Last Week At ...
We delved into the topics of: Learning to work together to overcome separateness, Bringing deep meaning to our lives, Was Bishop Eddie Long Gay? and How we are all connected.
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A sermon for the birthday of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King
Rev. Dawn Hutchings
It’s not about a messiah, it is about each one of us working together to overcome the things that separate us!

First Lesson: “I Have Been to the Mountaintop” – Martin Luther King watch below
Second Lesson: From “Love Your Enemies” – Martin Luther King- click here
It’s not about a messiah, it is about each one of us working together to overcome the things that separate us!

First Lesson: “I Have Been to the Mountaintop” – Martin Luther King watch below
Second Lesson: From “Love Your Enemies” – Martin Luther King- click here
Gospel – John 1:29-42
Listen to the sermon below

Visit Rev. Dawn Hutching’s website
The Four Qualities of Love
Video by Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh explains the Four Qualities of Love that can bring deep meaning to our lives.

Click here for more on Teachings on True Love by Thich Nhat Hanh

Bishop Eddie Long’s cautionary tale about homophobia
Thich Nhat Hanh explains the Four Qualities of Love that can bring deep meaning to our lives.

Click here for more on Teachings on True Love by Thich Nhat Hanh
Bishop Eddie Long’s cautionary tale about homophobia
Irene Monroe
When news hit the airwaves that Bishop Eddie Long died from an unnamed aggressive cancer resulting in dramatic weight lost, many now throughout the Black Church community wonder if his death was due to HIV/AIDS, and he was too embarrassed to admit it or seek medical care...
When news hit the airwaves that Bishop Eddie Long died from an unnamed aggressive cancer resulting in dramatic weight lost, many now throughout the Black Church community wonder if his death was due to HIV/AIDS, and he was too embarrassed to admit it or seek medical care until it was too late.
“If he had it (HIV/AIDS) where in all of Georgia or the South for that matter could the Bishop have gone for treatment and the news not get out?” Tiffany Jones of Decatur, Georgia told me over the phone.
While Long’s parishioners watched, worried and asked about his weight lost, Long reassuringly attributed the slimming down to a diet of healthy raw vegetables.
“I said to my congregation that I’m going to live to be 100 years old, maybe add a few more years. But you know what, I wasn’t going to get there by stopping by Popeyes,” he stated in an online video posted for his church. “That was my weakness. The biscuits with honey and chicken wings, spicy, and all of that. Many of us are still eating from a slave menu, you need to check that out.”
“Obnoxious Media,” based in Atlanta, however, reported in September 2016 that Long “hasn’t preached in months and he’s been told by doctors that he ‘only has months to live’ due to him having HIV/AIDS.”
Called by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “one of the most virulently homophobic black leaders in the religiously based anti-gay movement,” Long’s private life sent seismic shock waves across the Black Church community when news broke out about Long’s alleged sexcapdes with four male teenagers while they were enrolled in his ministry for teen boys.
The four young men, all now in their mid-20’s, have been asked their thoughts on the passing of Long:
“As much as we’d like to make a statement about the passing of Bishop Eddie Long, we’ve all decided to remain silent, for now,” the men stated in a joint response given exclusively to The Atlantic Journal Constitution. However, their concluding statement said, “Our perspectives will be addressed in our book, “Forsaken” which we hope to release soon.”
Long was a flamboyant man, and liked to flaunt his gifts. As one of the Black Church’s prominent pastors of “prosperity gospel,” his bling-bling theology unabashedly flashed not only his Gucci sunglasses, gold necklaces, and Rolex watches, but also unapologetically flashed his muscular physique in the latest too tight-fitting spandex workout togs.
Long had been rumored, for some time, to be gay. And for those inside of Long’s stained-glass closet at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, they too knew of the bishop’s penchant for pubescent boys, whom he called “spiritual sons.”
Sadly, however, Long, like too many African American ministers on the “down low,” had erected his bully pulpit denouncing LGBTQs while using his clerical authority to court and to covet them.
During his infamous anti-marriage equality march in December 2004 titled “Stop the Silence,” with MLK’s daughter, the Rev. Bernice King in tow, Long stated, “In essence, God made Eve to help Adam replenish the earth. Woman has the canal…everything else is an exit. …Cloning, homosexuality, and lesbianism are spiritual abortions. Homosexuality is a manifestation of the fallen man.”
And King speculating about her father’s viewpoint on marriage equality stated at the march that “I know in my sanctified soul that he (MLK) did not take a bullet for same-sex marriage.”
Long was not alone — to be gay or rumored to be gay — in denouncing homosexuality. The mess Long found himself in is emblematic of the Black Church’s down low “politic of silence” concerning sexuality and HIV/AIDS – both in plain sight silently killing my community.
Many African-American men on the DL say there are two salient features that contribute to this subculture — white gay culture and the Black Church.
The Black Church’s conservative gender roles, outdated gender identities, and anti-gay theology create a hidden homosocial community of DL male clerics who find camaraderie at black pastors or at all-male conferences where Long took his spiritual sons.
Long did not create the homophobic climate in the Black Church, but he certainly contributed to it.
With a membership of over 25,000, Long’s church is the largest African American megachurch in the Southeast. And as the largest it could have begun, with his sex scandal, to effect change by embracing a liberating, healthy, and holistic understanding of human sexuality.
And in so doing, Long would had created a model of pastoral care not only for heterosexuals or homosexuals, but most importantly, for himself.

