Poás, Costa Rica
Costa Rica church members receive, reaffirm call to ministry
During a Cross-Cultural Orientation held 7-9 September at Poás Church of the Nazarene in Costa Rica, more than 35 participants received or reaffirmed their call to ministry.“I can say that every workshop, every activity, every devotion, every word I heard and hug I received during these three days marked my life and created in me a Christian reality totally different than the one I had when I came,” said Danah Webb Leandro of Desamparados. “This camp gave me a new vision, a new purpose. It filled me with strength and hope. It gave me a new calling and a new direction to work with my [youth], my church, my community, and my country.”
Global Missions coordinators at the district and regional levels organized the event. Speakers included Mesoamerica Nazarene Missions International Coordinator Ana Maria Crocker, Costa Rica North District Superintendent Johnny Calvo, Costa Rica Central District Superintendent Sirlene Bustos, and local pastor Filipe Flores.
“It was an experience where I rediscovered my call,” said Christopher Quinto, a participant from Los Ángeles. “I got excited again like the first time. I rediscovered that ‘the sky is the limit,’ Now, I believe in my abilities and virtues. [CCO] challenged me to not stay still. To me, this was the impulse that I was lacking to move forward and not give up before the obstacles.”
Several people found security in their faith.
“God clarified a thousand doubts that I had,” said Xavier Yadir Diaz Chavez of Cañas Dulces. “I never thought that I could be so sure of where I am, from where God has brought me. My life is sealed with God’s name, and that will never change. The best is starting, so let’s prepare ourselves for unimaginable things in our lives.”
Other participants felt God was calling them to full-time ministry.
“As a pastor’s kid for a long time, I took responsibilities in the church only because there was no one else to do it, but it was not something that I could see as a calling.” said Daniela Solano, a participant from Tibas. “A few months ago, I began to ask God to take control of my life and to show me what He wanted me to do. During the camp, I was able to see how God for a long time had been working in my life. I could see how I missed a lot of details, because my call to missions had been there the whole time. To see the full picture of the little confirmations that God had been planting in my life was what made me say during this camp ‘Here I am, send me.’”
At the end of the camp, even the leadership was moved by the transformation that took place.
“To see happy faces and people believing that they can do a little more and to see them wanting to answer a call with conviction is priceless,” said Neslon Vega, Central District Global Missions coordinator. “I feel very satisfied with what we gained. I know that God used me and considered me a part of His plan, and that’s the most comforting thing a person can feel. Even though He does not need me, He decided to let me be a part, and that’s an indescribable feeling.” (Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica) Read more
Trinidad and Tobago rally encourages missionary service, giving
The Trinidad and Tobago District encouraged churches to be sending churches during a recent missional rally, held 18 September at San Fernando Church of the Nazarene.The district Nazarene Missions International team challenged attendees to intentionally fulfill the Church of the Nazarene’s call to make disciples in the nations by developing and sending out members to serve both locally and internationally.
The featured speaker was Nazim Mohammed, senior pastor of the Tunapuna Church of the Nazarene and a Work & Witness volunteer. Mohammed explained that even though missions can be challenging, God protects, provides, and purifies His people to get the work done.
District Work & Witness coordinator Courtney Greene shared about a W&W trip to Dominica earlier this year. There was even a short interview with former Genesis missionary Crystalla Williams, who shared about her time serving in Grenada.
Children and youth were an active part of the rally. Three children from the Sangre Grande Church of the Nazarene sang the Revelation Song in English and Spanish, and Ariana Thomas, a youth from Couva Church of the Nazarene, led a dance performance.
Local NMI presidents also filmed one-minute video clips to encourage attendees to continue giving toward Nazarene missions and praying for those who are sent.
At the end of the event, former District NMI Secretary Pearl Harris was recognized for more than 40 years of service on the local and district levels. (Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica) Read more
Manaus, Brazil
Brazil missionary boat completes first year on Black River
The Church of the Nazarene’s second missionary boat in South America — Jesus the Hope 2 — completed one year of outreach in the Amazonian forest of Brazil. Jesus the Hope 2 set sail 29 August 2017 down the Black River. The project launched when local missionaries needed something that could help them reach some of the most remote locations in the Amazon.
