Sunday, January 1, 2017

Advent Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries of Saint Louis, Missouri, United States "Set Apart" for Monday, January 2, 2017

Advent Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries of Saint Louis, Missouri, United States "Set Apart" for Monday, January 2, 2017
... they brought Him up to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord(Luke 2:22b).
Read Luke 2:22-24. 
Luke 2:22 When the time came for their purification according to the Torah of Moshe, they took him up to Yerushalayim to present him to Adonai 23 (as it is written in the Torah of Adonai, “Every firstborn male is to be consecrated to Adonai”[Luke 2:23 Exodus 13:2, 12, 15]) 24 and also to offer a sacrifice of a pair of doves or two young pigeons,[Luke 2:24 Leviticus 12:8] as required by the Torah of Adonai.
I was really rough on toys when I was a kid. Few of the presents I opened on Christmas day actually lasted through the 12 days of Christmas. Sadly, I realize now that only two of all those great toys still survive to this day: a Tiny Tonka bulldozer and a gas-powered Cox mini-van. The van doesn't run, and the bulldozer has a few rust spots on it, but those two toys stand apart as special to me because of their physical connection to my long-gone childhood.
Today's devotion is about the day Jesus was set apart as someone special. After the eighth-day circumcision, the next big event for firstborn male children was their presentation at the temple in Jerusalem, when they were 40 days old.
The firstborn male child of each family was set apart as holy to the Lord. And among all the Jewish boys presented, this Son was unique. Through His miraculous conception, Jesus was the only male Child who truly stood apart from all His fellow Israelites, the only One who was actually holy to the Lord, in, and of Himself.
In His presentation Jesus was officially set apart and presented to the Lord for the unique work He would undertake, saving all people from sin, death and hell. Through faith in Him, God sets you and me apart from all people, so we may serve the Lord and share Jesus' story with those around us.
THE PRAYER: Heavenly Father, through Your Son Jesus Christ, You have set me apart as holy. Equip me and all your children in Jesus to share His wonderful salvation with those around us. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Today's Bible in a Year Reading: Genesis 4-6; Matthew 2
Genesis 4:
1 The man had sexual relations with Havah his wife; she conceived, gave birth to Kayin [acquisition] and said, “I have acquired a man from Adonai.” 2 In addition she gave birth to his brother Hevel. Hevel kept sheep, while Kayin worked the soil. 3 In the course of time Kayin brought an offering to Adonai from the produce of the soil; 4 and Hevel too brought from the firstborn of his sheep, including their fat. Adonai accepted Hevel and his offering 5 but did not accept Kayin and his offering. Kayin was very angry, and his face fell. 6 Adonai said to Kayin, “Why are you angry? Why so downcast? 7 If you are doing what is good, shouldn’t you hold your head high? And if you don’t do what is good, sin is crouching at the door — it wants you, but you can rule over it.” 8 Kayin had words with Hevel his brother; then one time, when they were in the field, Kayin turned on Hevel his brother and killed him.
9 Adonai said to Kayin, “Where is Hevel your brother?” And he replied, “I don’t know; am I my brother’s guardian?” 10 He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying out to me from the ground! 11 Now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood at your hands. 12 When you farm the ground it will no longer yield its strength to you. You will be a fugitive, wandering the earth.” 13 Kayin said to Adonai, “My punishment is greater than I can bear. 14 You are banning me today from the land and from your presence. I will be a fugitive wandering the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.” 15 Adonai answered him, “Therefore, whoever kills Kayin will receive vengeance sevenfold,” and Adonai put a sign on Kayin, so that no one who found him would kill him. 16 So Kayin left the presence of Adonai and lived in the land of Nod [wandering], east of ‘Eden.
17 Kayin had sexual relations with his wife; she conceived and gave birth to Hanokh. Kayin built a city and named the city after his son Hanokh. 18 To Hanokh was born ‘Irad. ‘Irad fathered Mechuya’el, Mechuya’el fathered Metusha’el, and Metusha’el fathered Lemekh.