Liturgy Selection
When news hit the airwaves that Bishop Eddie Long died from an unnamed aggressive cancer resulting in dramatic weight lost, many now throughout the Black Church community wonder if his death was due to HIV/AIDS, and he was too embarrassed to admit it or seek medical care...
When news hit the airwaves that Bishop Eddie Long died from an unnamed aggressive cancer resulting in dramatic weight lost, many now throughout the Black Church community wonder if his death was due to HIV/AIDS, and he was too embarrassed to admit it or seek medical care until it was too late.
“If he had it (HIV/AIDS) where in all of Georgia or the South for that matter could the Bishop have gone for treatment and the news not get out?” Tiffany Jones of Decatur, Georgia told me over the phone.
While Long’s parishioners watched, worried and asked about his weight lost, Long reassuringly attributed the slimming down to a diet of healthy raw vegetables.
“I said to my congregation that I’m going to live to be 100 years old, maybe add a few more years. But you know what, I wasn’t going to get there by stopping by Popeyes,” he stated in an online video posted for his church. “That was my weakness. The biscuits with honey and chicken wings, spicy, and all of that. Many of us are still eating from a slave menu, you need to check that out.”
“Obnoxious Media,” based in Atlanta, however, reported in September 2016 that Long “hasn’t preached in months and he’s been told by doctors that he ‘only has months to live’ due to him having HIV/AIDS.”
Called by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “one of the most virulently homophobic black leaders in the religiously based anti-gay movement,” Long’s private life sent seismic shock waves across the Black Church community when news broke out about Long’s alleged sexcapdes with four male teenagers while they were enrolled in his ministry for teen boys.
The four young men, all now in their mid-20’s, have been asked their thoughts on the passing of Long:
“As much as we’d like to make a statement about the passing of Bishop Eddie Long, we’ve all decided to remain silent, for now,” the men stated in a joint response given exclusively to The Atlantic Journal Constitution. However, their concluding statement said, “Our perspectives will be addressed in our book, “Forsaken” which we hope to release soon.”
Long was a flamboyant man, and liked to flaunt his gifts. As one of the Black Church’s prominent pastors of “prosperity gospel,” his bling-bling theology unabashedly flashed not only his Gucci sunglasses, gold necklaces, and Rolex watches, but also unapologetically flashed his muscular physique in the latest too tight-fitting spandex workout togs.
Long had been rumored, for some time, to be gay. And for those inside of Long’s stained-glass closet at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, they too knew of the bishop’s penchant for pubescent boys, whom he called “spiritual sons.”
Sadly, however, Long, like too many African American ministers on the “down low,” had erected his bully pulpit denouncing LGBTQs while using his clerical authority to court and to covet them.
During his infamous anti-marriage equality march in December 2004 titled “Stop the Silence,” with MLK’s daughter, the Rev. Bernice King in tow, Long stated, “In essence, God made Eve to help Adam replenish the earth. Woman has the canal…everything else is an exit. …Cloning, homosexuality, and lesbianism are spiritual abortions. Homosexuality is a manifestation of the fallen man.”
And King speculating about her father’s viewpoint on marriage equality stated at the march that “I know in my sanctified soul that he (MLK) did not take a bullet for same-sex marriage.”
Long was not alone — to be gay or rumored to be gay — in denouncing homosexuality. The mess Long found himself in is emblematic of the Black Church’s down low “politic of silence” concerning sexuality and HIV/AIDS – both in plain sight silently killing my community.
Many African-American men on the DL say there are two salient features that contribute to this subculture — white gay culture and the Black Church.
The Black Church’s conservative gender roles, outdated gender identities, and anti-gay theology create a hidden homosocial community of DL male clerics who find camaraderie at black pastors or at all-male conferences where Long took his spiritual sons.
Long did not create the homophobic climate in the Black Church, but he certainly contributed to it.
With a membership of over 25,000, Long’s church is the largest African American megachurch in the Southeast. And as the largest it could have begun, with his sex scandal, to effect change by embracing a liberating, healthy, and holistic understanding of human sexuality.
And in so doing, Long would had created a model of pastoral care not only for heterosexuals or homosexuals, but most importantly, for himself.
Liturgy Selection
We are all connected, not only across nations and cultures and religions, but across time.
We are all connected, not only across nations and cultures and religions, but across time. Even as we head into the future, we carry with us our ties to the past. It’s how we orient ourselves and keep from getting lost, like Ariadne’s thread in the labyrinth. As progressive Christians create new liturgies, they often build on treasures from the past — new lyrics to a well-known hymn-tune, a new setting of words from an ancient psalm. Just another form of evolution.
Call to Worship from Psalm 107
Leader: Give thanks for the Lord’s goodness, God’s love is steadfast and forever.
People: God has gathered us from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south, and rescued us from trouble.

