Thursday, November 15, 2018

Around the Region - Rev. Andy Passes, OSEC Forum, Korea Missionary Conference and more!!! from The Global Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific in Kaytikling Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines Volume 6, Issue 21 for Thursday, 15 November 2018

Around the Region - Rev. Andy Passes, OSEC Forum, Korea Missionary Conference  and more!!! from The Global Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific in Kaytikling Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines Volume 6, Issue 21 for Thursday, 15 November 2018


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First Filipino District Superintendent Passes Away

On the early hours of October 30, 2018, Rev. Andy Valenzuela, the first district superintendent of the Philippines District, met his Lord and Savior at the age of 85. His life was honored at his funeral a few days later at the church he had started and pastored, Tabuyoc Church of the Nazarene.On March 17, 1933, in Tabuyoc, Binalonan, Pangasinan, Philippines, Andres Castro “Andy” Valenzuela was born to parents Francisco “Ecoy” Valenzuela (1904-December 2002) and his wife Marina “Maring” Valenzuela. Two years later, Andy became the elder brother to late Rev. Patricio “Patring” Valenzuela (1935-2007) who was also a Pastor in the Church of the Nazarene in the Philippines; Pastor Pedro “Pedring” Valenzuela, Assistant Pastor of the Tabuyoc Church of the Nazarene; and Felipe “Peping” Valenzuela. However, Andy wasn’t born into the Church of the Nazarene. Initially, his family was Roman Catholic and he converted later.
Missionary Rev. John Pattee encouraged Andy to enroll in the nd class of the Fitkin Memorial Bible Training School (now Philippine Nazarene College) after graduating from high school. By 1953, at the age of 20, Andy started studying at Fitkin Memorial Bible Training School, what is now Philippine Nazarene College. As a student, he was involved in planting a Church of the Nazarene and pastoring another.
In March of 1958, Andy graduated Bible College and was among the first seven Filipino men who were ordained as elders by General Superintendent Dr. Hugh C. Benner during the 4th Philippine District Assembly and the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Church of the Nazarene in the Philippines. At 25 years old, Rev. Valenzuela was the youngest of those ordained.
Right after his graduation and ordination, Rev. Andy was appointed pastor of the Caboroan Church of the Nazarene and served for 2 years with his younger brother, Patricio, who was a 4th-year student at the Bible College. On March 24, 1960, Rev. Andy married Ricareda “Rica” Verceles, just after her graduation from Nazarene Bible College. Rica also shared pastoral ministry, while focusing on music ministry with the children of the community. In 1961 Andy & Rica accepted the call to pastor the Church of the Nazarene in Agbannawag, Rizal, where their two children, Abner Perry Verceles Valenzuela, and Dr. Brenda Verceles Valenzuela, were born. During this pastorate, Rev. Andy founded the Tabuyoc Church of the Nazarene in his home province of Pangasinan in October 1966.
After the decision by the Mission Council to recommend the indigenization of the leadership of the Church of the Nazarene in the Philippines, in March 1967 Rev. Andy was elected assistant District Superintendent of the Philippines District on the 3rd ballot. After a year traveling with Mission Director Rev. Robert McCroskey, Snr., in March 1968 Rev. Valenzuela was elected the first Filipino DS in the Philippines in a near-unanimous vote., and subsequently the Valenzuela family relocated to Binalonan, Pangasinan. Even when the Philippines District was divided in March 1973, Rev. Valenzuela became the first DS of the new Luzon District that encompassed the largest and most populous island in the Philippines. In March 1980, Rev. Andy was elected DS of the Metro-Manila District Church of the Nazarene. While serving in Manila
In 1971, Pastora Rica became the first woman to be ordained as an elder in the Church of the Nazarene in the Philippines and served as pastor in Binalonan, Laoac, and Tabuyoc churches. Five years later, she was elected as the 1st Asian representative to the then General NWMS Council of the Church of the Nazarene, serving 2 terms until June 1985. When Rev. Andy was elected Metro-Manila DS, Pastora Rica pastored the Central Church of the Nazarene in Cubao and was also the first District Nazarene Children’s Ministry Coordinator
When Asia Theological Seminary opened in November of 1983, the Valenzuelas both enrolled in the first classes ever taught and pursued Masters degrees. After graduating from Asia Theological Seminary in 1986, Rev. Andy resigned as DS of the Metro-Manila District in March 1987. He received Distinguished Service Awards from the Metro Manila District in 1983, and from the Philippines Luzon District.
The Valenzuela family migrated to northern California in 1987 to plant and pastor churches among the Filipino diaspora, and where they co-founded the New Life Church in Vallejo, California, serving there until they retired originally to Silverdale, Washington, USA in 2014. From 1991 Rev. Andy served as the USA-Canada Filipino Ministry Facilitator for the Church of the Nazarene until 2014.
In June 2017 they returned to live in their hometown of Tabuyoc, Binalonan, Pangasinan. The Valenzuelas were honored in a special service at the Tabuyoc Church in August 2017 and were presented plaques by Philippines Nazarene College as outstanding alumni in October 2017.
On the early hours of October 30, 2018, Rev. Andy met his Lord and Savior at the age of 85. His life was honored at his funeral a few days later at the church he had started and pastored, Tabuyoc Church of the Nazarene.
Rev. Valenzuela is survived by his wife of 58 years, Rev. Ricareda Verceles Valenzuela and his two children: USAF Chaplain Lt. Col. Abner Valenzuela, of Dover, Delaware; and Dr. Brenda Valenzuela Fortune, a marriage counselor, of Silverdale, Washington; and 5 grandchildren.