In the future, the Brazil Amazônia District intends to expand the boat’s course to the Amazon River, Solimões River, and other minor rivers to provide evangelism, church planting, discipleship, and medical clinics to other remote areas.
The team worked out of the city of Manaus just off the river for this first year. They faced many unforeseen challenges and had to quickly learn about the mechanics of the boat and how to optimize the financial cost of the project.
The boat offers space for up to 50 people and features three bathrooms, one kitchen with an industrial stove, two air-conditioners, and a freezer. The boat even utilizes solar energy, which offsets some of the financial costs.
“We thank you all for your support in enabling the Church of the Nazarene to do a blessed work in the Amazon region,” said Igor de Sousa Vale, pastor and missionary leading Jesus the Hope 2. (Church of the Nazarene South America) Read more
Sapulpa, Oklahoma
Oklahoma pastors plan for debt-free future
Some people may be overwhelmed at the idea of paying back more than $30,000 in debt, but Michelle and Jeff Carden will soon put that worry behind them.The Cardens are 2014 Southern Nazarene University graduates. Their calls to ministry led them to SNU, and now, four years later, Michelle is the children’s pastor, and Jeff is the digital ministries pastor at Sapulpa Church of the Nazarene in Oklahoma.
Before they got married, Michelle and Jeff decided to take some practical steps toward managing their finances effectively, but no matter how proactive they were, there were some things that were out of their control.
“My husband and I took Dave Ramsey [finance classes] before we got married and are committed to financial health in our family, but we came out of school with a decent amount of debt that we knew would take us a long time to pay off,” Michelle said.
Though they were able to pay off a large portion of their student loans, they still had a long way to go.
“$17,000 [of our debt had been paid off], but we were really struggling with the final $15,000,” Michelle said.
While they were attending a conference in Oklahoma, Michelle and Jeff heard about The COMPASS Initiative, a program led by the Church of the Nazarene that addresses U.S. pastors’ financial challenges.
“I first heard of COMPASS at a young ministers conference that I was attending in Oklahoma City before the program even began,” Michelle said. “I then heard about it again on our district.”
The Cardens saw the opportunity, and shortly after applying, they were accepted into the program. Now, with only three months left in the program, Michelle and Jeff are almost entirely out of debt.
“With the COMPASS grant and with what we were able to pay off so far, this year we will come out debt free,” Michelle said.
Not only are they almost out of debt, but they aren’t waiting until then to begin planning for their future.
“We are really excited to get a head start on planning for our future, including retirement and college funds for our future littles,” Michelle said. “[We are] motivated to stay focused, as well as encouraged to continue our education and keep pressing forward.”
In addition to enabling them to take control of their debt, the program has driven them to learn more about handling church finances more effectively.
“We are excited to continue our journey to financial health in our marriage and our ministry,” Michelle said. “We can't wait to see what opportunities we are able to take when we know that our finances are taken care of.”To learn more about The COMPASS Initiative, click here. Read more
Crisis response training offered in Puerto Rico
Eighty people attended a disaster response training to learn about providing ongoing assistance for those affected by Hurricane Maria — which devastated the country 20 September 2017 — and future disasters.The training, held 8 September at the Yahveh Shalom Church of the Nazarene in Dominguito, was organized by Nazarene Compassionate Ministries in collaboration with other local organizations.
Monserrate Santos, director of the Integrated Crisis Intervention Program offered by the Mental Health and Anti-Addiction Services Administration, and Ismael Ponce, the Care Ministries director for the Mission Board Church of God, were the two event speakers.
Santos led “Mental Health in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria,” while Ponce led “Pastoral Intervention in the Current Crisis in Puerto Rico.” Both speakers shared tips, tools, and resources participants can use to effectively minister to hurricane victims throughout Puerto Rico.
“The participants expressed their satisfaction with the time they spent and left wanting to be able to take other trainings to help them work with people in crisis,” said Carmen Nuñez, NCM coordinator for the Puerto Rico West District. “We thank God for the chance to be trained to help those in need on our island.” (Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica) Read more
South America
Flags of the Nations: Bolivia
The national flag of Bolivia is a red, yellow, and green horizontal tricolor with the Bolivian coat of arms in the center. Red represents the blood shed by heroes for the birth and preservation of the Republic; yellow represents wealth and resources, and green represents the richness of natural areas as well as hope.