(S: v) 19 Lemekh took himself two wives; the name of the one was ‘Adah, while the name of the other was Tzilah. 20 ‘Adah gave birth to Yaval; he was the ancestor of those who live in tents and have cattle. 21 His brother’s name was Yuval; and he was the ancestor of all who play lyre and flute. 22 Tzilah gave birth to Tuval-Kayin, who forged all kinds of tools from brass and iron; the sister of Tuval-Kayin was Na‘amah. 23 Lemekh said to his wives,
“‘Adah and Tzilah, listen to me;
wives of Lemekh, hear what I say:
I killed a man for wounding me,
a young man who injured me.
24 If Kayin will be avenged sevenfold,
then Lemekh seventy-sevenfold!”
25 Adam again had sexual relations with his wife, and she gave birth to a son whom she named Shet [granted], “For God has granted me another seed in place of Hevel, since Kayin killed him.” 26 To Shet too was born a son, whom he called Enosh. That is when people began to call on the name of Adonai.
5:1 (vi) Here is the genealogy of Adam. On the day that God created man he made him in the likeness of God; 2 he created them male and female; he blessed them and called them Adam [humankind, man] on the day they were created. 3 After Adam lived 130 years he fathered a son like himself and named him Shet. 4 After Shet was born, Adam lived another 800 years and had both sons and daughters. 5 In all, Adam lived 930 years, and then he died.
6 Shet lived 105 years and fathered Enosh. 7 After Enosh was born, Shet lived another 807 years and had sons and daughters. 8 In all, Shet lived 912 years; then he died.
9 Enosh lived ninety years and fathered Kenan. 10 After Kenan was born, Enosh lived another 815 years and had sons and daughters. 11 In all, Enosh lived 905 years; then he died.
12 Kenan lived seventy years and fathered Mahalal’el. 13 After Mahalal’el was born, Kenan lived another 840 years and had sons and daughters. 14 In all, Kenan lived 910 years; then he died.
15 Mahalal’el lived sixty-five years and fathered Yered. 16 After Yered was born, Mahalal’el lived another 830 years and had sons and daughters. 17 In all, Mahalal’el lived 895 years; then he died.
18 Yered lived 162 years and fathered Hanokh. 19 After Hanokh was born, Yered lived 800 years and had sons and daughters. 20 In all, Yered lived 962 years; then he died.
21 Hanokh lived sixty-five years and fathered Metushelach. 22 After Metushelach was born, Hanokh walked with God 300 years and had sons and daughters. 23 In all, Hanokh lived 365 years. 24 Hanokh walked with God, and then he wasn’t there, because God took him.
(vii) 25 Metushelach lived 187 years and fathered Lemekh. 26 After Lemekh was born, Metushelach lived 782 years and had sons and daughters. 27 In all, Metushelach lived 969 years; then he died.
28 Lemekh lived 182 years and fathered a son, 29 whom he called Noach [restful]; for he said, “This one will comfort us in our labor, in the hard work we do with our hands [to get what comes] from the ground that Adonai cursed.” 30 After Noach was born, Lemekh lived 595 years and had sons and daughters. 31 In all, Lemekh lived 777 years; then he died.
32 Noach was 500 years old; and Noach fathered Shem, Ham and Yefet.
6:1 In time, when men began to multiply on earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were attractive; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. 3 Adonai said, “My Spirit will not live in human beings forever, for they too are flesh; therefore their life span is to be 120 years.” 4 The N’filim were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; these were the ancient heroes, men of renown.
(Maftir) 5 Adonai saw that the people on earth were very wicked, that all the imaginings of their hearts were always of evil only. 6 Adonai regretted that he had made humankind on the earth; it grieved his heart. 7 Adonai said, “I will wipe out humankind, whom I have created, from the whole earth; and not only human beings, but animals, creeping things and birds in the air; for I regret that I ever made them.” 8 But Noach found grace in the sight of Adonai.
9 Here is the history of Noach. In his generation, Noach was a man righteous and wholehearted; Noach walked with God. 10 Noach fathered three sons, Shem, Ham and Yefet. 11 The earth was corrupt before God, the earth was filled with violence. 12 God saw the earth, and, yes, it was corrupt; for all living beings had corrupted their ways on the earth.