Adapted from his obituary by Steve Walsh Read More.

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At Freedom Forum, Church Leaders Gather to Fight Sexual Exploitation

Online Exploitation of Children (OSEC) is a growing threat in the Philippines. As the world becomes more connected over the web, there are those who use the internet as a medium to force children to do unspeakable acts in front of cameras. Over 70% of Filipino OSEC victims are forced into this industry by family or neighbors, and these children are \robbed of their childhood and dignity. However, Filipino churches have united in the fight to end OSEC.
Manila, Philippines. Online Exploitation of Children (OSEC) is a growing threat in the Philippines. As the world becomes more connected over the web, there are those who use the internet as a medium to force children to do unspeakable acts in front of cameras. Over 70% of Filipino OSEC victims are forced into this industry by family or neighbors, and these children are \robbed of their childhood and dignity. However, Filipino churches have united in the fight to end OSEC.
On November 8, Philippine Interfaith Movement Against Human Trafficking (PIMAHT)hosted a national forum with partner organizations including Nazarene Compassionate Ministries. Every few years, delegates from these organizations gather to address issues in human trafficking in what is being called “Freedom Forum,” the Philippine justice system, and their responsibilities as the Body of Christ. This forum had 400 participants. The speakers included the National Director of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC), the Chief of the Philippine National Police’s Women and Children Protection Center, the Director of Communications, Advocacy and Partnerships International Justice Mission (IJM)Philippines and several survivors. Speaker after speaker, story after story, attendees were made aware of the challenges and the rewards that come with eliminating OSEC.
After the speaking, workshops were held for the delegates on how to be aware of, stop, and prevent OSEC. Several booths sold crafts, resources, and materials to raise money for local ministries that are currently fighting to end OSEC.
“The Freedom Forum enables us to rally the whole church and faith community to discuss the issue of OSEC and lead them to action,” Field NCM Coordinator, Leody Echavez said, “Seeing the Catholics, protestants, and evangelicals working together to end OSEC was a great encouragement for me.”
OSEC elimination and victim restoration can only be accomplished through 1) effective law enforcement, 2) effective prosecution of criminals, and 3) effective aftercare for victims. The Church of the Nazarene received special recognition in the fight to end OSEC by providing effective aftercare through the newly opened Shechem Children’s Home for OSEC victims.
However, the glue that ties the three components together is a supportive environment. The forum emphasized that this supporting environment is every person’s job. The Body of Christ can no longer turn a blind eye to these OSEC stories. The Body of Christ is part of these OSEC stories, and it is time to end them.
Philippine/Micronesia Field Strategy Coordinator, Stephen Gualberto, said, “The battle is not easy, but we believe in a God who is greater than the battle.” Read More.

Korean Missionaries Gather for Conference

From October 7 to October 9, 35 Korean missionaries serving in 20 world areas gathered at Korean Nazarene University to report on their local ministries. This was the second time Korean missionaries have gathered for such an event, with the first conference being held at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary in 2013.Cheonan, Korea. From October 7 to October 9, 35 Korean missionaries serving in 20 world areas gathered at Korean Nazarene University to report on their local ministries. This was the second time Korean missionaries have gathered for such an event, with the first conference being held at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary in 2013.

Attendees also included General Superintendent Filimao Chambo, Global Missions Director Verne Ward, Korea District Superintendent Yoeng Soo Kim, and several leaders of Korea District NMI, Asia-Pacific Region, and Korea Nazarene Univerisity.
Verne Ward gave a lecture on the Nazarene mission policy, and missionary Timothy Kim spoke on the life of a global missionary. There were meetings with the FSCs and the conference was ended with a concert for the missionaries.
“As a young, new missionary, I personally had a good time with all the missionaries.” Missionary Mireu Kim said, “The conference helped me to understand how the global church works together globally and locally." Read More.
The Global Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific
Ortigas Avenue Extension
Kaytikling, Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines

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