Thursday, January 26, 2017

Weekly E-News for Thursday, 26 January 2017 from St. James United Methodist Church in Kansas City, Missouri, United States "Upcoming X-citing Worship, Faith Development, Congregational Care, Compassionate Outreach and Next Generation Ministries"

 Weekly E-News for Thursday, 26 January 2017 from St. James United Methodist Church in Kansas City, Missouri, United States "Upcoming X-citing Worship, Faith Development, Congregational Care, Compassionate Outreach and Next Generation Ministries"

A New Beginning. This is the theme that will guide St. James in 2017. When one season comes to an end a new one begins. In life, sometimes things run their course and it's time for something new.
Wednesday Night Live. Dr. 3 and the Pastoral Team are leading a study exploring the entire bible. We will work our way from Genesis to Revelation. For the next two years we will wrestle with what the bible says, the cultural background, people, places and what it means for us today. In preparation for next week, please read Genesis 4-5. Join us each week at 7 p.m. in the Ministry Mall at the Paseo Campus.
All members are encouraged to attend a special meeting Saturday, January 28th at 10 a.m. at the Paseo Campus, Pastor Cleaver and the Leadership Board will share the plan for our new beginning in 2017.
Couples Class. This Sunday School class for married and engaged couples, Sunday's at 9:45 a.m in Room 2D. This quarter, we'll read the book Anger: Taming a Powerful Emotion, by Dr. Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages. This series will help you and your spouse experience and respond to anger in a way that pleases the Lord AND help prevent conflict, resentment, and unforgiveness in your relationship. Call or text Charles Quinn at 816-654-2257 for more information. We hope to see you there!
Disciple Fast Track - Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study. Have you wanted to study the Bible at the Paseo Campus, but felt you didn't have time for a 34 week study? These 12 sessions of the New Testament are ideal for those wanting a comprehensive study in a short period of time. Contact Royce Turner, class facilitator, at 816-372-6069. Order your book at or visit your local bookstore.
Personal Finance. Attend the next seven week session of the Personal Financial Education and Empowerment Ministry, better known as PFEEM and learn biblical principles regarding: money management; debt reduction; wealth building; insurance; estate planning and a lot more! Classes are held Tuesday evenings through March 14th at 6 p.m. in Room 2F. To register call or text H. David Whalen at 816-914-6806. All classes are free and open to the public.
The Tie That Binds. Join the Marriage Ministry Saturday, February 11th at the Renaissance Campus for a Valentine's workshop. The workshop is from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Registration is $25 per couple. For more info contact Tracy at 816-986-9672, Traci at 816-986-9824 or
Bible Study at Renaissance. Every Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. is Community Night at the Renaissance Campus so, bring the family out for food & fellowship! Yes, there will be a word as well - a timely message to boost your work week. There will be something for children & teens, too. Come out & get to know your church family!
Senior Fitness & Bible Study. Join us at the Paseo Campus every Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. for light to moderate exercise done from the comfort of a chair! A trained fitness expert will guide you through exercises that help strengthen you, and the fellowship will help motivate you. Then, stay for Senior Bible Study from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and get strengthened in the spirit! Feel free to bring a dish and join us in the potluck lunch following our study time.
Prayer Time. Continue with us in prayer every Tuesday and Thursday from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. on the prayer line 530-881-1212, code 293680996.
Christian Sympathy is extended to Mary Ward at the passing of her brother-in-law, Lewis Gulley; to Fred & Marceline Cooley at the passing of their aunt, Gladys Bruce and to Ettone Harley at the passing of his mother, Vera Jones.
Encouragement Cards. In today's digital world, the simple act of sending a greeting card has become a rare act of care and kindness. Receiving cards makes people feel special and loved. We are excited to announce the resumption of the Encouragement Card" initiative. On the first Sunday of each month, bring a get well or encouragement card for persons on the prayer list to the church. Sign your name on the card and feel free to add some words of encouragement. Please print the person's full name on the envelope, along with your return address. The cards can be dropped in the Encouragement Card box in the hallway. If you would like a name added to the prayer list, please contact Pastor Valentine at or the church office at 816-444-5588.