13 God said to Noach, “The end of all living beings has come before me, for because of them the earth is filled with violence. I will destroy them along with the earth. 14 Make yourself an ark of gofer-wood; you are to make the ark with rooms and cover it with pitch both outside and inside. 15 Here is how you are to build it: the length of the ark is to be 450 feet, its width seventy-five feet and its height forty-five feet. 16 You are to make an opening for daylight in the ark eighteen inches below its roof. Put a door in its side; and build it with lower, second and third decks.
17 “Then I myself will bring the flood of water over the earth to destroy from under heaven every living thing that breathes; everything on earth will be destroyed. 18 But I will establish my covenant with you; you will come into the ark, you, your sons, your wife and your sons’ wives with you.
19 “From everything living, from each kind of living being, you are to bring two into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they are to be male and female. 20 Of each kind of bird, each kind of livestock, and each kind of animal creeping on the ground, two are to come to you, so that they can be kept alive. 21 Also take from all the kinds of food that are eaten, and collect it for yourself; it is to be food for you and for them.” 22 This is what Noach did; he did all that God ordered him to do.
Matthew 2:1 After Yeshua was born in Beit-Lechem in the land of Y’hudah during the time when Herod was king, Magi from the east came to Yerushalayim 2 and asked, “Where is the newborn King of the Jews? For we saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.”
3 When King Herod heard of this he became very agitated, and so did everyone else in Yerushalayim. 4 He called together all the head cohanim and Torah-teachers of the people and asked them, “Where will the Messiah be born?” 5 “In Beit-Lechem of Y’hudah,” they replied, “because the prophet wrote,
6 ‘And you, Beit-Lechem in the land of Y’hudah,
are by no means the least among the rulers of Y’hudah;
for from you will come a Ruler
who will shepherd my people Isra’el.’”[Matthew 2:6 Micah 5:1(2)]
7 Herod summoned the Magi to meet with him privately and asked them exactly when the star had appeared. 8 Then he sent them to Beit-Lechem with these instructions: “Search carefully for the child; and when you find him, let me know, so that I too may go and worship him.”
9 After they had listened to the king, they went away; and the star which they had seen in the east went in front of them until it came and stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11 Upon entering the house, they saw the child with his mother Miryam; and they prostrated themselves and worshipped him. Then they opened their bags and presented him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. 12 But they had been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, so they took another route back to their own country.
13 After they had gone, an angel of Adonai appeared to Yosef in a dream and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother, and escape to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you to leave. For Herod is going to look for the child in order to kill him.” 14 So he got up, took the child and his mother, and left during the night for Egypt, 15 where he stayed until Herod died. This happened in order to fulfill what Adonai had said through the prophet,
“Out of Egypt I called my son.”[Matthew 2:15 Hosea 11:1]
16 Meanwhile, when Herod realized that the Magi had tricked him, he was furious and gave orders to kill all the boys in and around Beit-Lechem who were two years old or less, calculating from the time the Magi had told him. 17 In this way were fulfilled the words spoken through the prophet Yirmeyahu,
18 “A voice was heard in Ramah,
sobbing and lamenting loudly.
It was Rachel sobbing for her children
and refusing to be comforted,
because they are no longer alive.”[Matthew 2:18 Jeremiah 31:14(15)]
19 After Herod’s death, an angel of Adonai appeared in a dream to Yosef in Egypt 20 and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother, and go to Eretz-Yisra’el, for those who wanted to kill the child are dead.” 21 So he got up, took the child and his mother, and went back to Eretz-Yisra’el. 22 However, when he heard that Archelaus had succeeded his father Herod as king of Y’hudah, he was afraid to go there. Warned in a dream, he withdrew to the Galil 23 and settled in a town called Natzeret, so that what had been spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, that he will be called a Natzrati.
The Lutheran Hour Ministries
660 Mason Ridge Center
Saint Louis, Missouri 63141, United States

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