Exodus 4:1-17Exodus 4:1 Moshe replied, “But I’m certain they won’t believe me, and they won’t listen to what I say, because they’ll say, ‘Adonai did not appear to you.’” 2 Adonai answered him, “What is that in your hand?” and he said, “A staff.” 3 He said, “Throw it on the ground!” and he threw it on the ground. It turned into a snake, and Moshe recoiled from it. 4 Then Adonai said to Moshe, “Put your hand out and take it by the tail.” He reached out with his hand and took hold of it, and it became a staff in his hand. 5 “This is so that they will believe that Adonai, the God of their fathers, the God of Avraham, the God of Yitz’chak and the God of Ya‘akov, has appeared to you!”
6 Furthermore Adonai said to him, “Now put your hand inside your coat.” He put his hand in his coat; and when he took it out his hand was leprous, as white as snow. 7 Then God said, “Now put your hand back in your coat.” He put his hand back in his coat; and when he took it out, it was as healthy as the rest of his body. 8 “If they won’t believe you or heed the evidence of the first sign, they will be convinced by the second. 9 But if they aren’t persuaded even by both these signs and still won’t listen to what you say, then take some water from the river, and pour it on the ground. The water you take from the river will turn into blood on the dry land.”
10 Moshe said to Adonai, “Oh, Adonai, I’m a terrible speaker. I always have been, and I’m no better now, even after you’ve spoken to your servant! My words come slowly, my tongue moves slowly.” 11 Adonai answered him, “Who gives a person a mouth? Who makes a person dumb or deaf, keen-sighted or blind? Isn’t it I, Adonai? 12 Now, therefore, go; and I will be with your mouth and will teach you what to say.”
13 But he replied, “Please, Lord, send someone else — anyone you want!” 14 At this, Adonai’s anger blazed up against Moshe; he said, “Don’t you have a brother, Aharon the Levi? I know that he’s a good speaker. In fact, here he is now, coming out to meet you; and he’ll be happy to see you. 15 You will speak to him and put the words in his mouth; and I will be with your mouth and his, teaching you both what to do. 16 Thus he will be your spokesman to the people, in effect; for you, he will be a mouth; and for him, you will be like God. 17 Now take this staff in your hand, because you need it to perform the signs.”
This event creates community and helps raise funds for the Special Need/In His Image Ministries of PazNaz. Special Needs families, individuals, and community partners can walk or roll on Saturday, October 1, at 10:00 am in the lower parking lot. Sign up to participate and volunteer online at: www.paznaz.org/online-forms/love-walk-and-roll. Contact Sylva Hekimian with questions at 626.351.2426.
Contact Sylva Hekimian
Contact Sylva Hekimian
The next Baptism Class will be Sunday, October 2, at 9:15 am in Room 101, Lower Sanctuary. The Baptism Service will follow on Sunday, October 9, at 10:30 am. Please contact Melody Bundy for more details at 626.351.2425.
Contact Melody Bundy
Alabaster Sunday Update
It's not too late to give
Contact Melody Bundy
Alabaster Sunday Update
It's not too late to give
PazNaz received nearly $2,400 for the Alabaster Offering during the month of September. There is still time to participate in this special offering that helps to purchase property and build churches, parsonages, clinics, schools, and more on mission fields for the Church of the Nazarene around the world. Thank you for your participation.
If you’d like to become a church member at PazNaz, the next Membership Class Breakfast will be Saturday, October 15, at 8:30 am in Room 249, Reed Hall. This free breakfast will be a great opportunity for you to learn about the history of the Church of the Nazarene and PazNaz. You are not required to join the church by taking the class. New members will be received on Sunday, October 23, in the 8:00 & 10:30 am services. Contact Melody Bundy to make a reservation at 626.351.2425. Childcare is also available with a reservation.
Contact Melody Bundy
Contact Melody Bundy
Join your PazNaz family on Sunday, October 23, after the morning services for a delicious spaghetti lunch, music from a jazz combo, and the Annual Choir Bake Sale. Tickets are available on the patio today, for $8/adults and $5/children under 12. For more information, contact Pastor Alan De Vries at 626.351.2419.
