And He entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold (Luke 19:45).
Read Luke 19:45-48
And He entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold (Luke 19:45).
Read Luke 19:45-48
Luke 19:45 Then Yeshua entered the Temple grounds and began driving out those doing business there, 46 saying to them, “The Tanakh says, ‘My House is to be a house of prayer,’[Luke 19:46 Isaiah 56:7] but you have made it into a den of robbers!”[Luke 19:46 Jeremiah 7:11]
47 Every day he taught at the Temple. The head cohanim, the Torah-teachers and the leaders of the people tried to find a way of putting an end to him; 48 but they couldn’t find any way of doing it, because all the people were hanging onto his every word.
The Jerusalem temple was a reminder of God's presence with His people, and animal sacrifices were a central component of the worship there. As the worshipper laid his hands on the animal's head and confessed his sins, God transferred his guilt to the animal, which was put to death in his place. All these sacrifices pointed ahead to Jesus. He is the Lamb of God who would take our place and be put to death for the sins of the whole world.
Since Jewish pilgrims travelled great distances for the Passover feast, they were unable to bring along their own sacrificial animals. Jesus has no problem with sacrificial animals being available for sale or with moneychangers converting foreign currency into temple currency. His problem is where those animals were being sold-in the courtyards of the temple.
In holy wrath Jesus drives all of them out. He quotes Isaiah, "It is written, 'My house shall be a house of prayer,' but you have made it a den of robbers'" (Matthew 21:13; see Isaiah 56:7). It is bad enough to make themselves robbers by selling the sacrificial animals at unreasonable prices. But even worse, they carry on their trade in the very courtyard of the temple, where worshippers are trying to pray to God amidst all these distractions.
The Jewish leaders are infuriated that Jesus would challenge their authority and interfere with their trade. But they cannot destroy Him because the great crowds of pilgrims are hanging on His words. As we'll see in the coming days, His teachings will grow more pointed, and His popularity will continue to increase.
THE PRAYER: Almighty God, Your Son drove out all distractions from Your temple courts. Clear my mind of all distractions that I may worship You with all my heart, mind and soul. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Today's Bible in a Year Reading: Numbers 34-36; Luke 1:57-80
Numbers 34:1 Adonai told Moshe 2 to give this order to the people of Isra’el: “When you enter the land of Kena‘an, it will become your land to pass on as an inheritance, the land of Kena‘an as defined by these borders.
Use these devotions in your newsletter and bulletin! Used by permission; all rights reserved by the Int'l LLL (LHM).

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660 Mason Ridge Center Drive
Saint Louis, Missouri 63141, United States
The Jerusalem temple was a reminder of God's presence with His people, and animal sacrifices were a central component of the worship there. As the worshipper laid his hands on the animal's head and confessed his sins, God transferred his guilt to the animal, which was put to death in his place. All these sacrifices pointed ahead to Jesus. He is the Lamb of God who would take our place and be put to death for the sins of the whole world.
Since Jewish pilgrims travelled great distances for the Passover feast, they were unable to bring along their own sacrificial animals. Jesus has no problem with sacrificial animals being available for sale or with moneychangers converting foreign currency into temple currency. His problem is where those animals were being sold-in the courtyards of the temple.
In holy wrath Jesus drives all of them out. He quotes Isaiah, "It is written, 'My house shall be a house of prayer,' but you have made it a den of robbers'" (Matthew 21:13; see Isaiah 56:7). It is bad enough to make themselves robbers by selling the sacrificial animals at unreasonable prices. But even worse, they carry on their trade in the very courtyard of the temple, where worshippers are trying to pray to God amidst all these distractions.
The Jewish leaders are infuriated that Jesus would challenge their authority and interfere with their trade. But they cannot destroy Him because the great crowds of pilgrims are hanging on His words. As we'll see in the coming days, His teachings will grow more pointed, and His popularity will continue to increase.
