In late September, I had the privilege of serving as the pastor/dean of our church’s “Dancing with Hope” retreat for women with HIV/AIDS. It was held in Julian at a camp with lots of animals, natural beauty, and, I must say, delicious organic food!
We partner with an organization called Christie’s Place to lead this weekend retreat, and this was my first year being a part of it. It was a humbling weekend, and what I most want to share with you is the beauty of the place and the people, the power of their stories of strength and overcoming tremendous obstacles in life. HIV/AIDS was frequently just one more thing – not the only struggle, not the only life-altering event in the lives of the women I met. The most I could hope to do as I sought to serve in this place was to get out of God’s way, and allow the Holy Spirit to meet each woman where they were on their spiritual and physical journey through life. I could be with them, listen to their stories, prioritize them, bear witness to God’s love for them.
The two mornings that we were up at camp, I led a morning devotional time that we called “Spiritual Awakening.” The women listened to one song each morning, reflected silently on whether or not that song held expressions of healing for them, took some time either to journal or draw something about part of the song that was most meaningful, and then shared together. One day we listened to “Faith Enough” by Jars of Clay. You can listen to it as well if you’d like. [<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>]
As I said before, I’ll say again – it was humbling for me to be a part of these reflections and discussions about faith and healing. Women shared from the heart, shared powerful conviction of God’s abiding presence and love, shared strength with one another. I will never hear this song quite the same way now. My gaze has been lifted beyond my own concerns to a broader view of what life is like for so many here in our own community of San Diego and beyond. I am profoundly grateful that I was able to walk alongside the women who came to the retreat, grateful for Brenda Blake’s invitation to and vision for the retreat, grateful for the amazing volunteers from our church and the incredible staff of Christie’s Place.
There are some experiences that God leads us to that take a while to unpack, to reflect on, and to respond to fully. I am grateful most of all that God allowed me to have such an experience, and pray to be a good steward of it.
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