Friday, November 2, 2018

The God Pause Daily Devotion The Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States for Saturday, 3 November 2018 "Behold the Host Arrayed in White," ELW 425

The God Pause Daily Devotion The Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States for Saturday, 3 November 2018 "Behold the Host Arrayed in White," ELW 425
We cannot publish the text for today's hymn due to copyright limitations. We apologize for any inconvenience. However, you may find a version of the text here:
"BEHOLD THE HOST ARRAYED IN WHITE" by Hans A. Brorson; tr. Gracia Grindal Norwegian folk tune, 17th century; arranged by Edvard H. Grieg
Behold the host arrayed in white
like thousand snow-clad mountains bright,
that stands with palms and sings its psalms
before the throne of light
These are the saints who kept God's word;
they are the honored of the Lord.
He is their prince who drowned their sins,
so they were cleansed, restored.
They now serve God both day and night;
they sing their songs in endless light.
Their anthems ring when they all sing
with angels shining bright.
2. On earth their work was not thought wise,
but see them now in heaven's eyes;
before God's throne of precious stone
they shout their victory cries.
On earth they wept through bitter years;
now God has wiped away their tears,
transformed their strife to heavenly life,
and freed them from their fears.
For now they have the best at last;
they keep their sweet eternal feast.
]At God's right hand our Lord commands;
he is both host and guest.
3. O blessed saints, now take your rest;
a thousand times shall you be blest
for keeping faith firm unto death
and scorning worldly trust.
For now you live at home with God
and harvest seeds once cast abroad
in tears and sighs. See with ne eyes
the pattern in the seed.
The myriad angels raise their song.
O saints, sing with that happy throng;
lift up one voice; let heaven rejoice
in our redeemer's song!
The images of this Norwegian folk song tell the story of saints who endured the suffering of this world by keeping their faith focused on the future of God's great story of salvation. Capturing the previews in the book of Revelation, we see bright, white-robed saints before the throne of light, shouting their victory cries. While living in this world, these immigrants from the old country "wept through bitter years." They scorned worldly things. They cast seed in tears and with sighs, and now they harvest with new eyes seeing God's pattern in their seed.
We are all like immigrants who seek a better life. How extraordinary that God has an eternally splendid life for all who trust in the Savior's gift of grace. "O saints, sing with that happy throng; lift up one voice; let heaven rejoice in our redeemer's song!"
God of love, we marvel at the vision of life beyond this world. Wash away the tears of hardship that cloud my eyes. Cleanse my soiled life with the blood of the risen Lord. Thank you for a new song and a new future and a new life with you. Amen.
Betsy Dartt, '81
Visitation Pastor, Our Savior's Lutheran, Spring Valley, Minn.
The Luther Seminary
2481 Como Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108, United States

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