Heavy rains cause floods, mudslides in Peru
A group of people, stranded in flood waters, hold onto a rope as they walk to safety in Lima, Peru. (AP photo)
More than 80 people have died in Peru following the worst floods in almost 30 years. Half of the country is under a state of emergency as this year’s rainy season has delivered 10 times more rain than average, causing landslides.
As roads are blocked by overflowing rivers, access to food and safe water become a matter of survival. In addition, the still waters facilitate the rapid spread of mosquitoes and several cases of malaria have already been reported. Forecasts predict two more weeks of heavy rain, and schools have postponed their start of school year classes in several cities.
“Because of the strong rains that have already lasted more than four weeks, many cities in a total of five [Church of the Nazarene] districts (North Pacific, North, La Libertad Chavín, Central, and Southern District) have already been affected,” said Christian Sarmiento, South America regional director for the denomination. “Approximately 100 churches find themselves in the most devastating areas, and the leadership in Peru reported more than 1,000 Nazarene members directly affected in these past weeks, and the number continues to grow.”
The remaining districts in Peru are assisting their neighbors by providing funds to Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, which has already distributed hundreds of food, water, and mosquito net kits, prioritizing the most vulnerable families.
“I thank you ahead of time and want to thank you for your prayers and for your love for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Peru,” Sarmiento said.
How to help
Please pray the rains will stop and the water level will decrease. Pray for the people affected and for the churches that are suffering. Pray for those who are helping their neighbors.
Support relief efforts by giving online through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries. Funds will buy food, water, and basic necessities, which will be distributed to families with the most needs.
To send donations by mail:
In the U.S., make checks payable to “General Treasurer” and send them to:
Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
P.O. Box 843116
Kansas City, Missouri 64184-3116, United States
Be sure to put 127583 in the Memo area.
In Canada, make checks payable to “Church of the Nazarene Canada” and send them to:
Church of the Nazarene Canada
20 Regan Road, Unit 9
Brampton, Ontario L7A 1C3
Be sure to put 127583 in the Memo area.
For any other country, give through your local church or district, designating your gift to the Peru Flooding Fund. Read more
Nashville, Tennessee
Trevecca, ENC move forward with exploration of merger; Boone to serve as president of both institutions
Eastern Nazarene College and Trevecca Nazarene University announced Friday that they will move forward with a collaborative partnership, with Dan Boone serving as the president of both schools, following affirmative votes by each institution’s board of trustees.
Trevecca and ENC announced they were exploring the possibility of a partnership last month in a joint release to NCN News. Trevecca’s board voted last week to approve a Memorandum of Understanding that begins a formal three-year exploration of merger between the two institutions. ENC’s board unanimously approved the proposal Friday.
Under the terms of the agreement, Boone will serve as president of both institutions. Effective immediately, he will become president-elect of ENC, succeeding Corlis McGee, who is stepping down at the end of the academic year after 12 years as ENC president. On 1 September, he will be formally installed as ENC’s 14th president.
“We’re delighted to welcome Dr. Boone to the ENC community,” said Russell Long, chairman of the ENC Board of Trustees. “We are confident that this new partnership with Trevecca will strengthen both institutions’ shared mission of providing a Christian liberal arts education centered on service and leadership.”
During meetings last week, Trevecca’s board voted unanimously to renew Boone’s contract for a four-year term. Trevecca’s 11th president, Boone has served the university since 2005.
Boone will work with a group of ENC and TNU administrators and trustees to fully engage this exploration. He was on ENC’s Quincy campus Friday to meet with faculty, staff and students following the ENC board’s vote.
“Today is a historic day that marks a new partnership between two great Christian educational institutions," he said on Friday. "I am humbled by the challenge of serving as the president of both. In a changing world, it is our duty to find ways to meet the needs of students seeking the formative influence of Christian higher education. This collaboration will allow both Trevecca and ENC to do that for years to come. ”
As the president of both institutions, Boone will provide leadership and oversight for both Trevecca and ENC. Both will retain separate boards of governance and continue to operate as independent institutions under their respective accrediting bodies. It is the intent of the exploration process to maintain the name and identity of Eastern Nazarene College.
