The L'Arche Canada Foundation in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada with Jean Vanier's Daily Thoughts for Wednesday, 28 September 2016 "Solitude"
Solitude does not separate me from others; it helps me love them more tenderly, realistically and attentively. I begin to distinguish between the false solitude which is a flight from others to be alone with egoism, sadness or a bruised sensitivity, and the true solitude which is communion with God and others.[Jean Vanier, Community and Growth, page 189]
Jean Vanier's Daily Thought
"Raise your eyes, Change your heart"
Ezekiel, that great and fantastic prophet of old, said, "Change your heart." We need a new spirit, a new power to forgive, for the walls to come down, to close the gap between the rich and the poor. We need a spirituality, we need a face which will permit us to look at the world as it is and not be crushed because we are caught up in the projects of everyday. We must not forget to raise our eyes to the transcendental over and above our world of war and division and breakages.[L'Arche Canada - 2016]
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