Since September 1, 2009, the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center (GMC) proudly flies a flag each week of one of the many nations in which the denomination is present in ministry. Leaders were invited to send a national flag to be flown at the GMC alongside the flag of the United States*. The national flags rotate weekly, and photos of them raised are sent to the church leaders of that country.This week: Bolivia
The Church of the Nazarene officially entered Bolivia in 1945.
Bolivia had a population of 11,138,234 in 2017. That same year, Bolivia reported 248 Churches of the Nazarene, 229 of which had been officially organized. Bolivia has 12,236 total members.
Located on the South America Region, Bolivia has two Phase 3 districts, one Phase 2 district, and three Phase 1 districts. For more information about the South America Region, visit samnaz.org.
* = The weekly highlighted flag is raised on the middle of three poles in compliance with U.S. government protocols. It flies to the left of the GMC host-nation United States flag, which flies above the host-state flag of Kansas. The Christian flag flies on the third pole.The Global Ministry Center is the mission and service hub of the Church of the Nazarene. Read more
Rev. Joe McNulty of Cornerstone Church (left) presents a check to Good Samaritan Executive Director Jolanda Hutson (right), accompanied by Clinic Administrator Cindy Barnett and Nurse Practitioner Stephanie Barnett (center, left and right). (W.C. Mann for The Cullman Tribune)
Nazarenes in the News
Nazarenes in the News is a compilation of online news articles featuring Nazarene churches or church members.
Cornerstone Church partners with Good Samaritan
Cullman, Alabama
(The Cullman Tribune, 20 September) Cullman’s Cornerstone Church of the Nazarene began a new partnership with Good Samaritan Health Clinic, as Cornerstone Church Pastor Joe McNulty came to the clinic to present a $1,000 check to GSHC Executive Director Jolanda Hutson.While GSHC offers a wide array of medical services, Cornerstone was particularly impressed with the mental health care the clinic has provided for a member of their congregation.
“Mental health has always been something that’s been near and dear to me, and I feel like, to a large degree, the Church has missed the mark," McNulty said.
McNulty hopes the check will be the first of many monetary and service contributions his church will be able to make.
CULLMAN - On Tuesday, Cullman’s Cornerstone Church of the Nazarene (CCN) began a new partnership with Good Samaritan Health Clinic (GSHC), as Rev. Joe McNulty came to the clinic to present a $1,000 check to GSHC Executive Director Jolanda Hutson. McNulty hopes the check will be the first of many monetary and service contributions his church will be able to make.
While GSHC offers a wide array of medical services, the reverend was particularly impressed with the mental health care the clinic has provided for a member of his congregation.
Said McNulty, “Mental health has always been something that’s been near and dear to me, and I feel like, to a large degree, the Church has missed the mark. And I’m not just talking about our church, but about the Church as a whole. And I think it’s because there’s such a stigma, at least in people’s minds. And I tell people in my church all the time, if somebody is sick with cancer, we don’t hesitate a second, saying, ‘Let’s call them to the altar and pray for them’ . . . I said to the people last Wednesday night, ‘When was the last time you saw in any church somebody came and say, ‘I’m struggling with mental illness, or struggling with bipolar disorder, or personality disorder?’
“Inside the walls of the Church, there are so many people who suffer in silence, and they don’t reach out; they don’t get the help they need. And it’s simply because they’re afraid. And I said to the church, ‘It’s time. It’s time that we break down that wall, and it’s time that we say you can trust us--and trust is a big issue; it’s huge--and you can trust us, and we’ll love you, and we’ll help you in any way we can.”
While teaching his congregation about the need for ministry to those suffering from mental illness, McNulty received a copy of GSHC’s annual report, and he was moved to action. After reading the report and considering the ministry of GSHC to one of his own members, he met with the board of CCN and presented what he wanted to do. Board Chairman and Cullman County Schools Superintendent Dr. Shane Barnette reportedly encouraged him to proceed, telling him, “Pastor, I can only tell you they are the real deal. I’m so glad that you’re doing this. They are the real deal.”