St. James extends prayers and well wishes to Lester and Melanie Scott as they transition in the next few weeks from this community to the Little Rock, AR area. Their presence and faithfulness were a blessing to our church which we will sorely missed. Members and friends are welcome to reach out to the Scott's with personal messages at
HeBrews Fellowship. Sunday, after 8 a.m. worship, stop by the Ministry Mall for refreshments and fellowship. Individuals, ministries or groups wishing to sponsor a fellowship, contact Lisa Hardwick at 816-305-6699or
Cancer Love Bag Initiative. Saturday, January 28th at 11:30 a.m., youth will have an opportunity to participate in the Cancer Love Bag Initiative. We will pack bags of love for cancer patients. We will meet at the church and then travel to the Kansas City Star. Spaces are limited, so please register to Sharmelle Winslett at 816-547-8387 today.
Next Gen Worship. Children and teens ages 5 and up are invited to a special worship experience this Sunday, January 29th during 11 a.m. worship in the Ministry Mall. We will have special guests: Gods Anointed Puppeteers, Beautiful Praise Dance Ministry & Praise & Worship with Dana Abram. Parents can check their children in and join us or attend worship in the sanctuary.
40-140. We will share in a season of spiritual practices during Lent this year. Students will be led through 40 days of practices to follow in engaging with God. We will also offer 40-140 again, which is 40 days of devotional readings no more than 140 characters long. Please make sure you have registered for the 40-140 text messages by texting "rage" to 40650. More info to come.
Acolytes needed. Children ages 4-12 are welcome to serve during our worship celebrations. Contacts: Angela Baker (8 a.m.) at or Risë Cockerm (11 a.m.) at
Little Vessel Ushers. Children ages 5-11 serve as ushers every 3rd Sunday during 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship. No experience needed - on the job training is provided. The uniform is a white button down shirt and black slacks or skirt. Contact Brenda Sylvan at 816-942-4258.
Scouting Ministry
Cub Scouts (Grades 1-5) will meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in Kidz Kingdom.
Boy Scouts (Ages 11-18) meeting Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Kidz Kingdom. Contact Roosevelt Braxton at 816-305-2656.
Girl Scouts (Grades K-12) meet on selected Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Contact Carmellya Anderson at or 816-809-5428.
Adult Volunteers. Committed adults are always needed to participate. Training is required and provided at no cost. Contact one of the adults listed above to get started.
Forum for Racial Justice: The Education System. Join us Sunday, February 12th at 7:00 p.m. for the next segment of the continuing discussion between St. James and Church of the Resurrection on bridging the racial divide in Kansas City. Our focus will be on the impact of segregation on the education system in KCMO; and what we can do beyond tutoring to have a positive impact. Joining Reverends Cleaver and Hamilton for a panel discussion will be Historian Eric Stafford, Dr. Derald Davis, Assistant Superintendent of School Leadership for Kansas City Public Schools, and Michael Mayberry, CEO and Executive Director of Grace United Community Ministries. The event will be held in the main sanctuary at Church of the Resurrection's Leawood Campus (13720 Roe Avenue). To register or submit questions to the panelists click here (*note registration is not required but encouraged).
Contribution Statements. The 2016 contribution statements were mailed last week. We were unable to mail many statements due to lack of a current mailing address. If you do not receive a statement, please contact the church office to ensure that we have your current information.
THINK BIG! Launched this fall as a new initiative of (MARC) Mid-America Regional Council, the KC Degrees program seeks to reconnect adults with their deferred higher education goals. Mid-Continent Public Library is among numerous institutions collaborating with MARC to offer this new program, which provides adults who have completed some college credit (but never graduated) the tools and guidance they need to finish their degrees. Six Mid-Continent branches, including Antioch, Claycomo, Blue Springs South, Grain Valley, South Independence and Blue Ridge will provide meeting space for KC Degrees. Those interested, contact KC Degrees at To find out more about Mid-Continent Library and what it offers visit
St. James United Methodist Church
St. James United Methodist Church
5540 Wayne Ave
Kansas City, Missouri 64110, United States

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