Call to Worship from Psalm 107 by Carolyn Bowers
Leader: Give thanks for the Lord’s goodness, God’s love is steadfast and forever.
People: God has gathered us from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south, and rescued us from trouble.
Leader: When you wandered as if in the desert, hungry and thirsty for God,
People: God heard our cries and revived our fainting souls, leading us home.
Leader: Give thanks for God’s steadfast love, for the wonderful things God has done and is doing for us.
People: God’s grace satisfies the hunger in our hearts, and fills us with compassion, hope, and peace. We will praise God’s name always! AMENread more
We are all connected, not only across nations and cultures and religions, but across time.
We are all connected, not only across nations and cultures and religions, but across time. Even as we head into the future, we carry with us our ties to the past. It’s how we orient ourselves and keep from getting lost, like Ariadne’s thread in the labyrinth. As progressive Christians create new liturgies, they often build on treasures from the past — new lyrics to a well-known hymn-tune, a new setting of words from an ancient psalm. Just another form of evolution.
Call to Worship from Psalm 107
Leader: Give thanks for the Lord’s goodness, God’s love is steadfast and forever.
People: God has gathered us from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south, and rescued us from trouble.

Call to Worship from Psalm 107 by Carolyn Bowers
Leader: Give thanks for the Lord’s goodness, God’s love is steadfast and forever.
People: God has gathered us from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south, and rescued us from trouble.
Leader: When you wandered as if in the desert, hungry and thirsty for God,
People: God heard our cries and revived our fainting souls, leading us home.
Leader: Give thanks for God’s steadfast love, for the wonderful things God has done and is doing for us.
People: God’s grace satisfies the hunger in our hearts, and fills us with compassion, hope, and peace. We will praise God’s name always! AMENread more
Love Now Ascending
Holy, holy, holy, love now ascending
Early in the morning our song shall rise to you
Holy, holy, holy, joy that has no ending
Giving, forgiving, breathing life anew.