Boone said he is excited to be a part of the historic partnership and optimistic about the future.
“In the wake of this news regarding our partnership with ENC, I am excited about the future of Trevecca,” he said. “As an institution experiencing historic growth and financial stability, we are delighted to explore a new model of Christian higher education in partnership with ENC.”
Officials from both universities believe the process, when fully implemented, will result in learning and co-curricular opportunities for students on both campuses, as well as increased operational cost efficiencies, shared program resources, and expanded impact. Both institutions expect to use technology to expand course offerings, with students and faculty participating in classes and academic exchanges.
This exploration of merger comes at a time when Trevecca is experiencing dramatic growth. Founded in 1901, the 116-year-old university is the fastest growing university in Middle Tennessee, adding 581 students to total enrollment in the last year for a total enrollment of 3,221. Trevecca’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies achieved a 47 percent year-over-year increase in adult studies and graduate students from fall 2015 to fall 2016. With students from 43 states and 16 countries, Trevecca offers 15 associate degrees, 84 undergraduate majors, 19 master’s programs, and two doctoral programs, as well as specialist and certificate programs.
ENC, with students from 34 states and 12 countries, is widely recognized as one of the most diverse and multicultural Christian colleges in the country. Its highly respected faculty, low student-to-faculty ratio, strong community partnerships, and close proximity to Boston afford ENC students unparalleled opportunities for academic and cultural enrichment, valuable fellowships and internships, and opportunities to live out their faith through meaningful service and mission work.[Trevecca Nazarene University, Eastern Nazarene College]Read more
Grand Ledge, Michigan
John Seaman passes away
John Seaman, superintendent of the Michigan District and a former Church of the Nazarene missionary, passed away 19 March. He was 69.
"It is with great sadness I tell you that Sunday night around 6:15, our beloved friend and leader, Dr. John Seaman, transitioned to eternity," wrote Interim Michigan District Superintendent Glen Gardner. "I like to think that Dr. Seaman joined the heavenly choir and is singing and laughing and rejoicing."
Seaman underwent surgery for a malignant brain tumor in August and had been receiving chemotherapy treatment. He was moved to a hospice facility 11 March.
"John was a personal friend, a mentor, and one of the most passionate and committed churchmen that I had the privilege to have known," said Gustavo Crocker, general superintendent in jurisdiction. "There are literally thousands of lives in many countries that have been touched by such a Christlike servant. Mine is one of them. Dr. Seaman will be greatly missed."
Seaman and his wife, Linda, began serving as missionaries in 1976, first in Martinique. In 1987, they were reassigned to Côte d'Ivoire to pioneer the church's work in West Africa. After leaving the mission field in 2003, John was elected superintendent of the Michigan District.
"John and Linda were some of our very best missionary leaders on the continent of Africa and also personal friends," said Richard Zanner, retired Africa regional director. "It was my joy, honor, and privilege to have John on my team of the RAC (regional advisory council) for many years. I have sat at their table, slept in their home, laughed with them over the many funny situations they encountered, suffered with them through dark hours, wept with them at the time of [their daughter] Kendra's accident, and prayed through on challenging situations."
John served as a delegate to the 1989, 1993, 1997, 2005, and 2009 general assemblies. In 2013, he became a member of the Church of the Nazarene's General Board, serving on the Global Mission Committee.
He held a Bachelor of Arts from Olivet Nazarene College (now University) and a Master of Arts and Master of Religious Education from Nazarene Theological Seminary.
In addition to Linda, John is survived by their three children — Kendra, Lauren, and Ketly — and his sister, Connie Cunningham.
