Friday, September 30, 2016
Dear Resurrection Family,
This has been an amazing week as we led Leadership Institute at Church of the Resurrection. By the numbers Leadership Institute 2016 was 1854 attendees, 697 churches from 42 states. Our goal is that each of the pastors and leaders who attend Leadership Institute will return to their congregations with new ideas, renewed, inspired and energized. I am so grateful for our staff and more than 500 of volunteers who gave so much of themselves this week to minister to these pastors and leaders. Again and again I heard our guests tell me how deeply moved they were by the hospitality shown by our church and the love they felt from you. It was an awesome event. I want you to imagine how many people this event actually impacts – those 697 churches have over 150,000 people per weekend in worship and over 500,000 members in their churches. You’ve just helped to shape the ministry among all these Christians and the communities they live in. This is an awesome part of our church’s vision and mission.
One of the most inspiration parts of Leadership Institute was Bishop Will Willimon’s sermon last night. It was AWESOME – humorous, challenging and biblical. This weekend, Bishop Will Willimon will be preaching at Resurrection Leawood. Bishop Willimon is a mentor and friend to me. He’s written over 60 books. Bishop Willimon spent most of his career at Duke University and at the Duke Divinity School. Later he served as Bishop in the Birmingham, Alabama area. Upon retiring he went back to teaching full time at Duke. He is considered one of the finest preachers in America today, and one of the most influential United Methodist leaders in the world. He’ll deliver the message at Leawood, and via video at Downtown and Blue Springs. Pastor Jason will be preaching at Resurrection West. You won’t want to miss this weekend’s services!
Helping to renew churches is one part of our vision, along with changing lives and transforming communities. I want to remind you that one of the ways we work to transform communities is through Serve Trips. We have a host of opportunities to serve domestically and with our international partnersthat you can learn more about in worship this weekend or go to the website.
If you are interested in serving in our local community, Christmas in October is coming up October 8. Anyone 14 and older can participate in the community blitz in which we will help winterize, paint, do yard work and minor repairs for lower-income homeowners. This event has become a major force in helping elderly, disabled and veteran homeowners remain in their homes. Here’s the link to register. You must register online by tomorrow.
I mentioned this last week, but I want to remind you that we are hosting continued conversations about race alongside Centennial United Methodist Church and other area leaders in KC in order to find a way forward to reconciliation. Tomorrow (Saturday, October 1) you are invited to joinPastor Scott Chrostek and Rev. Dr. F. Willis Johnson (Pastor at Wellspring UMC in Ferguson, MO) for a conversation on race from8:30 am – noon at Resurrection Downtown (1522 McGee). Please register here.
For those of you at Leawood, we’ll have our Fall Festival on Saturday, October 8, following the 5 pm worship service. Please invite your friends and come enjoy a picnic-style dinner, children's carnival games and a fireworks display to top off the evening. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs and a picnic meal or join us for grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. Meals can be purchased online using credit card or e-check, or bring cash to purchase meals on the evening of the event ($5/per person, $20 maximum for families of four or more). We will have Poppin Joe’s Kettle Korn and Cotton Candy for 50 cents each, plus an ice cream truck will offer tasty treats. Interested in helping to make the Fall Festival and Fireworks an amazing evening of fellowship? Click here to volunteer.
I want you to known how proud I am of you, Church of the Resurrection – the way you love, the way you give, the way you serve and the way you seek to live.
In Christ's Love,
Adam Hamilton
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, Kansas 66224, United States
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