God spoke through the prophet Isaiah about fasting:
Is not this the fast that I choose:
to loose the bonds of injustice,
to undo the thongs of the yoke,
to let the oppressed go free,
and to break every yoke?
Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
and bring the homeless poor into your house;
when you see the naked, to cover them,
and not to hide yourself from your own kin?
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn,
and your healing shall spring up quickly;
your vindicator shall go before you,
the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
you shall cry for help, and he will say, "Here I am."[Isaiah 58:6-9]
God first spoke to the heart motivation of the one fasting. When the goal of fasting is to gain attention from others, then something is wrong. This is misdirected energy which must be refocused on God’s intended purposes. John Chrysostom wrote,
Do you see, dearly beloved, what true fasting really is? Let us perform this kind and not entertain the facile notion held by many that the essence of fasting lies in going without food till evening. This is not the end in view, but that we should demonstrate, along with abstinence from food, abstinence also from whatever is harmful, and should give close attention to spiritual duties. The person fasting ought to be reserved, peaceful, meek, humble, indifferent to the esteem of this world.[Homilies on Genesis 8.15]
You see, God redefines fasting in a positive way, for instead of giving something up, we are encouraged to see fasting as engaging in social reform, including an attitude of loving care and refraining from judgment on others. John Wesley said that we were to avoid the “cruel obligations of usury and oppression.” This is not a fast of religious observance, but one in which the outpouring of God’s love is revealed in our behavior.
Fasting should come from a deep love for God which overflows in a love for others. We should not experience the one without the other. A deep love and sacrifice for God must be reflected in our love for others. Therefore, fasting is not just about giving things up for the love of God but about overflowing with God’s love for others. We embrace love for the poor and the needy. This may be a season when we not only give up something to eat, but when we also clean out our closet and simplify our lives. There may be much that we own that could be given away to others who may find themselves in need. We may fast from the purchase of more stuff during this season of Lent. Living into greater simplicity frees us to give to others. If we spend less on our food during lent, then we can share what we have not spent on those who are in need of food.
There are many bonds of injustice in this world. We fast to be set free spiritually, but at the same time we must work to actively free those who are oppressed. As we experience our own freedoms, we are to be God’s instruments of justice.
If you’re fasting, don’t just think about what you are giving up, but also about what you can give. There must be two sides to the activity of fasting, for it must come from a deep love for God and a genuine love for our neighbor. Give up, and give away!
Grace and Peace,
Carla Sunberg
Vote for Your 2017 - 202 Alumni Council
Ballots are due by March 30
Fellow alumni, please click here to vote for the 2017-2020 Nazarene Theological Seminary Alumni Association Council. The ballot will only take a few minutes of your time.
We’re conducting the election prior to General Assembly so that the new alumni council can be introduced at the NTS General Assembly breakfast, which will be held Monday, June 26, in Indianapolis. Click here to purchase your tickets for the breakfast. There is limited seating and an early-bird rate is being offered so order your ticket(s) today!
Creating an Endowed Scholarship as a Way to Honor Those We Love
Florence Yotter Scholarship in Memory of Bobby Wall
Florence Yotter was the daughter of a Nazarene pastor in rural Iowa. She and her family moved to Chicago, Illinois, in the early 1940’s so she and her sister could find work. Florence worked as an accountant/bookkeeper until her retirement in 1989. She lived in LaGrange, Illinois, until her death in 2008.
Florence was zealous in her work, loyal to her friends and steadfast in her faith. It was her wish that, after her death, her worldly assets be used to further God’s work. She was committed to the mission of the Church of the Nazarene. In 2009, a scholarship was created in her name to encourage young people continuing their religious and ministerial studies at Nazarene Theological Seminary.
For the final twelve years of her life, Miss Yotter was alone, with no surviving family. She was “adopted” by the Wall family and she “adopted” them, sharing many years of care and fellowship. She was especially close to Bobby Wall, a special needs young man. Bobby had always wanted to be a pastor. His fondest wish was to be able to read the Bible. Only God knows why this skill was withheld from him, though every method of learning was tried. He compensated by using his memory to learn God’s word. His engaging smile and friendliness made him the perfect greeter at church. Many have witnessed Bobby’s positive impact on their lives as he used the full extent of his abilities to bring happiness to others. On January 6, 2017, Bobby was called home to be with his Savior. This spring, a scholarship was also created in Bobby Wall’s name at Nazarene Theological Seminary.
