Beth Immanuel Newsletter: Adar 5775 Beth Immanuel Sabbath Fellowship for Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Shalom Beth Immanuel Friends and Family,
Welcome to Adar
The Talmud says that joy increases in the month of Adar. We say, “Mishenichnas Adar, marbim besimcha!” which means, “When Adar arrives, we increase our joy!”
Shabbat Zachor
Shabbat Zachor (Sabbath of Remembrance) is Saturday February 28. Shabbat Zachor is the Shabbat immediately preceding Purim. Deuteronomy 25:17-19, describing the attack by Amalek, is read with the regular Torah reading. Tradition says that Haman, the evil nemesis of the Jewish people in the Purim story, was descended from Amalek. The portion that is read includes a commandment to remember the attack by Amalek, and therefore at this public reading everyone makes a special effort to hear the reading. Our haftarah portion for Shabbat Zachor (1 Samuel 15:2–15:34) tells the story of how King Saul spared King Agag of the Amalekites and lost the kingdom.
Fast of Esther
The traditional Fast of Esther begins this year in Hudson, WI at 5:15 AM and concludes at 6:30 PM.
Purim Audio
You can find Beth Immanuel audio files from Purim’s gone by on the Purim Audio Page. Last year’s teaching titled “Haman’s Gallows” comes specially recommended for anyone looking for the Messianic meaning of Purim.
Erev Purim
On Wednesday, March 4, we will begin the festival of Purim with a costume party featuring a special children’s version of the Esther story, a full Hebrew reading from an actual Megillah (scroll) of Esther, snacks and refreshments, and a new version of the Purim Home Companion. You can listen to the original 2008 version here.
Children’s Esther Story 6:00 PM
Hebrew Megillah Reading 7:00 PM
Snacks and Refreshments 8:00 PM
Purim Home Companion 8:00 PM
Purim Day
Thursday morning, March 5, we will gather again for Shacharit and to hear the scroll of Esther, followed by the fun and festivities of Purim day at Beth Immanuel. Join us at 10:00 AM for the Hebrew reading of the Megillah.
Passover Plans
Passover this year lines up with the calendar as it must have occurred (according to the Johanine chronology) in the year our Master died. Seder night occurs on Friday, April 3. Plan to join us in Hudson for Passover events:
Seder Night, Friday, April 3
Passover I Services: Saturday, April 4, 10:00 AM
Resurrection Service: Saturday, April 4, 7:30 PM
Resurrection Seder Meal: Saturday, April 4, 9:00 PM
Passover VII Service: Friday, April 10, 10:00 AM
Passover VIII Service: Saturday, April 11, 10:00 AM
Meal of Messiah: April 11, 5:00 PM
2015 Shavuot Conference
First Fruits of Zion is about to announce plans for the 2015 Shavuot conference this year at Beth Immanuel between May 20-24. This year’s event will focus on the theme of developing a Messianic Jewish Worldview and understanding the implications of our message of Messianic Judaism for All Nations. For more information, watch our website.
Plugged In Service / Satan in Chains
Get Plugged In to Beth Immanuel on Wednesday nights at the 7:00 PM service as Troy Mitchell and the band plug in their instruments for powerful new worship music. If you cannot join us on Wednesday nights, you can still hear the new teachings from Pastor Lancaster’s teaching series Satan in Chains online at
Messianic Hymns
The words to the Beth Immanuel’s original hymns “The Breath of Every Living Thing” and “Awake Awake O Zion’s Hope” are now online.
Bringing Heaven Down to Earth
A special recording of the Sabbath teaching for Shabbat Terumah is online here.
Please prayerfully consider supporting the expanding work of Beth Immanuel. Donations can be made online at or by sending a check to
Beth Immanuel
PO Box 562
Hudson, WI 54016
The Beth Immanuel Elders
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