McNulty told the board, “I’m not asking you to do this because I’m suggesting it; I’m asking you to do it because it’s right. It’s the right thing to do.”
CCN allocated $1,000 to give to GSHC as an initial gift.
“It’s going to be more,” said McNulty. “They said, ‘Pastor, we don’t want you to just send a check. We want you to go meet the executive director. We want you to meet the staff. We want you to tell them that we want this to be a partnership.”
When presenting the check, McNulty asked, “How else can we help you?” The pastor hopes to see his church make regular contributions and wants to see his members carrying out hands-on service projects for the clinic.
GSHC fundraising concert coming up
On Thursday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. in the Cullman High School auditorium, GSHC will host its fourth annual “Caring for Cullman” concert featuring Triumphant Quartet and the Wallace State Jazz Band. Tickets will be available at the door, or from GSHC, Borden Family Pharmacy, Heritage Pharmacy of Dodge City, The Added Touch Too and Yates Chance Christian Bookstore.
For details, call 256-255-5965. If you are unable to attend but want to donate, visit www.goodsamaritancullman.com or call 256-775-1389, ext. 0.
For more on Cornerstone Church of the Nazarene, visit www.cullmancornerstone.com or www.facebook.com/cornerstonecullman/ or call 256-775-2756.
Copyright 2018 Humble Roots, LLC. All Rights Reserved.For the rest of the story, click here.
Lynchburg church heads to NC to help Hurricane Florence victims by Courtny Jodon
Lynchburg, Virginia
Lynchburg First Church of the Nazarene creates disaster relief trailer to take to Beaufort, North Carolina to help residents impacted by Hurricane Florence. (WSET)
(WSET, 23 September) After Hurricane Florence ripped through the Carolinas with its high winds and flooding, many people who live there need help.
Lynchburg First Church of the Nazarene hopes to give relief.Volunteers decided to refurbish an old trailer and outfit it for disaster relief. A group of 10 volunteers from LFCN will travel to Beaufort, North Carolina, from 23-29 September to offer help where it is needed.
"We do this because we feel that this is what God calls us to do," volunteer Bill Strong said. "He calls us to go out and be his servants to the community."
After Hurricane Florence ripped through the Carolinas with its high winds and flooding, many people who live there need help.
Lynchburg First Church of the Nazarene hopes to give relief.
Volunteers decided to refurbish an old trailer and outfit it for disaster relief. A group of 10 volunteers from LFCN are heading to Beaufort, North Carolina on Sunday.
"We just felt as a local church that we were compelled to do something," LFCN lead pastor Stephen Willis said.
Willis said their church has responded to multiple disaster relief efforts throughout the years, but this time it is different.
"For me personally, this was especially important because I grew up in Carteret County, North Carolina," he said.
Beaufort, North Carolina is located in that county.
"My mom was in the middle of this storm, as well as a lot of friends and family members," Willis said. "Through the years we've responded to people in need that I didn't know, and we definitely was going to respond to this one."
"It is still a crisis area," Willis said.
And that is why Willis said they decided to build the disaster relief trailer to help people in need.
"We have all of the power tools needed, screw drivers, skill saws, Clorox, mops and we have all those things to help people in relation to flooding," Willis said.
Willis is one of the 10 volunteers heading to North Carolina.
Bill Strong is also going. He said he has gone on all of their disaster relief trips for the past 10 years.
"We do this because we feel that this is what God calls us to do," Strong said. "He calls us to go out and be his servants to the community."
Lowes also worked with the church and provided discounts to them so they were able fill their trailer up with the needed supplies.
"Anytime a disaster happens, whether it's here in Lynchburg, or somewhere outside, we want to do as much as we can to try to support that and help those people out," Timberlake Road Lowes Assistant Store Manager Justin McGehee said.
The team of 10 will be in the Beaufort, North Carolina area for a week.
Strong said if there is more of a need after their week is up, they will head back to the area again.
For the rest of the story, click here.
Upper Room Mission and Soul’s Harbour partner to serve the community
Lynn Curwin (lynn.curwin@trurodaily.com)
Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada
Soul's Harbour Rescue Mission - Lynn Curwin
(Truro News, 27 September) The Soul's Harbor Rescue Mission building in Truro is also now the home of the Upper Room Mission Church of the Nazarene, and Pastor Terry Dryden feels it’s a great fit.