THE PRAYER: Almighty God, Your Son drove out all distractions from Your temple courts. Clear my mind of all distractions that I may worship You with all my heart, mind and soul. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Today's Bible in a Year Reading: Numbers 34-36; Luke 1:57-80
Numbers 34:1 Adonai told Moshe 2 to give this order to the people of Isra’el: “When you enter the land of Kena‘an, it will become your land to pass on as an inheritance, the land of Kena‘an as defined by these borders.
3 “Your southern portion will extend from the Tzin Desert close to the border of Edom. The eastern terminus of your southern border is at the end of the Dead Sea. 4 From there your border turns, goes south of the ‘Akrabbim Ascent and passes on to Tzin. From there it goes south of Kadesh-Barnea, on to Hatzar-Adar, and on to ‘Atzmon. 5 Then the border turns and goes from ‘Atzmon to the Vadi of Egypt and along it to the Sea.
6 “Your western border will be the Great Sea.
7 “Your northern border will be as follows: from the Great Sea mark a line to Mount Hor, 8 and from Mount Hor mark a line to the entrance of Hamat. The border goes out to Tz’dad. 9 Then the border goes to Zifron and finally to Hatzar-‘Einan; this is your northern border.
10 “For the eastern border mark your line from Hatzar-‘Enan to Sh’fam. 11 Then the border goes down from Sh’fam to Rivlah, on the east side of ‘Ayin, then down until it hits the slope east of Lake Kinneret. 12 From there it goes down the Yarden River till it flows into the Dead Sea. These will be the borders of your land.”
13 Moshe gave this order to the people of Isra’el: “This is the land in which you will receive inheritances by lot, which Adonai has ordered to give to the nine tribes and the half-tribe. 14 The tribe of the descendants of Re’uven have already received their land for inheritance according to their clans, and so have the descendants of Gad and the half-tribe of M’nasheh. 15 These two-and-a-half tribes have received their inheritance on this side of the Yarden, across from Yericho and eastward, toward the sunrise.”
(RY: vi; LY: iv) 16 Adonai said to Moshe, 17 “These are the names of the men who will take possession of the land for you: El‘azar the cohen and Y’hoshua the son of Nun. 18 Also appoint one leader from each tribe to take possession of the land. 19 The names of these men are:
from the tribe of Y’hudah, Kalev the son of Y’funeh;
20 from the tribe of the descendants of Shim‘on, Sh’mu’el the son of ‘Ammihud;
21 from the tribe of Binyamin, Elidad the son of Kislon;
22 from the tribe of the descendants of Dan, a leader, Buki the son of Yogli;
23 from the descendants of Yosef:
from the tribe of the descendants of M’nasheh, a leader, Hani’el the son of Efod;
24 from the tribe of the descendants of Efrayim, a leader, K’mu’el the son of Shiftan;
25 from the tribe of the descendants of Z’vulun, a leader, Elitzafan the son of Parnakh;
26 from the tribe of the descendants of Yissakhar, a leader, Palti’el the son of ‘Azan;
27 from the tribe of the descendants of Asher, a leader, Achihud the son of Shlomi;
28 from the tribe of the descendants of Naftali, a leader, P’dah’el the son of ‘Ammihud.”
29 These are the ones whom Adonai ordered to divide the inheritance among the people of Isra’el in the land of Kena‘an.
35:1 (LY: v) In the plains of Mo’av by the Yarden, across from Yericho, Adonai said to Moshe, 2 “Order the people of Isra’el to give to the L’vi’im cities to live in from the heritage they will possess, and you are also to give the L’vi’im some of the open land surrounding the cities. 3 They are to have the cities to live in, while their open land will be for their livestock, for growing crops and for all their animals. 4 The open land around the cities you give to the L’vi’im is to commence at a line drawn around the city wall 1,500 feet outside it and is to extend outward from there. 5 Measure 3,000 feet outward from the city wall to the east, south, west and north, with the city in the center. The space between the 1,500-foot line and the 3,000-foot line will be their open land around the cities. 6 The cities you give to the L’vi’im are to be the six cities of refuge to which you permit the person who kills someone to flee to; plus an additional forty-two cities. 7 Thus you will give the L’vi’im forty-eight cities, with their surrounding open land. 8 As to the cities you will give from those the people of Isra’el possess, from the many you will take many, and from the few you will take few — each tribe will contribute from its cities to the L’vi’im in accordance with the size of its inheritance.”