A memorial service will be held at 3 PM, 8 April 2017, at Jackson, Michigan, First Church of the Nazarene. The family will greet visitors from 1-3 PM. The memorial service will also be live streamed at jaxnaz.churchonline.org.
The family requests that in lieu of flowers memorial contributions be made to Reach77* in its effort to provide transitional housing for survivors of human trafficking. Checks can be made payable to Reach77 and sent to 1229 N. Anvil Ct. Addison, IL 60101. You can also give directly at reach77.net/giving. A special memorial page has been set up in Seaman's honor.
Continued prayer is requested for the Seaman and Michigan District families. Read more
Kudjip, Papua New Guinea
Kudjip Nazarene Hospital celebrates 50 years
Community members and Church of the Nazarene leaders came together 18 March to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Kudjip Nazarene Hospital and Nazarene Health Ministries.
Half a century ago, Wanda and Sydney Knox planted a church in Kudjip, Papua New Guinea, and started medical works in the area. What began as a health center and nursing school for only a few students eventually blossomed into Kudjip Nazarene Hospital and Nazarene Health Ministries, spreading God’s love in Kudjip and six other provinces in the area.
Some of the first missionaries, nursing graduates, and workers at the hospital gave testimonies about the ministry over the years, including Papa Yapo, who has been serving the hospital with his wife for more than 40 years as an ambulance and tractor driver, maintenance man, cleaner, and more. Sr. Kini, one of the first graduates of the nursing college, told about her journey in becoming a nurse and how thankful she was for the opportunity to learn and share Christ’s love.
Jiwaka South District Superintendent Andrew Akus reminded those present that no matter what they do and where they go, the most important thing is to have at least one person come to faith and know Jesus. This has always been the focus of the hospital, and because of this, thousands of men and women hear about Christ and become followers.
"The healing has not been just physical, but spiritual as well—something that will last far longer," said Erin Meier, a missionary doctor at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital. "I have known this hospital and its ministry for the past 10 years, but I feel that its accomplishments have exceeded the number of years I have known the ministry. Listening to the different testimonies, I felt even more encouraged with my chosen ministry, and how I am part of something so much bigger."
Church of the Nazarene Global Mission Director Verne Ward told stories about his family's time serving in Dusin and spreading God’s love to many tribes who didn’t know much about Jesus. He encouraged everyone to continue following Jesus and to obey when He calls, even if it means going out of their comfort zone.
The church originally started by the Knoxes has now grown to 13 organized districts with hundreds of churches. The hospital itself has started 30 churches through the ministry of the chaplains.
"I feel truly blessed for the opportunity to be a part of Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, and how it continues to be the hands and feet of Jesus," Meier said. "Not one person who has been a part of this ministry over the past 50 years could have done it on their own. All of us continue to thank God for the people that He has called and ask for more to answer their call to missions to continue His kingdom work."[Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific]Read more
Indianapolis, Indiana
BGS calls for prayer, fasting ahead of General Assembly 2017
The Church of the Nazarene will hold its 29th General Assembly and Conventions this June in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. The quadrennial event will bring together thousands of Nazarenes from the denomination’s 162 world areas. In advance of this important event, the Board of General Superintendents is asking Nazarenes around the world to set aside every Friday afternoon, from 24 March through 23 June, as a time of fasting and prayer for General Assembly 2017 and to pray daily during the assembly, Sunday, 25 June through Thursday, 29 June.
In addition to praying that every service will be blessed with God’s manifest presence, please include the following specific requests as you pray:
- Pray for global political stability as well as protection for our event. We also pray that the delegates from all world areas where the Church of the Nazarene has ministry will be able to travel with safety and without obstruction.
- Pray that the intended focus of General Assembly 2017—strengthening our evangelistic perspective—will be realized.
- Pray that the Lord will use this “sacred assembly” to revive and renew our global church family as we gather for worship each evening and Sunday morning, celebrating One Body, One Spirit, One Hope, One Lord, One Faith.