Dryden has been doing a lot of work in the community with Steve Lumsden, who is leading the Soul’s Harbour work from the basement of the building. Upper Room church will gather in the building's sanctuary.
The sanctuary of the building at 130 King Street is now the home of the Upper Room Mission Church of the Nazarene, and Pastor Terry Dryden feels it’s a great fit.
Dryden has been doing a lot of work in the community with Steve Lumsden, who is leading the Soul’s Harbour Rescue Mission work from the basement of the building.
“I’ve been handing out lunches on the street with Steve, and he’s got a big heart,” said Dryden. “My wife, daughter and I have all been on the streets with him.
“Christ is about more than setting in church and worshipping.”
Before moving into the King Street building, on August 15, the congregation met in Dryden’s garage, at the Bible Hill Village Hall, and in other churches.
“We’ve been a church for about seven years,’ said Dryden. “I’ve connected back to my Nazarene roots, so now there are two Nazarene churches in Truro. Ours is called a mission because our heart is in social gospel, and our mandate if to help others when we see a need.”
He said being involved in community efforts allows people with a variety of skills to get involved.
“Some people can’t teach Sunday school or sing in the choir, but they enjoy cooking or serving food. A lot of people are really excited about what’s happening. It breathes life into a church.”
About 50 people usually attend Sunday afternoon services, which are almost always followed by a meal. The church also offers Bible study and youth group.For the rest of the story, click here.
Stories to share? Send them to news@nazarene.org. (Compiled by NCN News) Read more
From 2002 to 2016, Russell served in a variety of positions at the university, including professor of business law, associate dean of the School of Business, director of the MBA program, executive director for Community and Governmental Relations, general counsel, and associate vice president for Advancement.
“The NNU School of Business has been a keystone in the fabric of Idaho Business Education for many years, and I look forward to continuing and advancing that long tradition,” Russell said. “I will strive to ensure that the school continues to graduate business leaders with the strongest business skills, discernment and acumen, and with the greatest character and ethical grounding.”
Since leaving the university in 2016, Russell has remained an active member on the Foundation Board and has continued to cultivate relationships throughout the Boise Valley on behalf of NNU. Russell is returning to NNU as dean to not only focus on the internal aspects of the school but to also grow external relationships that will help the School of Business flourish in a dynamic and ever-changing environment. The hope for these local partnerships will be to expand the School of Business’s connections in the Boise Valley and beyond and create pathways for students’ continued success as they enter into the workplace.
NNU Vice President for Academic Affairs Brad Kurtz-Shaw feels Russell has a lot to offer the NNU community.
"Bill comes to this dean's role with an established network of relationships with regional business leaders and organizations, an entrepreneurial spirit for shaping our academic programs to meet real-world needs, and a passion for the transformational mission of NNU," Kurtz-Shaw said. "Bill will further cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship that has always existed between NNU and the Boise Valley. We’re grateful for the resources and partnerships of our local and regional business community that allows us to continue to shape our graduates as they enter into the workplace. Bill gets that NNU is here for good and he's going to do everything in his power to make sure that impact is as broad and deep as possible." (Northwest Nazarene University) Read more
Bill Coulter, 81, of The Woodlands, Texas, passed away 27 September. He was a retired minister, serving in Texas, Colorado, Kansas, Ontario, and Alberta. He is survived by his wife, Karen Coulter.
Douglas Ernest, 80, of Lake Isabella, California, passed away 25 September. He was a retired minister and evangelist, serving in California. He is survived by his wife, Sandra Ernest.
Lenore Rycroft, 89, of Butler, Pensylvania, passed away 19 September. She was the widow of retired minister Stanley Rycroft, who served in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ontario, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. Stanley Rycroft passed away in 2003.
For previous editions of In Memoriam, see the "Passings" section by clicking here.