(RY: vii, LY: vi) 9 Adonai said to Moshe, 10 “Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘When you cross the Yarden into the land of Kena‘an, 11 you are to designate for yourselves cities that will be cities of refuge for you, to which anyone who kills someone by mistake can flee. 12 These cities are to be a refuge for you from the dead person’s next-of-kin, who might otherwise avenge his kinsman’s death by slaying the killer prior to his standing trial before the community. 13 In regard to the cities you are to give, there are to be six cities of refuge for you. 14 You are to give three cities east of the Yarden and three cities in the land of Kena‘an; they will be cities of refuge. 15 These six cities will serve as refuge for the people of Isra’el, as well as for the foreigner and resident alien with them; so that anyone who kills someone by mistake may flee there.
16 “‘However, if he hits him with an iron implement and thus causes his death, he is a murderer; the murderer must be put to death. 17 Or if he hits him with a stone in his hand big enough to kill someone, and he dies, he is a murderer; the murderer must be put to death. 18 Or if he hits him with a wood utensil in his hand capable of killing someone, and he dies, he is a murderer; the murderer must be put to death. 19 The next-of-kin avenger is to put the murderer to death himself — upon meeting him, he is to put him to death. 20 Likewise, if he shoves him out of hatred; or intentionally throws something at him, causing his death; 21 or out of hostility strikes him with his hand, so that he dies; then the one who struck him must be put to death; he is a murderer; and the next-of-kin avenger is to put the murderer to death upon meeting him.
22 “‘But suppose he shoves him suddenly, but without hostility; or he throws something at him unintentionally; 23 or, without seeing him, being his enemy or seeking to harm him, he throws a stone big enough to cause death; and the person dies. 24 Then the community is to judge between the one who struck him and the next-of-kin avenger in accordance with these rules; 25 and the community is to save the killer from the next-of-kin avenger. The community is to return him to the city of refuge to which he fled, and he is to live there until the cohen hagadol, who was anointed with the holy oil, dies. 26 But if the killer ever goes beyond the limits of the city of refuge he fled to, 27 and the next-of-kin avenger finds him outside the limits of his city of refuge, and the avenger kills the killer, he will not be guilty of the man’s blood; 28 because he must stay in his city of refuge until the death of the cohen hagadol. But after the death of the cohen hagadol the killer may return to the land he owns. 29 These things shall constitute your standard for judgment through all your generations, wherever you live.
30 “‘If anyone kills someone, the murderer is to be put to death upon the testimony of witnesses; but the testimony of only one witness will not suffice to cause a person to be put to death. 31 Also, you are not to accept a ransom in lieu of the life of a murderer condemned to death; rather, he must be put to death. 32 Likewise, you are not to accept for someone who has fled to his city of refuge a ransom that would allow him to return to his land before the death of the cohen. 33 In this way you will not defile the land in which you are living. For blood defiles the land, and in this land no atonement can be made for the blood shed in it except the blood of him who shed it. 34 No, you are not to defile the land in which you live and in which I live; for I, Adonai, live among the people of Isra’el.’”
36:1 (LY: vii) The leaders of the clans of the family of the descendants of Gil‘ad, the son of Machir, the son of M’nasheh, of the families of the descendants of Yosef, approached and addressed Moshe and the leaders, the heads of the clans of the people of Isra’el. 2 They said, “Adonai ordered my lord to give by lot the land to be inherited by the people of Isra’el, and my lord was ordered by Adonai to give the inheritance of our kinsman Tz’lof’chad to his daughters. 3 But if they get married to anyone belonging to another of the tribes of the people of Isra’el, then their inheritance will be taken away from the inheritance of our ancestors and be added to the inheritance of the tribe they will then belong to; thus it will be taken away from the sum total of our inheritance. 4 And when the yovel of the people of Isra’el comes, their inheritance will be added to the land possessed by the tribe they will then belong to and be subtracted from the inheritance belonging to the tribe of our ancestors.”