Perhaps you know someone who could be honored as Florence and Bobby have been. Creating an endowed scholarship gives those who grieve a special way to honor their loved ones with an ongoing legacy which benefits students who need scholarships at NTS. The fund may be created with a one-time donation, or you may slowly give over time to fully endow the fund. At $10,000 a scholarship fund is endowed, which means it will be invested, and the interest will be used to help students in perpetuity. The more the scholarship fund grows through additional gifts, the greater its impact; a scholarship fund of $150,000 produces interest that will completely fund a student's tuition at NTS. If you have questions, contact Tim McPherson at Nazarene Theological Seminary, 816.268.5430,
Point and Record! I Am NTS Videos!
Alumni, we are in need of very short "I Am NTS" videos that we can share on our General Assembly displays. We are only looking for clips that are a few seconds long.
Say your name, ministry setting then I AM NTS!
If you're able to record in your ministry setting, that would be great, but we really just want to hear from you wherever it is.
Please email your media to Lori Neely at
Thank you!
2017 Commencement Schedule
The 2017 Commencement will be here soon. Please see the schedule of events and registration links below.
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Graduate registration (Koinonia Cafe)
Cafe open for purchase of NTS items and pick up of pre-ordered diploma frames
Click here to order frames
Graduate Chapel/Presentation of Awards (NTS J. B. Chapman Memorial Chapel)
Immediately Following Chapel
Class of 2017 Alumni Association Installation Ceremony (NTS 3rd Floor)
2017 Graduate Luncheon (Library)
Click here to make reservations
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Corlett Senior Sermon (KC First Church of the Nazarene Sanctuary)
Graduates/Faculty Arrive for Line of March (KC First Church of the Nazarene Westside Room)
Commencement (KC First Church of the Nazarene Sanctuary)
Address given by Dr. Roger L. Hahn, Dean of the Faculty
Ryan Herbert
As I have grown, the Lord has made himself more and more evident to me. At five years of age, my Sunday school teacher led me through the sinner’s prayer for the first time, and when I was twelve, I was baptized. Shortly after my baptism, my family moved from Nova Scotia to Alberta, moving me far from my comfort zone into a season of aggressive closeness with God. I was angry at him and afraid of this change, but ironically my anger drew me nearer to God as I cried out, or lashed out, toward him. He held on. Throughout high school and early adulthood, I have grown in my love for him, for his Word and for his children. My wife, Carly, has been a significant catalyst for this growth, pushing me toward God and encouraging me to live in love.
Shortly before my high school graduation, I first sensed God’s call to serve in the Nazarene Church. It was a soft nudge, but it was enough to get me moving, and the next year I was attending Ambrose University to grow in wisdom, knowledge, faith and love. As I grew, God’s gentle nudge was affirmed and refined by my wife, professors, peers and church District. I hope that this call will continue to be refined as I study at Nazarene Theological Seminary.[God bless you, Ryan]
ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT - "Faithful & Effective"
The mission of NTS is "to prepare faithful and effective ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ." The stories of alumni in ministry are the story of NTS.
Jirair Tashjian (Class of 1967)
It turned out that my studies at NTS were just the kind of preparation I needed for a lifetime of ministry. The education I received wasn’t so much technical “how to” information that one might receive at a trade school. Yes, I was in “practical theology” courses such as preaching, Christian education, pastoral ministry, pastoral counseling or cross-cultural ministry, but the skills I acquired in these areas were supplemented by years of hands-on experience.
Since a good part of my work in the church involved crossing cultural boundaries, I found professor Paul Orjala’s courses in missions and cross-cultural communication extremely helpful in preparing me for such matters as culture shock, learning other languages and communicating the essentials of the gospel rather than the presuppositions of Western culture.