Note: Please join us in prayer for the families who have lost loved ones. Click on names for full stories, funeral information, local online obituaries, and/or guest books (if available). To submit an entry of a minister or church leader, send to news@nazarene.org. (Compiled by NCN News) Read more
The Global Ministry Center Human Resources Office professionals strive to deliver the highest possible service to our employees, and are responsible for the recruitment, placement and retention of qualified individuals to staff the ministry and administrative positions of the GMC. The many employee services include compensation and benefit administration, payroll, employment, employee relations, training, counseling, organizational communication and events, and workplace programs.
*Volunteer opportunities for GMC ministries are occasionally available. Email jveigl@nazarene.org for details.
Employment Opportunities
Candidate Development Specialist (Full-time)
Global Missions Personnel
Description: This person will assist with missionary candidate development, coordinate and assist with events, work independently and with a team, and perform a wide variety of responsibilities with high confidentiality.
Helpdesk Technician (Full-time)
Information Technology
Description: This person will be responsible for providing training, support and guidance to technology users.
Missionary Training Coordinator (Full-time)
Global Missions Personnel
Description: This person will develop and improve systems and training for Global Missions in order to equip Nazarene missionaries, identify training and development needs throughout the missionary life cycle, and improve training resources and systems to respond to those needs.
Project Manager (Full-time)
Nazarene Youth International (NYI)
Description: This person will be responsible for facilitating connection to district, national, field, and regional NYI leadership and the distribution of resources to support the mission of NYI. This person will support the NYI core values of evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development (“BE, DO, GO”) by emphasizing youth ministry throughout the Church of the Nazarene and sharing the stories of local youth and youth workers and will manage the day-to-day and long-term connection projects of NYI.
Sr. Office Assistant (Part-time, 25 hours/week)
USA/Canada Regional Office – Multicultural Ministries
Description: This person will provide office assistance and customer support for Multicultural Literature/Casa Nazarena de Publicaciones with the goal of continuing effective service to Nazarene constituency and other clients.
To obtain additional information for GMC positions, please call 913-577-0500 and ask for Human Resources.
Accounting Clerk (Part-time)
Under the direction of the Director of Finance, the Accounting Clerk performs routine accounting functions of average difficulty in the areas of cash receipts, accounts payable, and other entry-level related office duties. Learn More
Location of Global Ministry Center Positions
The GMC is the administrative hub for the Church of the Nazarene denominational ministries in 162 world areas. The GMC is conveniently located in Lenexa, Kansas, with easy access to I-35 and I-435 and within short driving distance to Kansas City International airport. All GMC positions report to this location.
Our Non-Discrimination Policy
The Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center offers equal employment opportunity to all persons regardless of age, color, national origin, citizenship status, disability, race, creed, sex, or veteran status. The Global Ministry Center is an “at will” employer.
Our Faith-Based Organization
We are a faith-based organization. Acceptance of our Christian Code of Conduct is required and membership in the Church of the Nazarene is required for certain positions. The GMC and applicable remote work sites are smoke-, alcohol-, and drug-free Christian workplaces.
Application Processing
Our Human Resources Office receives and processes many employment applications annually for a limited number of positions. While we regret that we cannot respond to each applicant, we do contact those individuals possessing the skills, education/training, and experience that best match the requirements of the open position for which the application was submitted.
An application must be completed by all applicants and an application must be completed for each position for which one wishes to be considered. Applications are retained for one year. Resumés are not necessary for entry-level positions, but they are preferred for professional level positions.
Applying for Employment with the GMC
Application forms may be requested by calling 913-577-0500, emailing humanresourcesgroup@nazarene.org, or obtained in person from Human Resources at the Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, Kansas, 66220, Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 4:30 U.S. Central Time. Completed applications may be mailed or emailed to the attention of the Human Resources Office. Read more
Dryden has been doing a lot of work in the community with Steve Lumsden, who is leading the Soul’s Harbour work from the basement of the building. Upper Room church will gather in the building's sanctuary.
The sanctuary of the building at 130 King Street is now the home of the Upper Room Mission Church of the Nazarene, and Pastor Terry Dryden feels it’s a great fit.
Dryden has been doing a lot of work in the community with Steve Lumsden, who is leading the Soul’s Harbour Rescue Mission work from the basement of the building.
“I’ve been handing out lunches on the street with Steve, and he’s got a big heart,” said Dryden. “My wife, daughter and I have all been on the streets with him.
“Christ is about more than setting in church and worshipping.”