- Pray for the Lord to guide and anoint the Monday Delegate Commissioning Service, the State of the Church message, and all the General Assembly 2017 elections and decisions.
- Pray for the conventions that are a part of this event: Nazarene Missions International (NMI), Nazarene Youth International (NYI), and Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI). These global ministries convene to strengthen both their mission and impact, as well as to celebrate the blessings of God experienced around the world.
- Please offer continuing prayers for the official business sessions of General Assembly 2017. Pray that our delegates will be enriched by heavenly wisdom, the camaraderie of the spirit of fellowship, and continued commitment to the mission of making Christlike disciples.
Churches respond to food crisis in East Africa
Extreme drought, violent conflict, and scarcity have created a food crisis that is making it nearly impossible for people in East Africa to get the food they need to survive.
Famine has already been declared in South Sudan. Severe drought in other countries, including Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia, has created severe food shortages that will lead to famine if the situation is not addressed quickly.
More than 20 million people in this region are in need of urgent food assistance.
In East Africa, Church of the Nazarene leaders are working with local congregations to provide food for families and individuals who are vulnerable to extreme hunger.
Nazarenes in South Sudan have been greatly affected by the famine. Many have fled to neighboring countries, including Uganda and Ethiopia, to seek food and protection from violence. Others who are still in South Sudan are in urgent need of assistance. Church communities in neighboring countries in East Africa are also being affected by severe hunger and the food crisis.
Throughout the affected areas, many farmers are beginning to abandon their farms and homes in search of food in refugee camps that are hundreds of kilometers from their villages. Displacement would have profound negative impacts on these farmers and their families.
In 2011, the last time a famine threatened this region, nearly 260,000 people died from starvation and malnutrition. Half of those who died were children under age 5.
Church leaders are requesting prayer for those who are hungry and resources for local churches in East Africa as they seek to assist their neighbors.
How to help
Please pray for the people affected by this hunger emergency. Pray for rain in the region to help relieve drought. Pray for government and international organizations to respond with compassion and urgency. Pray for the local churches in the affected areas as they offer a tangible expression of Jesus’ love to their neighbors.
You can support the emergency relief efforts of local churches in East Africa through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries by giving to the Africa Disaster Relief Fund.
To send donations by mail:
In the U.S., make checks payable to “General Treasurer” and send them to:
Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
P.O. Box 843116
Kansas City, Missouri 64184-3116, United States
Be sure to put 127362 in the Memo area.
In Canada, make checks payable to “Church of the Nazarene Canada” and send them to:
Church of the Nazarene Canada
20 Regan Road, Unit 9
Brampton, Ontario L7A 1C3
Be sure to put 127362 in the Memo area.
For any other country, give through your local church or district, designating your gift to the Africa Disaster Relief Fund.[Nazarene Compassionate Ministries]Read more
Flags of the Nations: Nicaragua
The national flag of Nicaragua has three equal horizontal bands of blue, white, and blue with the national coat of arms centered in the white band. The coat of arms features a triangle encircled by the words Republica de Nicaragua on the top and America Central on the bottom.
Since September 1, 2009, each week the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center (GMC) proudly flies a flag of one of the many nations in which the denomination is present in ministry. Leaders were invited to send a national flag to be flown at the GMC alongside the flag of the United States*. The national flags rotate weekly, and photos of them raised are sent to the church leaders of that country.
This week: NicaraguaThe Church of the Nazarene officially entered Nicaragua in 1937.
Nicaragua had a population of 5,966,798 in 2016. That same year, Nicaragua reported 188 Churches of the Nazarene, 181 of which had been officially organized. Nicaragua has 15,040 total members.
Located on the Mesoamerica Region, Nicaragua has two Phase 3 districts, one Phase 2 district, and one Phase 1 district. For more information about the Mesoamerica Region, visit mesoamericaregion.org.
