapel, Rev. Esther Rodriguez 10/1 - Coffee Talkimmediately following the6:35 Worship Service, Chapel 10/1 - Bereavement Support Group, 6:30, rm.226 10/3 - Friday Night Praise Service, 7 pm, Chapel 10/4 - Fall Yard Sale for Missions, 7 am 10/5 - 5K Pumpkin Run 10/5 - Trinity Center for Faith & Knowledge, 4 pm, rm. 232 10/24-10/26 - Family Mission Trip, St. Simons Island, GA
Church Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Friday 8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Associate Pastors
A Word from Rev. Esther: I can't believe it's October already, and a lot of good things are happening. Tonight we begin our Alpha Course (aka Christianity 101) and there's still time to invite someone or join. You can register online here. Also, we'll be discussing Week 4 of 'Making Sense of the Bible' at the 6:35 service in the chapel. Join us as we look at Genesis and ask 'Were the Dinosaurs on the Ark?' Finally, going along with this past Sunday's focus on prayer and anointing, I'll be hanging out in the Chapel this Thursday from 9-10:30 a.m. if you want to show up at any time between then for prayer. Praying for you this week! Please click here to visit Rev. Esther's blog. Please click here to visit Rev. Aaron's blog.
We welcome into the Trinity family: Cary Ader, Yanzi Ader, Olivia Ader, Debra E. Lyon, David Lyon, Nancy McLamore, Eric McLamore, Steve Murray, Ashley Murray, Ed Philman, Jeanne Philman, Monica Poole, Michael Poole, Megan Poole, Douglas Poole, Thomas Pearson and Joyce Pearson Are you interested in joining Trinity UMC?
- If you've expressed interest in joining and have had schedule conflicts with our past joining services. - If you'd be interested in joining this month we would be glad to celebrate this with you.
The next coffee is Sunday, November 16 at 12:15 pm in room 210. To register for Coffee with the Pastors click on this link or e-mail Carmen Nelson to receive the form via e-mail. We would love to meet you and to welcome you into the membership of our church!

This week's Mission Box is The Einstein School which is a unique, non-profit, tuition-free charter school that specializes in serving at-risk children who struggle with dyslexia or reading difficulties. These are children who have not been able to successfully learn to read, write, spell, and/or speak using conventional educational methods. Let's help us welcome success into each of these young lives today with our support! Hey Don't Forget the Fall Yard Sale is this Saturday, October 4!!! Spaces in the Worship Center parking area are $20 with money being collected at the sale. No need to RSVP in advance. Set up 7am, clean up by 12pm.
URGENT NEED!!! We Need Your Help to make a difference in the lives of nine families!!! November 1-8, 2014 Trinity is taking a team to Port au Prince, Haiti to build the homes for the families we raised money for this summer with VBS and the Mission Box challenge. If you are interested please contact Ted Grueser in the Missions Department to learn more or sign-up. This will be an experience that will change your life.
Mark Your Calendars: October 24-26: Family Mission Trip. Are you still looking for something to do this fall with your family? What about something that will allow you to make a difference in someone's life. Trinity has a mission opportunity that is geared toward the whole family. In just less than a month we have a trip to St. Simons Island, Georgia October 24 - 26. Our project will consist of painting, yard work and light construction. This mission trip is a great first time experience for families with children and those looking at getting their toes wet in Missions. For more information please contact Ted Grueser or Elizabeth Jones.
Youth Ministries
Sign-ups for pumpkin patch shifts will be done through MyTrinity this year. You can access the sign-up sheet by signing in to your MyTrinity account here. If you're not on MyTrinity yet, click here to get set up with an account.
Trinity's 2nd Annual Great Pumpkin Run 5K will be on Sunday, October 5! Come out and run, walk, skip, leap-frog, or cartwheel your way through our beautiful church campus. Proceeds from the run support our youth's summer mission trip with ASP. You can register at the website, here. Registration is $20 and includes a free t-shirt! Refreshments, hayrides, a bounce house, and other children's activities will be available at the end of the run. Can't wait to see you there!