Before moving into the King Street building, on August 15, the congregation met in Dryden’s garage, at the Bible Hill Village Hall, and in other churches.
“We’ve been a church for about seven years,’ said Dryden. “I’ve connected back to my Nazarene roots, so now there are two Nazarene churches in Truro. Ours is called a mission because our heart is in social gospel, and our mandate if to help others when we see a need.”
He said being involved in community efforts allows people with a variety of skills to get involved.
“Some people can’t teach Sunday school or sing in the choir, but they enjoy cooking or serving food. A lot of people are really excited about what’s happening. It breathes life into a church.”
About 50 people usually attend Sunday afternoon services, which are almost always followed by a meal. The church also offers Bible study and youth group.For the rest of the story, click here.
Stories to share? Send them to news@nazarene.org. (Compiled by NCN News) Read more
Nampa, Idaho
NNU announces new dean for School of Business
Northwest Nazarene University announced Bill Russell will assume the position of dean of the School of Business beginning 15 October. From 2002 to 2016, Russell served in a variety of positions at the university, including professor of business law, associate dean of the School of Business, director of the MBA program, executive director for Community and Governmental Relations, general counsel, and associate vice president for Advancement.
“The NNU School of Business has been a keystone in the fabric of Idaho Business Education for many years, and I look forward to continuing and advancing that long tradition,” Russell said. “I will strive to ensure that the school continues to graduate business leaders with the strongest business skills, discernment and acumen, and with the greatest character and ethical grounding.”
Since leaving the university in 2016, Russell has remained an active member on the Foundation Board and has continued to cultivate relationships throughout the Boise Valley on behalf of NNU. Russell is returning to NNU as dean to not only focus on the internal aspects of the school but to also grow external relationships that will help the School of Business flourish in a dynamic and ever-changing environment. The hope for these local partnerships will be to expand the School of Business’s connections in the Boise Valley and beyond and create pathways for students’ continued success as they enter into the workplace.
NNU Vice President for Academic Affairs Brad Kurtz-Shaw feels Russell has a lot to offer the NNU community.
"Bill comes to this dean's role with an established network of relationships with regional business leaders and organizations, an entrepreneurial spirit for shaping our academic programs to meet real-world needs, and a passion for the transformational mission of NNU," Kurtz-Shaw said. "Bill will further cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship that has always existed between NNU and the Boise Valley. We’re grateful for the resources and partnerships of our local and regional business community that allows us to continue to shape our graduates as they enter into the workplace. Bill gets that NNU is here for good and he's going to do everything in his power to make sure that impact is as broad and deep as possible." (Northwest Nazarene University) Read more
In Memoriam
The following is a weekly listing of Nazarene ministers and leaders who recently went home to be with the Lord. Notices were received 24-28 September 2018.Bill Coulter, 81, of The Woodlands, Texas, passed away 27 September. He was a retired minister, serving in Texas, Colorado, Kansas, Ontario, and Alberta. He is survived by his wife, Karen Coulter.
Douglas Ernest, 80, of Lake Isabella, California, passed away 25 September. He was a retired minister and evangelist, serving in California. He is survived by his wife, Sandra Ernest.
Lenore Rycroft, 89, of Butler, Pensylvania, passed away 19 September. She was the widow of retired minister Stanley Rycroft, who served in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ontario, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. Stanley Rycroft passed away in 2003.
For previous editions of In Memoriam, see the "Passings" section by clicking here.
Note: Please join us in prayer for the families who have lost loved ones. Click on names for full stories, funeral information, local online obituaries, and/or guest books (if available). To submit an entry of a minister or church leader, send to news@nazarene.org. (Compiled by NCN News) Read more
Human Resource
GMC employment opportunities
People are our most valued resource. Our committed employees are involved in "Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations" in 162 world areas. The Global Ministry Center Human Resources Office professionals strive to deliver the highest possible service to our employees, and are responsible for the recruitment, placement and retention of qualified individuals to staff the ministry and administrative positions of the GMC. The many employee services include compensation and benefit administration, payroll, employment, employee relations, training, counseling, organizational communication and events, and workplace programs.
*Volunteer opportunities for GMC ministries are occasionally available. Email jveigl@nazarene.org for details.