Following my graduation in 1967, and then three years of pastoral ministry at a small rural church in Kansas, my wife and I were appointed to work among Chinese people in Taiwan in 1970.
Years later, I had the delightful opportunity to be involved in another cross-cultural setting for a much shorter period. I was invited to teach a two-week course in biblical interpretation in the graduate program of Africa Nazarene University in Nairobi, Kenya to a group of students made up of pastors and a few District Superintendents. Far more than imparting technical know-how, NTS had prepared my
The faculty at NTS embodied integration of academic excellence and vital piety. It was this combination that gave me the preparedness to pursue doctoral studies some years later, at times facing crisis points that could have sabotaged my faith and alienated me from the Church. I am also happy to say that the PhD program I was in accepted 24 hours of my MDiv work at NTS, the maximum allowed from any Seminary.
In 1983, my family and I moved to Bethany, OK and I began teaching New Testament courses at Southern Nazarene University and continued until my retirement in 2008.
NTS Graduate to Direct OKC's Love Link Ministries
A certified citizen of the Cherokee nation, Mullen will be leading an organization that historically has served a significant number of Native Americans living close to the urban core of Oklahoma City.
Joel and his wife Sara returned to the USA three and a half years ago after serving 14 years with the Church of the Nazarene in Italy and Eastern Europe. He is an alumnus of Southern Nazarene University and has his MDiv from NTS. He is currently in the final stages of doctoral studies in urban ministry at Bakke Graduate University (Dallas, TX). For the last three and a half years, Mullen has directed Southern Nazarene University’s summertime global missions program, which, during his tenure, has enabled about 400 students to do from two to six weeks of ministry in almost 30 different countries.
SNU Missions Pastor to Direct OKC's Love Link Ministries
Bethany, OK - February 24, 2017 – Joel Mullen, a missions pastor at Southern Nazarene University, is set to become the Executive Director of Oklahoma City's Love Link Ministries, an organization providing a variety of social services to the working poor. Mullen, who was chosen last year to be the Love Link Board chair, has now been unanimously elected by the institution's governing board as Executive Director.
A certified citizen of the Cherokee nation, Mullen will be leading an organization that historically has served a significant number of Native Americans living close to the urban core of Oklahoma City.
Mullen, who is from Rogers, AR, will officially assume his new responsibilities on March 13. Current Executive Director Marilyn Stark will remain on staff until March 31 to help with the transition. The new director will be formally introduced to the organization's volunteers and supporters on March 24 at an annual banquet in the Cole Center of Oklahoma City First Church of the Nazarene.
Joel and his wife Sara returned to the USA three and a half years ago after serving 14
Joel has had the opportunity to share this news with all of the SIMS members and will conclude his SIMS responsibilities at the end of the summer.
The Mullens have three young children: Levi, who was born in Ethiopia; Lia, who was born in China; and Luca, who was born in Poland.
The search for a new director began in late November when Marilyn Stark submitted her resignation. She has been involved with Love Link Ministries for nearly 20 years. She began as a volunteer and then became the ministry's office manager. When she stepped down from that position, she was elected to the board. After director Wayne Stark resigned in 2008, Marilyn became the Executive Director. Though she and Wayne share the same last name, they are not related.
Significant accomplishments of Marilyn Stark's tenure as Executive Director of Love Link Ministries include (1) obtaining debt-free ownership of the NuWay Building and (2) turning the food pantry into a grocery-store style shopping experience as an aid to restoring dignity to clientele.
Mullen will be the fourth Executive Director of Love Link Ministries; a compassionate ministry center founded 25 years ago in Oklahoma City's Riverside neighborhood by a partnership of Lake View Park Church of the Nazarene and Central Church of the Nazarene. A dozen years ago, when work began on the relocation of I-40, the ministry moved one mile north to the iconic NuWay Laundry and Cleaners building at Linwood and N. Western. There, Love Link's most visible avenues of ministry are a thrift store and a food pantry.
Southern Nazarene University’s mission: To make Christlike disciples through higher education in Christ-centered community.