Children's Ministries
Mark your calendars for our upcoming events in October. Visit the bulletin board outside of the Children's Ministries Office (room 108) for more details: Children's October Mission Opportunity: SWAG for more information click here. October 5, 9:40: 2nd Graders-Communion Celebration, click here for more information. 6 pm: Trinity Pumpkin Run. Please click here to register. October 7, 9:15: Advent Craft Planning (more information, visit here). October 10, 5:30-8:30: Parent's Night Out, Sign-up online by October 8. October 12, 9:40: Kindergarteners-God Made Me Celebration, (for more information click here). 11 am: Baptism Orientation. October 24-26: Family Mission Trip, contact Ted for more information. October 26, 4 - 7 pm: Great Pumpkin Harvest featuring Trunk and Treat. We are accepting CANDY donations for the event! Place in the orange bucket outside the CMT office, room 108.
Sports Ministry Ben Haines
Attention 9-13 year old soccer players, we are offering another session of our Next Level Soccer Clinic. The clinic takes place here at Trinity on Saturday mornings from 9am-Noon, October 18 - November 22. Click here to register now, space is limited! Upward Basketball and Cheerleading is here. Click here to register online or fill out a form at the Front Desk. All basketball players must attend one of the following evaluations at Westside Baptist Church: 10/5 (2-4 pm), 10/10 (5:30-7:30 pm), 10/11 (9-11 am), 10/12 (2-4 pm).
Zumba - Come Join Us! Beginning October 7, 9am rm. 228/229. Mark your calenders for our Fall Trinity Campout on Friday, November 7 here at Trinity. More details to come.
Adult Ministry
New Sunday School class begins THIS Sunday, October 5, 11 am; rm.203. Family Business (a group for all ages) has a focus on pursuing God's excellence at home and in the workplace. They will begin reading Visioneering: God's Blueprint for Developing and Maintaining Vision by Andy Stanley. Books are available at the Trinity Bookstore for $15. For more information contact Elise Caton.
Trustee Corner Joshua Fuller
The Board of Trustees and Facility Management Department would like to keep you up to date on the care and maintenance of our campus. So far this year we have been able to accomplish the following:
Resealing of the asphalt in our parking and driveway areas, installation of brighter street lights in our entry drives, replacing the carpet in all our children's classrooms, repair of several roof leaks, replacement of air condition units, an additional vehicle has been purchased, we have cleaned all the exteriors of our buildings and windows, made upgrades to our security and safety equipment, made upgrades to our computer system, managed storm damage to the landscape, trees and some buildings, enhanced the landscape and interior decor and as always, continued our effort to minimize our carbon foot print and to go green as best we can.
Our goal is to maintain our wonderful property to its fullest and provide the best resources possible to all our ministries.
If you ever have any questions or comments regarding the care of our church please email Josh Fuller with Facility Operations or call 416-3039.
General Announcements
The Alachua County Coalition Against Human Trafficking's quarterly meeting is this Friday, October 3, 9 am to 11 am, in Trinity's Youth Building. Sherry Kitchens, President and CEO of the Child Advocacy Center in Gainesville will provide human trafficking training. Human trafficking legislative updates will also be covered. State House Representative Keith Perry will present actions by the Florida legislation and Congressman Ted Yoho will provide Federal updates.
Trinity Center for Faith & Knowledge will meet on Sunday, October 5 at 4 pm in room 232. The purpose of this presentation is to enhance our understanding of the living conditions in light of the recent military conflicts between Israel and the Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip.
 Trinity's Journey in Photos - New Art Show. Help us celebrate 55 years of Trinity with the new art show coming in October. We need your photos, past and present of places, people, and events from 8th Avenue to 53rd Avenue. Application forms are available at the reception desk and the Welcome Center. Photos need to be brought to the church on Monday, October 6th between 8:30 and noon. Any questions please call Grace TeSelle at 372-8673. Help us make this the biggest and best show yet! Are you interested in helping sew dresses for children around the world? We have a group of ladies here at Trinity that are sewing Little Dresses For Africa. If you would like to learn more and be a part of such a unique ministry they are going to meet on Monday, October 6 at 11 am in the Missions office. If you are interested in learning more please contact Jeannine Cawthon at (352) 375-2349 or email.