Employment Opportunities
Candidate Development Specialist (Full-time)
Global Missions Personnel
Description: This person will assist with missionary candidate development, coordinate and assist with events, work independently and with a team, and perform a wide variety of responsibilities with high confidentiality.
Helpdesk Technician (Full-time)
Information Technology
Description: This person will be responsible for providing training, support and guidance to technology users.
Missionary Training Coordinator (Full-time)
Global Missions Personnel
Description: This person will develop and improve systems and training for Global Missions in order to equip Nazarene missionaries, identify training and development needs throughout the missionary life cycle, and improve training resources and systems to respond to those needs.
Project Manager (Full-time)
Nazarene Youth International (NYI)
Description: This person will be responsible for facilitating connection to district, national, field, and regional NYI leadership and the distribution of resources to support the mission of NYI. This person will support the NYI core values of evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development (“BE, DO, GO”) by emphasizing youth ministry throughout the Church of the Nazarene and sharing the stories of local youth and youth workers and will manage the day-to-day and long-term connection projects of NYI.
Sr. Office Assistant (Part-time, 25 hours/week)
USA/Canada Regional Office – Multicultural Ministries
Description: This person will provide office assistance and customer support for Multicultural Literature/Casa Nazarena de Publicaciones with the goal of continuing effective service to Nazarene constituency and other clients.
To obtain additional information for GMC positions, please call 913-577-0500 and ask for Human Resources.
Church of the Nazarene Foundation
All positions are located within the Global Ministry Center in Lenexa, Kansas.Accounting Clerk (Part-time)
Under the direction of the Director of Finance, the Accounting Clerk performs routine accounting functions of average difficulty in the areas of cash receipts, accounts payable, and other entry-level related office duties. Learn More
JESUS Film Harvest Partners
To learn more about positions available at the JFHP, visit jfhp.org. All positions are located on-site in the Olathe, Kansas, office. Recent openings: Full-Time Assistant Field Services Coordinator.
Nazarene Bible College
To learn more about positions available at the NBC Administrative Offices, visit nbc.edu/jobs. All positions are located within the Global Ministry Center in Lenexa, Kansas.
Nazarene Theological Seminary
To learn more about current positions available at NTS, see the following employment opportunities. All positions are located on-site on the Kansas City, Missouri, campus. Location of Global Ministry Center Positions
The GMC is the administrative hub for the Church of the Nazarene denominational ministries in 162 world areas. The GMC is conveniently located in Lenexa, Kansas, with easy access to I-35 and I-435 and within short driving distance to Kansas City International airport. All GMC positions report to this location.
Our Non-Discrimination Policy
The Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center offers equal employment opportunity to all persons regardless of age, color, national origin, citizenship status, disability, race, creed, sex, or veteran status. The Global Ministry Center is an “at will” employer.
Our Faith-Based Organization
We are a faith-based organization. Acceptance of our Christian Code of Conduct is required and membership in the Church of the Nazarene is required for certain positions. The GMC and applicable remote work sites are smoke-, alcohol-, and drug-free Christian workplaces.
Application Processing
Our Human Resources Office receives and processes many employment applications annually for a limited number of positions. While we regret that we cannot respond to each applicant, we do contact those individuals possessing the skills, education/training, and experience that best match the requirements of the open position for which the application was submitted.
An application must be completed by all applicants and an application must be completed for each position for which one wishes to be considered. Applications are retained for one year. Resumés are not necessary for entry-level positions, but they are preferred for professional level positions.
Applying for Employment with the GMC
Application forms may be requested by calling 913-577-0500, emailing humanresourcesgroup@nazarene.org, or obtained in person from Human Resources at the Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, Kansas, 66220, Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 4:30 U.S. Central Time. Completed applications may be mailed or emailed to the attention of the Human Resources Office. Read more
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Nazarene Communications Network
Material created and owned by Nazarene Communication Network News may be used for church newsletters and bulletins.
The Global Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.5 million members worshipping in more than 30,000 local congregations in 162 world areas.
The Global Church of the Nazarene
Global Ministry Center
17001 Prairie Star Parkway
Lenexa, Kansas 66220, United States
Phone: (913)577-0500
Email: info@nazarene.org
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