Click here to read the entire announcement at
Pictured above: Joel, his wife Sara and their three young children: Levi, born in Ethiopia; Lia, born in China; Luca, born in Poland.
NTS Graduate Appointed New Campus Pastor of Missions and Service at SNU
Liliana is a 2008 graduate of SNU earning a degree in International Studies and she earned her Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies at Nazarene Theological Seminary in 2012. She is currently working toward her ordination as a pastor in the Church of the Nazarene.
Liliana has been working at SNU as the Campus Pastor of Multicultural Ministries since August of 2016 and has been an integral part of planning this year's SNU in Missions (SIMS) Trips. Before coming to SNU, she served as a Missionary on Specialized Assignment in South America for the Church of the Nazarene. Liliana has also served in the offices of Community Outreach and Hispanic Ministries at College Church of the Nazarene in Olathe, Kansas and as a Nazarene Mission Corps Volunteer to South America in 2010.
SNU Selects New Campus Pastor of Missions and Service
Bethany, OK - Southern Nazarene University is pleased to announce that Liliana Reza has accepted the role of Campus Pastor of Missions and Service at Southern Nazarene University. Liliana is a 2008 graduate of SNU earning a degree in International Studies and she earned her Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies at Nazarene Theological Seminary in 2012. She is currently working towards her ordination as a pastor in the Church of the Nazarene.
Liliana has been working at SNU as the Campus Pastor of Multicultural Ministries since August of 2016 and has been an integral part of planning this year's SNU in Missions (SIMS) Trips. Before coming to SNU, she served as a Missionary on Specialized Assignment in South America for the Church of the Nazarene. She has also served in the offices of Community Outreach and Hispanic Ministries at College Church of the Nazarene in Olathe, Kansas as well as a Nazarene Mission Corps Volunteer to South America in 2010.
Liliana is filling the position to be vacated by Pastor Joel Mullen who has accepted the Executive Director Position at Love Link Ministries in Oklahoma City. Pastor Mullen's contributions to SNU are substantial. For the last three and a half years, Mullen, and the Spiritual Development team, have been able to send almost 400 students and adults to do
Liliana is filling the position to be vacated by Pastor Joel Mullen who has accepted the Executive Director Position at Love Link Ministries in Oklahoma City. Pastor Mullen's contributions to SNU are substantial. For the last three and a half years, Mullen, and the Spiritual Development team, have been able to send almost 400 students and adults to do
ministry in almost 30 different countries. Pastor Mullen, wife Sara, and their children will be dearly missed by the SNU Community. Liliana has been working closely with Pastor Mullen this year and is poised to continue the good work of training and mission to which SNU is committed.
Southern Nazarene University’s mission: To make Christlike disciples through higher education in Christ-centered community.
Click here to read the entire announcement.
Quick Links
NTS Center for Pastoral Leadership
Keep informed about upcoming continuing education events, CPL webinars and other happenings at NTS by visiting the EVENTS page of our website regularly!
Click here to see the exceptional speaker lineup for this spring's student chapels
Child Safety Best Practices, Kathleen Turpin,Webinar now available.
Lament in Worship, Dr. Tim Basselin & Rev. JR Forasteros, Webinar now available.
Wordsworth Holiness Series, Dr. Andy Johnson, Webinar now available.
Young Clergy Conference, March 26 - 28, 2017, Oklahoma City, OK
Wealth and Poverty Inequity from a Biblical Perspective; March 30, 2017, 12pm - 1:30pmNTS Cafe
2017 NTS Commencement Luncheon, May 6 - 7, 2017, Kansas City (Registration will open on March 17th)
2017 Reformation Study Trip, May 8-17, 2017
Pre-General Assembly Prayer Retreat
(Benedict Inn, Indianapolis, June 19-20);
Rates increase slightly after March 31st.
More details are available at
NTS Alumni Breakfast
(Convention Center Rooms 140-142,
June 26, 6:45am CT);
Rates increase slightly after May 15th.