Love Now Ascending
Sung to the tune Nicaea ('Holy, Holy, Holy') by James Burklo
Holy, holy, holy, love now ascending
Early in the morning our song shall rise to you
Holy, holy, holy, joy that has no ending
Giving, forgiving, breathing life anew.
Holy, holy, holy, love without a limit
Care that binds creation in sacred unity
Holy, holy, holy, birthing every minute,
Christ, Love’s revealer, sets our spirits free.
Holy, holy, holy, infinite compassion,
Makes a place for every soul in God’s eternal reign
Holy, holy, holy, truth beyond religion,
Love that endures should nothing else remain.
Holy, holy, holy, raise your voice in singing,
Join the cosmic chorus in praise of Love divine,
Holy, holy, holy, God beyond all naming,
Echoes our song in harmony more
Love Now Ascending
Holy, holy, holy, love now ascending
Early in the morning our song shall rise to you
Holy, holy, holy, joy that has no ending
Giving, forgiving, breathing life anew.

Love Now Ascending
Sung to the tune Nicaea ('Holy, Holy, Holy') by James Burklo
Holy, holy, holy, love now ascending
Early in the morning our song shall rise to you
Holy, holy, holy, joy that has no ending
Giving, forgiving, breathing life anew.
Holy, holy, holy, love without a limit
Care that binds creation in sacred unity
Holy, holy, holy, birthing every minute,
Christ, Love’s revealer, sets our spirits free.
Holy, holy, holy, infinite compassion,
Makes a place for every soul in God’s eternal reign
Holy, holy, holy, truth beyond religion,
Love that endures should nothing else remain.
Holy, holy, holy, raise your voice in singing,
Join the cosmic chorus in praise of Love divine,
Holy, holy, holy, God beyond all naming,
Echoes our song in harmony more
All Life Is Connected
No matter how different someone is from us, they are part of the human family, one of God’s children to be valued and treated with dignity.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.

All Life Is Connected
Inspired by Chief Seattle by Roger Courtney
No matter how different someone is from us, they are part of the human family, one of God’s children to be valued and treated with dignity.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.
We need to realise that the earth does not belong to us, but we belong to the earth.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.
When we ignore the oneness of life and treat the environment as a disposable commodity we reap the consequences.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.
Animals also have the right to live natural lives without pain and cruelty inflicted by human beings.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.
When we use up the earth’s natural resources we selfishly pass on a damaged and depleted world to our children and grandchildren.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.
When we pump chemicals into the air and sea without a thought for the consequences we threaten the whole future of life on the planet.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.
Help us to celebrate the oneness of all creation and to live our lives in the knowledge that
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent more
All Life Is Connected
No matter how different someone is from us, they are part of the human family, one of God’s children to be valued and treated with dignity.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.

All Life Is Connected
Inspired by Chief Seattle by Roger Courtney
No matter how different someone is from us, they are part of the human family, one of God’s children to be valued and treated with dignity.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.
We need to realise that the earth does not belong to us, but we belong to the earth.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.
When we ignore the oneness of life and treat the environment as a disposable commodity we reap the consequences.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.
Animals also have the right to live natural lives without pain and cruelty inflicted by human beings.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.
When we use up the earth’s natural resources we selfishly pass on a damaged and depleted world to our children and grandchildren.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.
When we pump chemicals into the air and sea without a thought for the consequences we threaten the whole future of life on the planet.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.
Help us to celebrate the oneness of all creation and to live our lives in the knowledge that
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent more