* = The weekly highlighted flag is raised on the middle of three poles in compliance with U.S. government protocols. It flies to the left of the GMC host-nation United States flag, which flies above the host-state flag of Kansas. The Christian flag flies on the third pole.
The Global Ministry Center is the mission and service hub of the Church of the Nazarene. Read more
Kansas City, Missouri
USA/Canada NYI hosts its largest leadership conference to date
USA/Canada Nazarene Youth International welcomed nearly 400 leaders to Kansas City, Missouri, 5-7 March for NYI Leadership Conference 2017. The conference doubled the previous record for largest attendance at an NYI Leadership Conference. It included a wide range of leaders, including youth pastors, senior pastors, district superintendents, college and university representatives, and additional church leaders from across the Church of the Nazarene's USA/Canada Region.
“The 2017 NYI Leadership Conference truly has the potential to create a ripple effect that extends to all corners of ministry with young people on the region,” said Justin Pickard, regional youth coordinator.
While past leadership conferences have emphasized developing a small group of district leaders, this year's conference focused primarily on engaging 15- to 29-year-olds across the Church of the Nazarene.
Over the course of a day and a half, presenters Kara Powell and Brad Griffin from Fuller Youth Institute shared insights and tools from their latest research project and book, Growing Young. Their presentation included examples of Nazarene leaders and churches that are already engaging young people well.
USA/Canada NYI also invited Joel Thiessen, professor of sociology at Ambrose University and director of Flourishing Congregations Institute, to discuss significant factors influencing the Church of the Nazarene’s engagement with young people in North America, specifically in Canada.
During each session, attendees participated in roundtable discussion to explore how they could take the next step in leading their churches and ministries to (re)engage a young generation.
NYI leaders hope the conference will further stimulate church-wide discussion around how the Church of the Nazarene can be a place where young people feel a sense of belonging, challenge, and purpose.[USA/Canada NYI]Read more
In Memoriam
The following is a weekly listing of Nazarene ministers and leaders who recently went home to be with the Lord. Notices were received 20-24 March 2017.
Irma Bailey, 95, of Holton, Michigan, passed away 20 March. She was the widow of retired minister Edward Bailey, who served in Michigan, Florida, and Indiana. Edward Bailey passed away in 1998.
Jo Dee Childers, 74, of Grand Junction, Colorado, passed away 13 March. She was the wife of retired minister Clark Childers, who served in Colorado and Ohio.
Jim Gaus, 79, of Manassas, Virginia, passed away 19 March. He was the husband of minister Medarda Gaus, who previously served in Virginia.
Ralph Knepper, 89, of Morrisville, Vermont, passed away 21 March. He was a retired minister, serving in New Mexico, Vermont, and Hawaii. He was preceded in death by his wife, Joyce Knepper, in 2014.
J. Leon Patrick, 82, of Summerdale, Alabama, passed away 19 March. He was a retired minister, serving in Alabama and Florida. He is survived by his wife, Thelma Patrick.
Sandra Pineda, 53, of Streamwood, Illinois, passed away 21 March. She was a minister, serving in Illinois. She is survived by her husband, Gilmar Pineda, who previously served in Illinois.
John Seaman, 69, of Grand Ledge, Michigan, passed away 19 March. He was superintendent of the Michigan District and a former missionary. He is survived by his wife, Linda. (story)
For previous editions of In Memoriam, see the "Passings" section by clicking here.
Note: Please join us in prayer for the families who have lost loved ones. Click on names for full stories, funeral information, local online obituaries, and/or guest books (if available). To submit an entry of a minister or church leader, send to news@nazarene.org.[Compiled by NCN News]Read more
Human Resources
NBC, GMC employment opportunities
People are our most valued resource. Our committed employees are involved in "Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations" in 162 world areas.
The Global Ministry Center Human Resources Office professionals strive to deliver the highest possible service to our employees, and are responsible for the recruitment, placement and retention of qualified individuals to staff the ministry and administrative positions of the GMC. The many employee services include compensation and benefit administration, payroll, employment, employee relations, training, counseling, organizational communication and events, and workplace programs.
