Theology in Overalls
"A more excellent way: An open letter to my fellow clergy" by Gregory Crofford for Friday, 14 September 2018

I opened my e-mail today and found a message from my state Board of Elections. In less than 2 months, Americans will go to the polls and cast their vote for many elected offices. These range from local Sheriffs, city council members, state representatives, governors, judges, the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate.
Politics has always fascinated me, since the day in 1974 that the honorable Rep. Barber Conable came to my 6th grade class in Spencerport, NY. Later, his opponent visited as well. At the end, we had an unofficial in-class vote, and Rep. Conable was handily re-elected. To this day, I'm not sure how my social studies teacher managed to get such a high-powered duo to come visit, but it left a deep impression on me:
But meanwhile we live here on this earth. How shall we as members of the clergy carry ourselves in the run-up to elections? Here are two suggestions:
Politics has always fascinated me, since the day in 1974 that the honorable Rep. Barber Conable came to my 6th grade class in Spencerport, NY. Later, his opponent visited as well. At the end, we had an unofficial in-class vote, and Rep. Conable was handily re-elected. To this day, I'm not sure how my social studies teacher managed to get such a high-powered duo to come visit, but it left a deep impression on me:
I learned that voting was something every good citizen should do.
But as much as I appreciate the importance of taking part in the democratic process, with time, its many flaws have left me hungry for a better way. Maybe it's because Jesus taught his followers to pray:
Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10, NIV).
With each attack ad, with each half-truth or outright lie uttered by candidates, all in a bid to gain or keep power, I become more anxious for the day when King Jesus will return and take his throne (Rev. 19:4). He is the one who is "true and just" (Rev. 19:2). We can count on him to lead us with integrity and love.But meanwhile we live here on this earth. How shall we as members of the clergy carry ourselves in the run-up to elections? Here are two suggestions:
- Maintain political neutrality. There's an increasing tendency among my fellow members of the clergy to speak out for candidates of one party or another. In so doing, the danger is that we will be seen as operatives of the GOP or the Democratic Party instead of (like Paul), an ambassador of the Gospel (Ephesians 6:20). This unwise taking sides shows up in various ways. It may be allowing for the distribution in church of a "voters' guide" which is really no more than a thinly-veiled means of pushing one party's candidates. Or perhaps used to pray regularly during worship for the nation's highest official. But now? We never pray for the new leader. People notice the subtle signals that we as their spiritual leaders send.
- Use social media wisely. Today, the "pulpit" is no longer limited to the piece of furniture that sits at the front of the sanctuary. Choosing to bash politicians online lowers us to the level of partisan hacks. Instead of using our social media megaphone to encourage one another and build each other up (1 Thess. 5:11), we loudly condemn the latest comments from high elected officials. The danger is that by routinely criticizing every remark, we become nothing more than background noise, easily tuned out. When the key moment comes when I as a messenger of the Lord must speak a prophetic word, I no longer have the ear of my listeners because I've foolishly forfeited it long ago.
Will this comment attract people to Christ or drive them away?
Jesus opens his arms and invites us: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28, NIV). His invitation is non-partisan. It is extended to one-and-all, regardless of political persuasion. As preachers, when we maintain political neutrality and use social media wisely, we commend all comers to the only One who can unite us, our Christ who breaks down walls (Ephesians 2:14). In troubled times, is that not a more excellent way?
Image credit: Test Everything Blog
Friday, September 14, 2018
Categories: reflections, Uncategorized
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