The most commonly diagnosed communication disorder in Parkinson's disease (PD) D is hypokinetic dysarthria which can result in changes in prosody, respiratory control, voice quality, and articulation. Of these, the disorders in prosody have been judged to be the most prominent deficit. Prosody includes the pitch, loudness, and rate with which speech is produced, and is used to communicate emotional connotation (e.g. angry versus sad). There is currently a study being conducted by researchers from and the Gainesville VA Brain Rehabilitation Research Center and the Department of Neurology at the University of Florida, investigating a treatment targeting increased pitch and loudness variability as well as control of speech rate, the core characteristics of prosodic insufficiency in PD, in the context of the emotional component of the speech disorder. This study is actively enrolling male and female participants with idiopathic PD between the ages of 45 and 85. Participants are compensated for all testing and treatment sessions, and must be able to commit to three weeks of treatment sessions (2-3 times a week) as well as 2 additional testing sessions. For more information about this study please contact: Susan A. Leon, PhD, CCC-SLP (352) 376-1611 x 5059 or by email. We will be starting a Bereavement Support Group, which is open to all any anyone who is dealing with loss of a loved one. The meetings started September 10 and continue for 13 weeks in room 226 from 6:30 to 8 pm We will be using materials fromGrief Share which involves a DVD and an accompanying workbook. Contact is Richard Quackenbush or call him at 352-519-5282.
Got Questions about Life?
TRY ALPHA: Good Food + Alpha Talk + Lively Discussion! NEW 8 Week Format
Tuesdays, September 30 - November 18, 6 - 8:30 PM, Trinity Banquet Hall. Alpha includes Dinner with Gluten-Free & Vegetarian Options (Adults $6, Kids 1-12 yrs. Free!) and Child Care (Ages 1 year - 5th Grade). For Information or to Register:Go Online , Email or call 352-371-4092.
New Art Exhibit - This Wood Will Turn Your Head Jim McMullen has graciously shared some of the wood turnings that he has made over the years. There are 27 beautiful works of art masquerading as bowls, goblets and platters located in the Art Display case on the second floor of the Education Building in the new wing. Time limited.
If you are sad or struggling inside, don't suffer alone. Ask for help. We've got a team of Stephen Ministers who are ready to listen, care, encourage, pray, and help you through a tough time. (It's confidential too!) Find out more about Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our Stephen Leaders: Kay Walker at 336-2006 or Tom Sklens at 384-1807. Our Stephen Ministers are there to care!
"Trinity member, Reeves Byrd, will teach the AARP Smart Driver Course in a one day session convenient for Trinity United Methodist Church members in the Education Building Room 222 on Thursday, October 23. This classroom refresher for motorists age 50 and older is offered for a modest fee and you do not have to be an AARP member to register for the class. For course registration call Mrs. Lynda LeGrow at (352) 333-3036.
Sunday Morning Altar Flowers - If you wish to reserve the Worship Center altar flowers in honor or memory of someone or to the Glory of God, please contact Tammy.
Volunteer Opportunities
- If you want to volunteer but don't see anything that interests you, contact Susan Kovi. Susan can help you help Trinity!
- Communion Stewards are still needed for all three Sunday services - especially the 9:40 and 11:00 services. No experience is needed. Volunteers may help as they are available. No short or long term commitment. Please contact Pam Goad orChuck Goad.
- Do you have a CDL? Kids Count needs an additional bus driver! If you have a CDL and are able to drive a mini-bus (20 passengers), there are students from Williams Elementary who would really appreciate you volunteering to drive them (one day a week or as a backup!) from Williams to the Kids Count after school program at the Mentor Center in Lincoln Estates. If you are interested please contact Bill Hutchinson at 281-2144 or email. Thank you!
Weekly Bible Studies
-Women Growing in Faith, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30, E232
-Tuesday Morning Moms, Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30, E203
-Bible Study with Rev. Cliff Patrick, Tuesdays 7 pm, E207
-Men's Prayer and Bible Study, Wednesdays, 7 am, E232
-Wednesday Morning Pastor's Bible Study, Wednesdays, 9:15, Chapel -Exploring Jesus' Teachings, Thursdays, 10:30, E226
Trinity Members in the News
We would love for you to share any news involving our Trinity family. Please contactTammy or call 416-3005.
Family Matters
Special Birthday Greetings are extended to Dot Arft 9/30 (91), Fred West 10/2 (80), Yvonne Jones10/5 (80).
If you are celebrating your 80th, 90th, 90th plus birthday and would like it announced in the Tuesday Word and/or the bulletin, contact Tammy Karafa.
 Trinity United Methodist Church 4000 NW 53rd Avenue | Gainesville, FL | 32653 352.376.6615 | TrinityGNV.org