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Events and Updates
The Chaplaincy Institute presents
Eco-Ministry Intensive – Pilot Program
This is a two-part, ecology-focused intensive the ChI Seminary is piloting in 2017 in response to the deep desire and soul-longing for many to take action, bear witness, and heal our connection with Earth.
Part One: Earth-Based Traditions Module (February 15-19, 2017)
Part Two: Eco-Ministry for Life on Earth (April 25-29, 2017)
Eco-Ministry Intensive – Pilot ProgramThis is a two-part, ecology-focused intensive the ChI Seminary is piloting in 2017 in response to the deep desire and soul-longing for many to take action, bear witness, and heal our connection with Earth.
This intensive will look at the important intersection of ecology, spirituality, and social systems. Together, we will bravely consider the “inconvenient;” we will explore ways to re-member ourselves to the New and the Ancient; we will share ideas and resources about the tools that already exist, as well as the new practices inviting our participation as a species. With the understanding that these themes live inter-dependently within us, and within our cultures, what might we learn about personal and social transformation?
This intensive will equip individuals for the furthering of innovative, life-sustaining and healing practices for Earth and the lifestyle systems humans use.
Part ONE (February 15-19, 2017) – will be the Earth-based Traditions themed module that is already offered each February as part of the Interfaith Studies Certificate Program at ChI. This 5-day course is both an introductory and experiential overview of existing connections between earth, religion and spirituality. The module includes earth-based teachings from Paganism, the African Diasporic Traditions, and Native American perspectives, as well as drumming in community, participating in a sweat lodge ceremony, and the Cosmic Walk (a ritual that celebrates our 13.7 billion year Universe story).
Part TWO (April 25-29, 2017) – is brand new. Each day will focus on a particular theme in the morning (left-brain input), with a deeper exploration of this theme in the afternoon (right-brain output/integration) through art, group work and/or field excursions. In our days together, we will share time in nature and at an urban farm. We will practice other ways of knowing, by looking to the teachings of plants, animals and all forms of life. Practices and presentations will be with subject-area experts living in the Bay Area. During the week, we will look at lifestyle choices, systems change and social transformation. We will also grieve, ritualizing and make space for the Earth liturgy that wants to be born in us and shared.
You are Participating in a Pilot
This two-part intensive is a pilot. It is has been scheduled to happen in early 2017 specifically so that participants will form community, exchange ideas, and continue a lively, co-creative process with one another and for Earth. In the future, the current image is that the ChI Eco-Ministry Program may expand to be several modules (3-6?). Parts of these modules would happen online (low-residency), other parts would happen together as a cohort in Berkeley (high-residency), and other parts might happen regionally/locally, encouraging participants to engage with the resources already alive in their communities, or to create projects that are ripe to begin (grassroots/practicum).
VERY IMPORTANT: This is merely a starting place and these are only ideas. Your participation in this pilot matters!!! Thank you for sharing your time, your love of earth and your passion to invite wakefulness and engagement from humans at this very important time.
Program Dates/Schedule:
A 5 day and a 4 day module – February and April, 2017
Part One: Earth-Based Traditions Module (in the Interfaith Studies Certificate Program),
February 15-19, 2017 (9am Wednesday – 4:30pm Sunday)
Part Two: Eco-Ministry for Life on Earth, April 25-29, 2017 (mid-day Tuesday – 2pm Saturday)
Daily Schedule typically – 9am -12:00pm and 2-5pm
Enrollment, Registration and Fees
Application/Registration – APPLICATION TIMELINE IS QUICK!
This course begins on February 15, 2017. To take both Parts One and Two, the application form and fee are due by no later than January 31st, 2017. To take only April (Part Two), the application form and fee are due by February 28th.
Please NOTE: The application process includes a 20-30 minute phone interview with ChI Dean, Rev. Lauren Van Ham, MA. Applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Because of the pilot nature of this intensive classroom capacity is limited to 25. We strongly recommend getting your application in as soon as possible during the month of January. Pending acceptance, course payment is due by February 5th and April 1st, respectively.
CEU’s may be available. Please inquire at –
If you have already taken the February Earth Based Traditions module at ChI within the last 5 years, you can retake it again as a part of this 2 module intensive OR you can take Part II of the Eco Ministry intensive in April as a stand alone module.
To learn more or to apply, email:
“When you look at what is happening to our planet – and it is hard to look at what’s happening to our water, our air, our trees, our fellow species – it becomes clear that unless you have some roots in a spiritual practice that holds life sacred and encourages joyful communion with all your fellow beings, facing the enormous challenges ahead becomes nearly impossible.” –Joanna Macy, environmental activist, author, scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory, and deep ecology
Program Leadership
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Click on Amazon Smile and choose as your charity - when you shop Amazon donates .05%.
Events and Updates
The Chaplaincy Institute presents