*Volunteer opportunities for GMC ministries are available now. Email jveigl@nazarene.org for details.
Employment Opportunities
Administrative Assistant (Full time)
General Editor/Organizational Risk and Compliance
Description: This position will provide secretarial and administrative support to the general counsel and general editor, with an emphasis in proofreading and editing support for all documents and correspondence.
Administrative Assistant (Full time)
Pensions & Benefits USA
Description: This person will lead/manage special and cyclical projects, provide administrative assistance to the administrative director, coordinate education/training of internal staff and plan participants, ensure that appropriate resources and support are provided to complete projects, process customer services inquiries, and assist with monitoring and posting items to P&B USA social media outlets (Facebook/Twitter).
Benefits Technician (Full time)
Pensions & Benefits USA
Description: This position carries out various customer service tasks, including benefit application processing, benefit verifications, benefit distributions, and processing miscellaneous service requests. Additional duties include assisting in coordinating/completing cyclical and annual focus projects. Requires familiarity with employee benefits and an awareness of how insurance and pension plans work.
Managing Editor (Full time)
Holiness Today/USA-Canada Regional Office
Description: This position will manage the creation and production of Holiness Today and Grace & Peace magazines for the denomination. Duties will include envisioning themes and topics, planning layouts, managing advertising, contracting with authors, overseeing the budget, and working closely with the production company to ensure quality results. This position also works closely with the communications staff in the USA/Canada Regional Office to shape the vision of communications for that office.
Spanish Translation Specialist (Full time)
Nazarene Communications/Global Nazarene Publications
Description: This position is will serve as the in-house Spanish translator for Web pages and digital content for a growing global digital audience. Additionally, this person will provide editorial assistance for Global Nazarene Publications, including both print and digital content, along with other duties as assigned.
To obtain additional information for GMC positions, please call 913-577-0500 and ask for Human Resources.
Nazarene Bible College
The following positions are available at the NBC Administrative Offices located within the Global Ministry Center in Lenexa, Kansas:
Location of Global Ministry Center PositionsThe GMC is the administrative hub for the Church of the Nazarene denominational ministries in 162 world areas. The GMC is conveniently located in Lenexa, Kansas, with easy access to I-35 and I-435 and within short driving distance to Kansas City International airport. All GMC positions report to this location.
Our Non-Discrimination PolicyThe Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center offers equal employment opportunity to all persons regardless of age, color, national origin, citizenship status, disability, race, religion, creed, sex, or veteran status. The Global Ministry Center is an “at will” employer.
Our Faith-Based OrganizationWe are a faith-based organization. Acceptance of our Christian Code of Conduct is required and membership in the Church of the Nazarene is required for certain positions. The GMC and applicable remote work sites are smoke-, alcohol-, and drug-free Christian workplaces.
Application Processing
Our Human Resources Office receives and processes many employment applications annually for a limited number of positions. While we regret that we cannot respond to each applicant, we do contact those individuals possessing the skills, education/training, and experience that best match the requirements of the open position for which the application was submitted.
An application must be completed by all applicants and an application must be completed for each position for which one wishes to be considered. Applications are retained for one year. Resumés are not necessary for entry-level positions, but they are preferred for professional level positions.
Applying for Employment with the GMC
Application forms may be requested by calling 913-577-0500, emailing humanresourcesgroup@nazarene.org, or obtained in person from Human Resources at the Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, Kansas, 66220, Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 4:30 U.S. Central Time. Completed applications may be mailed or emailed to the attention of the Human Resources Office.Read more

JFHP seeks receptionist/data entry clerk
Olathe, Kansas
JESUS Film Harvest Partners currently has an opening for a full-time receptionist/data entry clerk. This position will facilitate the daily operations of the administrative director and the development department. Primary tasks include reception duties, data management, and regular communication with constituents. This position may also provide back-up support in bookkeeping as necessary.