Contact Alan De Vries
Contact Alan De Vries
If you are age 55 or better, come enjoy a day of fellowship and mystery on Thursday, October 27, from 8:00 am-3:00 pm. This adventure requires walking and some stair climbing. There is a minimum of 30 participants required, please sign up right away. The group will leave the church on a bus at 8:00 am. The trip costs $45. For reservations, contact Sylva Hekimian at 626.351.2416 or sign up at HeBrews on Sundays.
Contact Sylva Hekimian
Contact Sylva Hekimian
PazNaz’s annual Fall Festival is back again on Monday, October 31, from 6:00-9:00 pm on the PazNaz campus. This family-friendly event will feature games, a movie, food trucks, and a trunk-or-treat. If you would like more information or would like to donate candy, please contact Pastor Julie Keith at 626.351.2485.
Contact Julie Keith
Contact Julie Keith
Join Pastor Tara Beth Leach on Wednesday nights this fall as she leads PazNaz through her curriculum Kingdom Culture: The Sermon on the Mount. This series continues this Wednesday at 6:30 pm in Lee Chapel. You can purchase a workbook for $5 from HeBrews on the patio this Sunday.
The Sermon on the Mount is nestled into the Bible's grand narrative and gives the reader a glimpse of what it looks like to live in the already-but-not-yet Kingdom of God. The words of Jesus are piercing, and push the people of God to live the Kingdom life. After studying the Sermon on the Mount, you will discover that Jesus is the ultimate authority for the life of the disciple, and as the people of God, the invitation is to embody the culture of God's Kingdom.
Regular Wednesday evening programming will also be available for children, students, and those with special needs. Contact Melody Bundy with questions at 626.351.2425.
Contact Melody Bundy
The Sermon on the Mount is nestled into the Bible's grand narrative and gives the reader a glimpse of what it looks like to live in the already-but-not-yet Kingdom of God. The words of Jesus are piercing, and push the people of God to live the Kingdom life. After studying the Sermon on the Mount, you will discover that Jesus is the ultimate authority for the life of the disciple, and as the people of God, the invitation is to embody the culture of God's Kingdom.
Regular Wednesday evening programming will also be available for children, students, and those with special needs. Contact Melody Bundy with questions at 626.351.2425.
Contact Melody Bundy
Give by Kiosk
The power of giving is now at your fingertips! PazNaz is excited to introduce this modern, convenient way to make offerings and donate to the church. It's faster and more secure than having your checks manually processed and it's easy to use. Look for the kiosk this Sunday in the church foyer and try it out.
Give by Text
Your donations to PazNaz are now just a text away. This is a simple and efficient way to make one-time or recurring gifts to the church. In less time than it takes to write a check, you are now able to offer up your tithe with just your thumbs. Start by texting your dollar amount to 626.986.3397. You will receive a registration link where you will enter your payment and contact information. When registration is complete, you will receive a verification text and a receipt via email. For future giving, simply send a text with the amount you wish to give and it will process automatically.
First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena
3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard
Pasadena, California 91107, United States
Valley Center: A Campus of PazNaz
5119 North Valley Center Avenue
Covina, California 91724, United States
First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena
3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard
Pasadena, California 91107, United States
Valley Center: A Campus of PazNaz
5119 North Valley Center Avenue
Covina, California 91724, United States
Service Times
8:00 am - PazNaz's Lee Chapel
9:00 am - Valley Center Sanctuary
10:30 am - PazNaz Sanctuary
6:30 pm - PazNaz Campus
Contact PazNaz
Phone: 626.351.9631
Email: info@paznaz.org
Service Times
8:00 am - PazNaz's Lee Chapel
9:00 am - Valley Center Sanctuary
10:30 am - PazNaz Sanctuary
6:30 pm - PazNaz Campus
Contact PazNaz
Phone: 626.351.9631
Email: info@paznaz.org
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