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Regional Prayer Requests |
28-Oct-2014 Update on Rev. Larry Cornett of our Guam First Church
Elaine (Larry's wife) sent the following: He is able to talk a little better, walk a little better and the swallowing is coming along. Praise God for answered prayer. He says he is going to preach on Sunday. I guess you can't keep a good man down.
The following letter has been received from the African Regional Office. Please read and commit to pray!LINK
21-Oct-2014 URGENT Prayer Request. New Brother in Christ Threatened With Death After Finding Christ!Asia-Pacific Region: Persecution is something that is known all too well in areas here on the Asia-Pacific Region. LINK
19-Oct-2014 Ebola Through The Eyes of a Mission Aid Worker. This Has To Be Shared!Much prayer is needed for the nationals, missionaries, and medical response teams in W. Africa. LINK
11-Oct-2014 Nazarene Pastor and Wife Succumb to Ebola Virus
Call for Worldwide Prayer! West Africa: The Church of the Nazarene has been deeply impacted this week by the world's worst outbreak of the LINK
Super Typhoon Vongfong makes landfall in Okinawa. Please pray! LINK
28-Sep-2014 Sealands Field: On Saturday, September 27th, sixteen young people gathered on the Nazarene Theological College Campus in one of our restricted access countries on the Asia-Pacific Region, for the opening day of the LEX Academy (Leadership Explosion Academy).
Each week we will be featuring national and mission leaders for specific prayer focus. Please check this section and click on the pictures and links to find more information that will guide you in your prayers for them
Please commit to pray for the Berita Family. They are students at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary in Manila.
Their newborn son passed away on November 1st after a Cesarean Section on October 30th.
Don't say "Thanks".......
without "giving"
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Are you truly Thankful for God's goodness and blessings this year?
Show your gratitude by giving to the World Evangelism Fund so those who do not know Christ can come to know Him...for salvation is the greatest blessing of all! Click here for an idea on how to help your church collect the Thanksgiving Offering
Here is what one person had to say about the World Evangelism Fund
Nazarenes have the opportunityto make a difference in the lives of others. Lives like a sponsored child; I was given a chance to be free from the barriers of poverty. The encouragement from the missionaries - and the hope I have in Jesus Christ - kept me motivated to graduate and start my own business. I always keep my stereo tuned to Nazarene radio and customers ask me about the programs. I tell them that God, through the Church of the Nazarene, changed my life and heart. As others did for me, today I sponsor a child. I am preparing another generation to live a life that glorifies God. When I give my tithes and offerings, I know that part of it supports our global mission.
For more information on the Thanksgiving Offeringclick here
Special Prayer Emphasis - International Day of Prayer
Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. Hebrews 13:3
The International Day of Prayer (IDOP) is always the second Sunday of November (this was determined by World Evangelical Fellowship, who started IDOP). November 9, 2014 Nazarene Missions International (NMI) encourages Nazarenes to join Christians around the world in prayer onNovember 9, 2014. The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) provides opportunity for Christians worldwide to focus on those suffering for their Christian faith. Pray for Persecuted Christians View the latest prayer request for those being persecuted. On the Open Doors web site you will find specific and different ways that you can pray. Day by Day, Weekly Prayer Alert, and Monthly Prayer Calendar |
Work & Witness Opportunities on the Asia-Pacific Region
Over 150,000 people have been mobilized through Work & Witness since its beginning in 1974, resulting in more than 5000 years of donated labor worldwide. Work & Witness teams go to every region of the world and partner with local churches in construction projects, technical needs, evangelism and
Come be a part of something significant!
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" Galatians 6:9
Click here to see how you can be involved in Work & Witness on the Asia-Pacific Region
Don't Miss The Action
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Visit this link to review and sign up for various resources available through the Church of the Nazarene.
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Regional Priorities Adopted by The Regional Advisory Council!
Asia-Pacific Region
During the recent Regional Advisory Council meetings in South Korea, the council adopted nine regional priorities. We will be featuring one of these priorities each week over the next 9 weeks.
Making Christlike disciples in the Nations lies at the core of all that we do. It's our identity not just a slogan, and it is a lifestyle that should be intentionally practiced by all who call themselves Nazarene.
As we look for the Ancient Ways, we will find Jesus and His methodologies. Consequently, the Region exists to assist pastors and laity alike make Christlike disciples in the nations through training and resourcing based on best-practices, and materials that are practical, applicable and contextually adaptable. Through an intentional strategy for discipleship built upon small group models, the Region's potential for leadership development and growth will be maximized. |
God Answers Prayer - Guam Pastor Preaching Again After Stroke...and Celebrating His Birthday!
Guam, Philippine - Micronesia Field
On October 12th, Larry Cornett, pastor of our Guam First Church of the Nazarene, was rushed to the hospital with medical conditions that turned out being related to having suffered a stroke. Urgent prayer was requested and people from literally around the world offered up prayers on Larry's behalf. God has heard and answered! Miraculously, Larry was able to preach on October 25th, a message entitled, "What Happened to Pastor Larry on Sunday, October 12th?Making Sense of it All." Although there will be ongoing physical and speech recovery, Larry had this to say as he celebrated his birthday this week: "Three weeks ago I didn't think I would be around for another birthday, but here I am alive and almost well. My near death experience has left me more thankful for all of you my friends and relatives. All my friends have become my new Best Friends and I love you all even more than before and appreciate your friendship as never before, since I almost left this earth without saying goodbye. On this birthday I want to say, Thank You for being my Friend. I will not take you for granted ever again. God Bless You All or Y,all ( for the Southerners) Larry
We are praising God for his healing touch in Larry's life and continue to pray for complete healing.
APNTS Hosts Holiness Conference Featuring Dr. Thomas Noble from Nazarene Theological Seminary
Manila, Philippines
On October 29-31, the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches in partnership with Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary, hosted the second Wesleyan Theology Conference.
Themed, "Holy Trinity: Holy People," the conference provided a venue for fostering healthy discussion of important themes in the Theology of Holiness from various perspectives in the Evangelical Community of the Philippines.
There were 180 registered participants for the daily sessions with over 300 attending the evening holiness services. The group represented more than 12 denominations.
Stay Tuned for Upcoming Registration Information for the Regional Event!
2013-2017 Church of the Nazarene Manual Available in Great New Digital Format!
Regional Office
The general Church of the Nazarene is excited to announce the availability of a new digital version of the 2013-2017 Church Manual. This complete guide to the Church of the Nazarene's history, doctrine, government, tradition, and parachurch organizations is published every four years after the meeting of the Church's General Assembly. The manual contains the latest legislation enacted by church leaders, and is filled with information on Wesleyan history, culture, and mission. In this newly announced Logos Edition, the volume is enhanced by amazing functionality.
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