Eco-Ministry Intensive – Pilot Program
This is a two-part, ecology-focused intensive the ChI Seminary is piloting in 2017 in response to the deep desire and soul-longing for many to take action, bear witness, and heal our connection with Earth.
Part One: Earth-Based Traditions Module (February 15-19, 2017)
Part Two: Eco-Ministry for Life on Earth (April 25-29, 2017)
Eco-Ministry Intensive – Pilot ProgramThis is a two-part, ecology-focused intensive the ChI Seminary is piloting in 2017 in response to the deep desire and soul-longing for many to take action, bear witness, and heal our connection with Earth.
This intensive will look at the important intersection of ecology, spirituality, and social systems. Together, we will bravely consider the “inconvenient;” we will explore ways to re-member ourselves to the New and the Ancient; we will share ideas and resources about the tools that already exist, as well as the new practices inviting our participation as a species. With the understanding that these themes live inter-dependently within us, and within our cultures, what might we learn about personal and social transformation?
This intensive will equip individuals for the furthering of innovative, life-sustaining and healing practices for Earth and the lifestyle systems humans use.
Part ONE (February 15-19, 2017) – will be the Earth-based Traditions themed module that is already offered each February as part of the Interfaith Studies Certificate Program at ChI. This 5-day course is both an introductory and experiential overview of existing connections between earth, religion and spirituality. The module includes earth-based teachings from Paganism, the African Diasporic Traditions, and Native American perspectives, as well as drumming in community, participating in a sweat lodge ceremony, and the Cosmic Walk (a ritual that celebrates our 13.7 billion year Universe story).
Part TWO (April 25-29, 2017) – is brand new. Each day will focus on a particular theme in the morning (left-brain input), with a deeper exploration of this theme in the afternoon (right-brain output/integration) through art, group work and/or field excursions. In our days together, we will share time in nature and at an urban farm. We will practice other ways of knowing, by looking to the teachings of plants, animals and all forms of life. Practices and presentations will be with subject-area experts living in the Bay Area. During the week, we will look at lifestyle choices, systems change and social transformation. We will also grieve, ritualizing and make space for the Earth liturgy that wants to be born in us and shared.
You are Participating in a Pilot
This two-part intensive is a pilot. It is has been scheduled to happen in early 2017 specifically so that participants will form community, exchange ideas, and continue a lively, co-creative process with one another and for Earth. In the future, the current image is that the ChI Eco-Ministry Program may expand to be several modules (3-6?). Parts of these modules would happen online (low-residency), other parts would happen together as a cohort in Berkeley (high-residency), and other parts might happen regionally/locally, encouraging participants to engage with the resources already alive in their communities, or to create projects that are ripe to begin (grassroots/practicum).
VERY IMPORTANT: This is merely a starting place and these are only ideas. Your participation in this pilot matters!!! Thank you for sharing your time, your love of earth and your passion to invite wakefulness and engagement from humans at this very important time.
Program Dates/Schedule:
A 5 day and a 4 day module – February and April, 2017
Part One: Earth-Based Traditions Module (in the Interfaith Studies Certificate Program),
February 15-19, 2017 (9am Wednesday – 4:30pm Sunday)
Part Two: Eco-Ministry for Life on Earth, April 25-29, 2017 (mid-day Tuesday – 2pm Saturday)
Daily Schedule typically – 9am -12:00pm and 2-5pm
Enrollment, Registration and Fees
Application/Registration – APPLICATION TIMELINE IS QUICK!
This course begins on February 15, 2017. To take both Parts One and Two, the application form and fee are due by no later than January 31st, 2017. To take only April (Part Two), the application form and fee are due by February 28th.
Please NOTE: The application process includes a 20-30 minute phone interview with ChI Dean, Rev. Lauren Van Ham, MA. Applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Because of the pilot nature of this intensive classroom capacity is limited to 25. We strongly recommend getting your application in as soon as possible during the month of January. Pending acceptance, course payment is due by February 5th and April 1st, respectively.
CEU’s may be available. Please inquire at –
If you have already taken the February Earth Based Traditions module at ChI within the last 5 years, you can retake it again as a part of this 2 module intensive OR you can take Part II of the Eco Ministry intensive in April as a stand alone module.
To learn more or to apply, email:
“When you look at what is happening to our planet – and it is hard to look at what’s happening to our water, our air, our trees, our fellow species – it becomes clear that unless you have some roots in a spiritual practice that holds life sacred and encourages joyful communion with all your fellow beings, facing the enormous challenges ahead becomes nearly impossible.” –Joanna Macy, environmental activist, author, scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory, and deep ecology
Program Leadership


February 15, 2017
April 29, 2017
The Chaplaincy Institute
1400 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 14
Berkeley CA United States
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Mary Hicken
The Chaplaincy Institute
510-631-3066READ ON ...
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