Read Galatians 1:11 Furthermore, let me make clear to you, brothers, that the Good News as I proclaim it is not a human product; 12 because neither did I receive it from someone else nor was I taught it — it came through a direct revelation from Yeshua the Messiah.
A Reading from God Unbound:
People today hunger for spiritual experience, for an encounter with the living God. Millennials (the increasing majority of people who do not subscribe to Enlightenment prejudice against spiritual experience) long for spiritual experience mediated through symbols, metaphors, stories, art, music, and practices of prayer that help us listen deeply to God’s voice. Today offers a time of unprecedented opportunity for us Methodists to reconnect with our own heritage of Christian mysticism, to reclaim the central importance of prayer and spiritual experience to the Christian life. In our own forgotten and rejected DNA we have what it will take to reconnect us with the apostolic power of God in mission. It is time for a new generation of leaders to come forth, new John Wesleys and Phoebe Palmers, who are filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit and who, like Paul, surrender their own traditions to the greater tradition of God making all things new.
Prayer: Here I am Lord, I am yours. I want to connect with You in all the ways I can. I will search for you in the most unlikely places and situations. And, I will sit still with You and pay attention to Your leading. I surrender my traditions and my rights to have the church serve me in order to live into Your greater tradition that makes all things new. Amen.
Post your prayer for the church to the Prayer Wall.
God Unbound: Wisdom from Galatians for the Anxious Church. Copyright 2016 by Elaine Heath. All rights reserved. Used with permission from Upper Room Books. From pp.39-40. -------
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