Special Sermon. On November 13th at all three worship celebrations, Dr. 3 will give a sermon on date rape entitled, "When Brothers are Silent." While he does acknowledge that this subject matter is highly sensitive, it is also extremely relevant and must be discussed. Because the content of the sermon may be unsuitable for children and is intended for mature worshipers the nursery, Kids Connect and the youth ministry will be available for all worship celebrations. Dr. 3 hopes you will be present and encourage others to be present for this issue that has affected countless people around the world.
Wednesday Night Live.
Join us each week at 7 p.m. for praise and worship; followed by a powerful Word from God. Childcare is provided for ages 1-4, with activities for children and youth ages 5-18.
On Thanksgiving Eve (November 23rd) we will have a special Wednesday Night Live to give God thanks with the members of St. Andrew UMC and Centennial UMC. Rev. Jason Bryles will bring the Word and St. Andrew will provide the ministry of Music. The offering for that evening will go toward the relief efforts in Haiti caused by Hurricane Matthew. Join us for this special event at St. James' Paseo Campus at 7 p.m.
Donations are low! We still need large quantities of individually wrapped pieces of candy or treats. Please bring your donations to the church tomorrow by 5:00 p.m.
Its also not too late to volunteer to hand out treats from your car trunk. Contact Pastor Andre at afulton@stjamesumc.com today.
HeBrews Fellowship. Stop by the Ministry Mall Sundays after 8 a.m.worship for refreshments and fellowship. Individuals, ministries or groups wishing to sponsor a fellowship, contact Lisa Hardwick at 816-305-6699 or lwhardwick@gmail.com.
Couples Brunch. Marriage Ministry of St. James will be hosting a Couples Brunch on Saturday, October 29th at 12 Noon. If you'd like to participate, please call or text Bro. Charles Quinn at 816-654-2257 or e-mail at cquinnsouthafrica@hotmail.com by Wednesday, Oct 26th to RSVP. One or both spouses can attend and bring the kids! Location: The Marshall's, 3210 South Lee's Summit Road, Cable House, Independence, MO 64055 (Drumm Farm).
Sunday School. Did you know there are six commitments every happily married couple makes to help them get the marriage they want? How is your marriage? Regardless of what it's like, learn some techniques for improving your marriage by attending the Couples' Sunday School Class. We're studying the book "Getting the Marriage You Want" by Gary Smalley. Class meets each weekat 9:45 a.m. in Room 2D. Contact Bro. Charles Quinn at 816-444-1280. by Richard B. Wilke is available through your favorite online retailer.
Senior Fitness & Bible Study. Join us at the Paseo Campus every Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. for light to moderate exercise done from the comfort of a chair! A trained fitness expert will guide you through exercises that help strengthen you, and the fellowship will help motivate you. Then, stay for Senior Bible Study from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and get strengthened in the spirit! Feel free to bring a dish and join us in the potluck lunch following our study time.
Bible Study at Renaissance. Tuesday night is Community Night at the Renaissance Campus! Bring the family out for food & fellowship! Yes, there will be a word as well - a timely message to boost your work week. There will be something for children & teens, too. Come out & get to know your church family!
Prayer Class. Every 4th Sunday, learn how to build your prayer skills and broaden your personal faith development with Pastor Macklin and Helen Walker in the Vaughn Chapel at 9:45 a.m.
Acknowledgements have been received from Farilen and Robert Coates.
Membership Update. In an attempt to bring our official membership roll up to date, we need your help. Please complete and return the form in Sunday's announcements. Complete only one form per household.
Congregational Care Ministers or CCMs, are members of our congregation who are recognized as an extension of the pastoral team. They serve with the Pastor of Congregational Care and pastoral team, to provide care for the congregation. CCMs are a team of trained lay volunteers who use their gifts and graces to minister to members, especially during seasons of transition. CCMs make hospital visits, telephone persons in need of contact, meet one-on-one with persons to be a listening ear for prayer and encouragement, and offer support to grieving families and proactively seek to encourage and care for members and their family during times of greatest need. As our church grows, so becomes the need to equip more CCM's to serve with our pastors to provide excellent care. If you feel called to serve, contact Pastor Laurice A. Valentine, Pastor of Congregational Care at 816-444-5588, x110or lvalentine@stjamesumc.com for additional information.
GriefShare Ministry. No matter the circumstance, grief recovery is a painful process. Our Grief Ministry offers 11-week support sessions Thursdays at 6 p.m. Sessions are led by caring people who have been there and found hope and healing along the way. Contact Rosalyn at 816-753-5998 or wgmn1969@att.net for information.
Confirmation. Class is held Sundays at 9:45 a.m. in the Great Hall Conference Room. Youth will learn the history of our Christian faith and the United Methodist Church, learn why we worship the way we do and attend spiritual retreats. We also explore different worship practices and fellowship with other congregations. If you have a youth who is at least 12 years old and wishes to participate, please contact Mrs. Bryant at sharon.bryant26@yahoo.com.
Little Vessel Ushers. Children ages 5-11 serve as ushers every 3rd Sunday during 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship. No experience needed - on the job training is provided. The uniform is a white button down shirt and black slacks or skirt. Contact Brenda Sylvan at 816-942-4258.
Scouting Ministry. We are actively recruiting girls and boys!
Cub Scouts (Grades 1-5) meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in Kidz Kingdom. Contact Nyrobi at ncollins@stjamesumc.com.
Boy Scouts (Ages 11-18) have a new meeting date and time - each Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Kidz Kingdom. Contact Roosevelt Braxton at 816-305-2656.
Girl Scouts (Grades K-12) meet every 2nd and 4th Saturday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Contact Carmellya Anderson at canderson@marc.org or 816-809-5428.
Adult Volunteers. Committed adults are always needed to participate. Training is required and provided at no cost. Contact one of the adults listed above to get started.
Health Ministry Announcements.
Remember that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Please recognize loved ones and friends who have succumbed or survived Breast Cancer by wearing pink or displaying a pink pin.
Flu Season is upon us. To protect yourself, family and friends please get your flu shot today. Anyone 6 months of age and older are recommended by the CDC to get vaccinated. It takes two weeks before it is effective so get it before the holidays!
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. It is a perfect time to get your eating habits in order before Thanksgiving! Look for upcoming information.
National Family Literacy Day. The Adult Education and Literacy Ministry will celebrate National Family Literacy, November 6, 2016. Our Ticket to Read Ministry is for adult learners throughout our community. November 6th, we will host HeBrews at the Paseo and Renaissance campuses where you will have an opportunity to sign up to be a volunteer, a tutor or share with us persons who need the service. Literacy KC is our partner agency.
St. James United Methodist Church
St. James United Methodist Church
St. James United Methodist Church
5540 Wayne Avenue
Kansas City, Missouri 64110, United States
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