More details are available at

The CPL continues to add new content to the LIFELONG LEARNING COURSE LIST on the CPL WEBSITE. Website subscribers have unlimited access to CPL sponsored webinars and other events which, when viewed, are automatically reported on the website to help the busy pastor keep track of their 20 hours of lifelong learning hours needed each year.
Did you know that courses for the NTS Master of Divinity degree can be taken in Kansas City, MO; Bethany, OK; Mount Vernon, OH; Nashville, TN; Quincy, MA; and San Diego, CA? Click here to learn more about NTS as a Multi-Campus Seminary.
Did you know that according to the U.S. Department of Education, NTS has the lowest student loan default ranking in Missouri and is tied for the lowest default rate in the nation—with an amazing 0% default rate!

If so, please send the prospective student's information to Hannah Beers (, our Director of Recruiting.
Direct the individual to From this page, people can explore their calling by expressing their interests on a simple form. One of our recruiters will follow up by contacting them for discussion and prayer.

1700 East Meyer Boulevard
Southern Nazarene University’s mission: To make Christlike disciples through higher education in Christ-centered community.
Click here to read the entire announcement.
Quick Links
NTS Center for Pastoral Leadership
Keep informed about upcoming continuing education events, CPL webinars and other happenings at NTS by visiting the EVENTS page of our website regularly!
Click here to see the exceptional speaker lineup for this spring's student chapels
Child Safety Best Practices, Kathleen Turpin,Webinar now available.
Lament in Worship, Dr. Tim Basselin & Rev. JR Forasteros, Webinar now available.
Wordsworth Holiness Series, Dr. Andy Johnson, Webinar now available.
Young Clergy Conference, March 26 - 28, 2017, Oklahoma City, OK
Wealth and Poverty Inequity from a Biblical Perspective; March 30, 2017, 12pm - 1:30pmNTS Cafe
2017 NTS Commencement Luncheon, May 6 - 7, 2017, Kansas City (Registration will open on March 17th)
2017 Reformation Study Trip, May 8-17, 2017
Pre-General Assembly Prayer Retreat
(Benedict Inn, Indianapolis, June 19-20);
Rates increase slightly after March 31st.
More details are available at
NTS Alumni Breakfast
(Convention Center Rooms 140-142,
June 26, 6:45am CT);
Rates increase slightly after May 15th.
More details are available at
The CPL continues to add new content to the LIFELONG LEARNING COURSE LIST on the CPL WEBSITE. Website subscribers have unlimited access to CPL sponsored webinars and other events which, when viewed, are automatically reported on the website to help the busy pastor keep track of their 20 hours of lifelong learning hours needed each year.
Did you know that courses for the NTS Master of Divinity degree can be taken in Kansas City, MO; Bethany, OK; Mount Vernon, OH; Nashville, TN; Quincy, MA; and San Diego, CA? Click here to learn more about NTS as a Multi-Campus Seminary.
Did you know that according to the U.S. Department of Education, NTS has the lowest student loan default ranking in Missouri and is tied for the lowest default rate in the nation—with an amazing 0% default rate!
- Did you know that NTS was voted #12 in a national survey of best online Master's in Theology.
- Did you know that an NTS graduate who is currently pastoring serves, on average, two years longer than someone who has not attended Seminary?
- Did you know that in all ATS-accredited schools (including NTS), there has been a steady increase in recent years in the number of Seminary students who are age 50 and above?
- Did you know that NTS is the only Nazarene institution in the U.S. whose Master of Divinity Program is nationally accredited by the Association of Theological Schools?
If so, please send the prospective student's information to Hannah Beers (, our Director of Recruiting.
Direct the individual to From this page, people can explore their calling by expressing their interests on a simple form. One of our recruiters will follow up by contacting them for discussion and prayer.
1700 East Meyer Boulevard
Kansas City, Missouri 64131, United States
View and Download NTS Promotional Videos
View and Download NTS Promotional Videos

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Nazarene Theological Seminary
1700 East Meyer Blvd
Kansas City, Missouri 64131-1246, United States
Address postal inquiries to:
Nazarene Theological Seminary
1700 East Meyer Blvd
Kansas City, Missouri 64131-1246, United States
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