Psalm 71:5 For you are my hope, Adonai Elohim,
in whom I have trusted since I was young.
6 From birth I have relied on you;
it was you who took me from my mother’s womb.
7 To many, I am an amazing example;
but you are strong protection for me.
8 My mouth is full of praise for you,
filled with your glory all day long.
9 Don’t reject me when I grow old;
when my strength fails, don’t abandon me.
10 For my enemies are talking about me,
those seeking my life are plotting together.
11 They say, “God has abandoned him;
go after him, and seize him,
because no one will save him.”
12 God, don’t distance yourself from me!
My God, hurry to help me!
13 May those who are opposed to me
be put to shame and ruin;
may those who seek to harm me
be covered with scorn and disgrace.
14 But I, I will always hope
and keep adding to your praise.
15 All day long my mouth will tell
of your righteous deeds and acts of salvation,
though their number is past my knowing.
16 I will come in the power of Adonai Elohim
and recall your righteousness, yours alone.
17 God, you have taught me since I was young,
and I still proclaim your wonderful works.
18 So now that I’m old, and my hair is gray,
don’t abandon me, God, till I have proclaimed
your strength to the next generation,
your power to all who will come,
Many people today think that old age is something to avoid. I look in the mirror, and I see that I am aging. My hair is thinning and turning gray. I have wrinkles, too. Advertisers on TV and the Internet want me to buy products that they say will make me look and feel younger. But I know that I cannot make myself any younger.
In our Bible Reading today, the writer of Psalm 71 shares a reason why some people are afraid to grow old. "Don't throw me away just because I am old. Don't leave me as I lose my strength" (verse 9). Many older people are afraid of not being wanted any more.
The devil wants me to believe that God cannot use me when I am old. I may not be as strong or as beautiful as I was when I was young, but I can still work for God. Even if I become physically disabled, I can still be a prayer warrior.
No matter how old you are, God has a job for you. Look for areas of service where God can use you.[Pam Davis]
"Now that I am old and my hair is gray, don't leave me, God. I must tell the next generation about your power and greatness."[Psalm 71:18]
PRAYER: Father, I am happy that You can always use me to serve You. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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