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KC First: Upcoming Events
This week (Oct 3-Oct 10)...
PrimeTime ministries will be partnering has partnered with the Kansas City Rescue Mission this month by collecting rolls of toilet paper. The Rescue Mission estimates that they use approximately 12,500 rolls of toilet paper per year, costing up to $6,000.
TONIGHT, there will be an event at the Rescue Mission from 6pm-9pm featuring live music & art from local artists, craftsmen, and KCRM residents. There will be a hamburger dinner for $6. At this event, 7 other churches will be presenting their toilet paper towers. There will be a prize for the church with the most toilet paper donated. For more information, please visit the Rescue Mission website or contact Ruby Ruschhaupt.

Gather some friends, fill a car, and come meet at First Church at 9:30am tomorrow, for a tour of some of the farms on the Kaw Valley. Tickets are $10 per carload. Tour hours are from 10:00am-6:00pm. Farmers offer their farms as tour stops, hosting guided tours of their individual farms and discussing their farm practices. Many have educational displays and offer farm products for sale. Contact the church office (kcfc@kcfc.org) for more information about this fun & educational event for all ages!
Tomorrow, there will be a charity bicycle ride in honor of former First Church member, Susan Varner. This event, "Cruise for Suz", raises donations for the Susan Varner Lymphoma Foundation at the University of Kansas Cancer Center. Last year, several First Church members were able to attend, and Susan's family was very grateful. Go tocruiseforsuz.com for more information.
The MidAmerica Nazarene University Choirs will present an inspirational concert of sacred, song, anthems, and folk music. This concert will be presented on Sunday night, October 5, at 3:30pm in Bell Cultural Events Center on the MNU campus. The concert will feature the new 2014 Heritage Choir, Concert Choir, & Symphonic Choir conducted by Dr. John Leavitt. Tickets are free and available at bellcenter.mnu.edu or by calling 913.971.3636.
Men's Carpetball Tournament
The KCFC youth department will be sponsoring a carpet ball tournament for all breathing males this Sunday night at the Parkers' house at 5:30pm. The Sunday night football game will be on, and tubular meats will be served. Cost is $3. No previous carpet ball skills are required. Please RSVP to Pastor Roland or Mark Parker!
Beginning next Wednesday, October 8 at 6:30pm, Pastor Estep will be leading a series of 4 classes entitled "Beginning Well". This class will offer an introduction to baptism and church membership. Contact the church office at 816.942.9022 or kcfc@kcfc.org to register or to learn more.
Jim & Joni Real invite you to join them for a 6 week series entitled The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life, beginning on October 12. The study will look at achieving a healthy lifestyle that is both transformational and sustainable. The Daniel Plan is focused on five essentials: faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends. The group will meet on Sundays at 4:00pm at 11518 Holmes Rd, Apt 101, Kansas City, Missouri. For more information, please call Joni at 989.859.4480.

Do you know a family coping with a loved one's mental health struggles? Beginning Wednesday, October 15, First Church will be hosting sessions of Pathway to Hope's E3 curriculum. This 8-week program is a tool to assist families by encouraging, educating, and empowering them. Topics include: mood disorders, thought disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, co-occurring disorders, dealing with psychiatric emergencies, and the world of mental illness. Brochures with more information are available this morning at the greeters' desks. Partial scholarships of the $25 application fee are available to regular attenders at First Church. Please contact Pastor Anne Hardy (ahardy@kcfc.org) to register.
If you have lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend you have probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt that you feel. KC First's GriefShare group meets on Saturdays at 10:00am to pray, discuss, and watch videos on relevant topics.
The next GriefShare session will be beginning on October 25. Please be prayerful about who you may know that could benefit from this ministry. For more information, please contact Ministry Director Kathy Cagg at 816.333.6444 or kat13cat@hotmail.com
Mark your calendars now for our next all-church work day: October 18! All are invited to come help as we give our church facilities some needed TLC, and spruce up the grounds. Contact Campus Manager, Ron Howard, for more information!

Our missions council will be sponsoring a baby shower for our LINKS missionaries, Martin & Cezi Glendenning (Eurasia). Their baby boy, Reuben Ilir, was born on September 25. If you would like to participate, please pick up a blue baby bottle card with your preferred donation at the NMI display case outside the sanctuary. Return the card and your donation to the diaper bag in the foyer. If you want to include your donation with your regular tithes and offerings, just mark your donation with "LINKS" in the memo line. We will be collecting money through Sunday, October 26.
Our children's ministry department will be partnering with Coach House Apartments (655 E Minor Dr, Kansas City, MO) again this year to host our annual Trunk-or-Treat event on October 29 from 6:00pm-7:30pm. You are invited to participate by bringing bags of candy to the bins in the foyer, or "hosting" a trunk at the event. Contact Margie Schwarz (mschwarz@kcfc.org) for more info!
Nazarene Youth Conference
Next July, our teens will be joining around 9000 other teenagers from around the world for Nazarene Youth Conference in Louisville, KY. Through an experience overflowing with dynamic speakers, powerful worship services, high-energy concerts, and service opportunities, NYC 2015 can be a time of great transformation for our young people. Our youth group will be devoting the majority of their fundraising to this event for the next year. If you would be interested in learning more, or in helping to sponsor a teen, please contact Pastor Roland.
Every Wednesday at 5:15pm a hot meal is served in the gymnasium for any who wish to attend! Meals are $4.50/person or $15/family. Interested in helping to prepare a meal? Contact the church office (816.942.9022)!
This Wednesday's Schedule:
~ 5:15pm: Friends & Food meal (This week's menu: burritos, chips & salsa, and dessert)
~ 6:00pm: Children's Activities (Children's Chapel)
~ 6:15pm: Adult Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
~ 6:30pm: Book Study (Southside Room)
Youth Group (Youth Room)
~ 7:15pm: Choir Christmas Rehearsal (Choir Room)
Every Thursday night, our young adult group meets at 7:30pm in the youth room for an intentional time of prayer, fellowship, and Bible study. Contact Audrey Landers (alanders@kcfc.org) for more information!
Gentlemen, before beginning your Friday each week, enjoy a complimentary continental breakfast with a group of First Church men. We meet every Friday at 6:30am in the church atrium. Every first Friday of the month, we serve a hot breakfast. Contact Chip Kraft for more information.
11811 State Line Rd, Kansas City, Misspuri, United States · (816)942-9022
Our Mission: to make Christ-like disciples
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