The position is on-site in the Olathe, Kansas, office.
It is preferred that the qualified candidate will possess a bachelor’s degree in a business-related field, and accounting or bookkeeping experience is preferred. Also required are a high level of proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook, excellent verbal and written communication skills, and attention to detail and accuracy.
The candidate should also share the organization's conservative Christian values.
Please submit resumes to mhofer@JFHP.org.[JESUS Film Harvest Partners]Read more

Copyright © 2017 NCN News, All rights reserved.
The Global Church of the Nazarene Communications Network
Material created and owned by NCN News may be used for church newsletters and bulletins.

The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.3 million members worshipping in more than 29,000 local congregations in 159 world areas.
Church of the Nazarene
Global Ministry Center
17001 Prairie Star Parkway
Lenexa, Kansas, United States 66220
Phone: 913-577-0500
Email: info@nazarene.org
Department directory
Terms of Use — ECFA Member -------
- Accounts Receivable Specialist
- Director of Admissions, Student Success, and Financial Aid
- Admissions Counselor
- Academic Advisor
- Controller
- Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Finance
- Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Enrollment Management
- Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Location of Global Ministry Center PositionsThe GMC is the administrative hub for the Church of the Nazarene denominational ministries in 162 world areas. The GMC is conveniently located in Lenexa, Kansas, with easy access to I-35 and I-435 and within short driving distance to Kansas City International airport. All GMC positions report to this location.
Our Non-Discrimination PolicyThe Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center offers equal employment opportunity to all persons regardless of age, color, national origin, citizenship status, disability, race, religion, creed, sex, or veteran status. The Global Ministry Center is an “at will” employer.
Our Faith-Based OrganizationWe are a faith-based organization. Acceptance of our Christian Code of Conduct is required and membership in the Church of the Nazarene is required for certain positions. The GMC and applicable remote work sites are smoke-, alcohol-, and drug-free Christian workplaces.
Application Processing
Our Human Resources Office receives and processes many employment applications annually for a limited number of positions. While we regret that we cannot respond to each applicant, we do contact those individuals possessing the skills, education/training, and experience that best match the requirements of the open position for which the application was submitted.
An application must be completed by all applicants and an application must be completed for each position for which one wishes to be considered. Applications are retained for one year. Resumés are not necessary for entry-level positions, but they are preferred for professional level positions.
Applying for Employment with the GMC
Application forms may be requested by calling 913-577-0500, emailing humanresourcesgroup@nazarene.org, or obtained in person from Human Resources at the Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, Kansas, 66220, Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 4:30 U.S. Central Time. Completed applications may be mailed or emailed to the attention of the Human Resources Office.Read more
Olathe, Kansas
JESUS Film Harvest Partners currently has an opening for a full-time receptionist/data entry clerk. This position will facilitate the daily operations of the administrative director and the development department. Primary tasks include reception duties, data management, and regular communication with constituents. This position may also provide back-up support in bookkeeping as necessary.
The position is on-site in the Olathe, Kansas, office.
It is preferred that the qualified candidate will possess a bachelor’s degree in a business-related field, and accounting or bookkeeping experience is preferred. Also required are a high level of proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook, excellent verbal and written communication skills, and attention to detail and accuracy.
The candidate should also share the organization's conservative Christian values.
Please submit resumes to mhofer@JFHP.org.[JESUS Film Harvest Partners]Read more
Copyright © 2017 NCN News, All rights reserved.
The Global Church of the Nazarene Communications Network
Material created and owned by NCN News may be used for church newsletters and bulletins.
The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.3 million members worshipping in more than 29,000 local congregations in 159 world areas.
Church of the Nazarene
Global Ministry Center
17001 Prairie Star Parkway
Lenexa, Kansas, United States 66220
Phone: 913-577-0500
Email: info@nazarene.org
Department directory
Terms of Use — ECFA Member -------
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