5 Moshe gave this order to the people of Isra’el, in keeping with the word of Adonai : “The tribe of the descendants of Yosef is right in what it says. 6 Here is what Adonai has ordered concerning the daughters of Tz’lof’chad: ‘Let them be married to whomever they think best, but they must marry only into a family from their father’s tribe. 7 In this way no inheritance of the people of Isra’el will move from one tribe to another; for each of the people of Isra’el is to hold on to the land for inheritance belonging to his father’s tribe. 8 Every daughter who possesses an inheritance in any tribe of the people of Isra’el is to become the wife of someone from the family of her father’s tribe, so that every one of the people of Isra’el will stay in possession of his ancestors’ inheritance. 9 Thus no inheritance will move from one tribe to another, for each of the tribes of the people of Isra’el will hold on to its own inheritance.”
(Maftir) 10 The daughters of Tz’lof’chad did as Adonai had ordered Moshe. 11 Machlah, Tirtzah, Hoglah, Milkah and No‘ah all got married to sons of their father’s brothers. 12 They were married into the families of the descendants of M’nasheh the son of Yosef, and their inheritance remained in the tribe of their father’s family.
13 These are the mitzvot and rulings which Adonai gave through Moshe to the people of Isra’el in the plains of Mo’av by the Yarden, across from Yericho.
Be strong, be strong, and let us be strengthened!
Luke 1:57 The time arrived for Elisheva to have her baby, and she gave birth to a son. 58 Her neighbors and relatives heard how good Adonai had been to her, and they rejoiced with her.
59 On the eighth day, they came to do the child’s b’rit-milah. They were about to name him Z’kharyah, after his father, 60 when his mother spoke up and said, “No, he is to be called Yochanan.” 61 They said to her, “None of your relatives has that name,” 62 and they made signs to his father to find out what he wanted him called. 63 He motioned for a writing tablet, and to everyone’s surprise he wrote, “His name is Yochanan.” 64 At that moment, his power of speech returned, and his first words were a b’rakhah to God. 65 All their neighbors were awestruck; and throughout the hill country of Y’hudah, people talked about all these things. 66 Everyone who heard of them said to himself, “What is this child going to be?” For clearly the hand of Adonai was with him.
67 His father Z’kharyah was filled with the Ruach HaKodesh and spoke this prophecy:
68 “Praised be Adonai, the God of Isra’el,[Luke 1:68 Psalms 41:14(13); 72:18; 106:48]
because he has visited and made a ransom to liberate his people
69 by raising up for us a mighty Deliverer
who is a descendant of his servant David.
70 It is just as he has spoken
through the mouth of the prophets from the very beginning —
71 that we should be delivered from our enemies
and from the power of all who hate us.
72 “This has happened so that he might show
the mercy promised to our fathers —
that he would remember his holy covenant,
73 the oath he swore before Avraham avinu
74 to grant us that we, freed from our enemies,
would serve him without fear,
75 in holiness and righteousness
before him all our days.
76 You, child, will be called a prophet of Ha‘Elyon;
you will go before the Lord to prepare his way[Luke 1:76 Malachi 3:1; Isaiah 40:3]
77 by spreading the knowledge among his people
that deliverance comes by having sins forgiven
78 through our God’s most tender mercy,
which causes the Sunrise to visit us from Heaven,
79 to shine on those in darkness, living in the shadow of death,[Luke 1:79 Isaiah 9:1(2)]
and to guide our feet into the paths of peace.”
80 The child grew and became strong in spirit, and he lived in the wilderness until the time came for him to appear in public to Isra’el.
-------Use these devotions in your newsletter and bulletin! Used by permission; all rights reserved by the Int'l LLL (LHM).
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660 Mason Ridge Center Drive
Saint Louis, Missouri 63141, United States
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